Perhaps because of drinking alcohol today, Lin Chuyan actually said something like this. After saying it, he regretted it a little, but after facing the unbelieving look of the young man, he suppressed the regret.

In any case, he couldn't watch people with the same face as Jinghe stay in Fengyue place, even if he cheated, he would cheat this young man out.

"There are too many people here, can you go to my house?" Lin Chuyan thought, and first led them out. Although he has never ordered anyone in Fengyue Place, he also knows the rules here, but the silver liang is much more, and the girl and the little girl inside can be taken out.

After he finished speaking, seeing that the young man still didn't speak, he thought about it, and took two steps forward, tentatively holding the person into his arms. With this hug, Lin Chuyan could even feel that he was holding a man of the same **** as him.

Although the opponent is slender and soft, he is still a man.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuyan hugged people tighter, as if he was no longer ready to retreat.

"Master Lin, do you really want to raise me?" He heard the boy in his arms say in a casual voice, "but I don't like bondage."

Lin Chuyan said, "I won't force you to do things you don't like to do."

"Then you have to remember what you said tonight. You need to raise me for a lifetime." The other party's voice seemed to be brought out by the cold winter night. Lin Chuyan, who had drunk, didn't pay attention to his tone, only the sentence. words. His family background is not bad, raising a person is completely fine, but the problem is Shen Jue's face.

If outsiders know that he privately raised a young man who looks very similar to his sister-in-law, he will be undisputed by the time. Even if he raises Shen Jue in another courtyard, the subordinates in the other courtyard have more or less seen Jing He, but fortunately, Jinghe is always older than her boudoir, and not many people have seen her.

In a short while, Lin Chuyan had already figured out a way.

Shen Jue can't live in another courtyard. He needs to buy another house and another subordinate.

"Well, you live in the inn these few days. I bought a new house and packed it up. Then you move in. I will give you money every month. If the money is not enough, I will tell me what I usually buy. I will pay the money to the next person. You don’t have to worry about getting hungry when you run out of money. If you still want to read, I can ask you a master.” Lin Chuyan said softly, “But there is one thing, you can’t tell other people. Pick me up, whether it's my name, identity, or my appearance."

Shen Jue raised his eyes when he heard the words, and looked straight into Lin Chuyan's eyes, "Master Lin, are you preparing to hide the beauty in the golden house?"

Lin Chuyan did not deny, but calmly said "yes".

Shen Jue curled her lips and smiled slowly, "Well, I won't mention you to others."

Shen Jue used Ecstasy to temporarily fascinate the old bustard, so that the old bustard took a deed of sales as his deed and gave it to Lin Chuyan. As soon as he left the Tunjin Tower, Lin Chuyan handed the deed to Shen Jue, "You will keep this thing by yourself."

Then, he found an inn far away from the Lin Mansion and let Shen Jue check in. Before leaving, he glanced at Shen Jue and saw that the other person was sitting by the bed, looking straight at him. He thought for a while, walked back, stretched out his hand and raised Shen Jue’s chin, saying a little coaxing, "You will live here for a few days. It is not convenient for me to come and see you during the day. I can only come at night. Do you have something you like? I'll bring it over tomorrow night."

Shen Jue likes beauties now, but this answer obviously cannot be said, nor can he ask for nothing, otherwise Lin Chuyan will definitely doubt his intentions. After all, his proximity is actually very suspicious. Lin Chuyan does not doubt now, and does not guarantee that he will not doubt in the future. What Shen Jue has to do is to make the other person suspect as late as possible.

"Jewelry, I like beautiful things like jewellery." Shen Jue answered one thing that most people, especially the girls and young ladies in Tunjin Tower would like.

Lin Chuyan was not surprised at all when he heard this answer, so he said it directly. He looked at Shen Jue, bent over slowly, and pressed a very light kiss on Shen Jue's lips.

This kiss was made deliberately, half to coax each other, and the other half to test himself.


Lin Chuyan quickly bought the house, and three days later, Shen Jue moved in. They moved in at night. Because Lin Chuyan wanted to hide people's eyes and ears, Shen Jue was naturally willing, because his skin would turn blue and white during the day, and it was easy to be seen as a ghost.

The person Lin Chuyan bought was a dumb man who had never read a book, called A Yuan. A Yuan moved in one day early and cleaned up the two small houses with two inputs and two outputs. In the room where Shen Jue was staying, he even lighted the incense, but it was a bit thicker. Lin Chuyan couldn't help but frown as soon as he entered, but he saw that Shen Jue’s expression remained the same, so he didn’t mention the incense, just Ask Shen Jue if he is hungry.

"I'm not hungry, I want to take a shower." Shen Jue said.

When Lin Chuyan heard Shen Jue say he was not hungry again, he paused for a while before asking Ah Yuan to boil water.

Tonight, Lin Chuyan stayed here, sleeping with Shen Jue. Because A Yuan is a dumb, swift hands and feet, and not too much, he used to serve canaries who were raised outside. Now he sees Lin Chuyan and Shen Jue sleeping in the same room, he is not surprised, only doing What was ordered, seeing the two entering the house, he boiled the water on the stove in advance before returning to the house to rest. But he dared not sleep on the bed. He just sat on a stool, napping and listening to the movement outside.

While in the room, Lin Chuyan looked at the faint figure in the bed net, took a deep breath, walked to the bed, reached out to lift the bed net, the bed was also incense, he stayed in the house for a long time. Gradually, he got used to such a strong fragrance, but the person on the bed made him a little uncomfortable.

The young man on the bed was lying sideways, facing in, hearing the movement, half turned his head to look at him, he was obviously very similar to Jinghe, but the two felt very different to him. Compared to Jinghe, the teenager on this bed probably came out of the Tunjin Building, always with a bit of flattery. This flattery is also very strange, sometimes not.

Sometimes he felt that the young man was so charming and charming, but sometimes he felt that the other party's eyebrows were cold, and he didn't take anyone to his heart, especially those eyes, which seemed to be glitzy on the surface but ice that could not be melted underneath.

Lin Chuyan calmed down before getting on the bed and pulling the boy next to him into his arms.


Yuan waited until the lights in the room went out, and before anyone came out to ask for water, he fell asleep.

The next day it was still dark, Lin Chuyan got up and left. It was far from the Lin Mansion. He needed to get up early to rush back to the mansion. After getting up and getting dressed, he looked back at the sleeping teenager.

The young man slept on his stomach, with thick black hair covering most of his body, only a small side of his face was exposed. The light in the room was too dim, and Lin Chuyan did not dare to light the lamp for fear of waking him. He stared at Shen Jue for a while before turning to leave.

Since then, Lin Chuyan has maintained the regularity of coming once every three or four days. Every time he comes in the middle of the night, he will leave before dawn. In this way, Shen Jue’s weirdness is not found, and A Yuan is always caught by Shen Jue every day. After using Ecstasy, he would not tell Lin Chuyan that Shen Jue had never eaten anything.

Only once, Lin Chuyan suddenly took Shen Jue into his arms and touched Shen Jue's belly, "Did you not eat dinner tonight?"

Shen Jue didn't say yes or no. Lin Chuyan saw this and was silent for a moment before saying, "This is not Tunjin Tower. You won't get fat if you eat something at night, even..."

Before he finished speaking, the person in his arms struggled to leave. Lin Chuyan remembered what he had said before and did not restrain Shen Jue, so he shut his mouth and hugged him back again.

Hugging it back, seeing the person still struggling, he lifted his face and kissed it.

After the kiss, he could still feel the other person struggling, like a tantrum domestic cat, Lin Chuyan had to touch Shen Jue's earlobe.

In this way, the domestic cat was smoothed and put away its paws.

In this way, time slowly drifted to the end of the year. At the end of the year, Lin Chuyan was even busier. He might not be able to come one day in ten days. He finally came and left after sitting for a while, but he always brought gifts, which were all jewelry.

Lin Chuyan finally got a little free when it was out of the first month. Whenever he had time, he took a box of jewels to Shen Jue's.

He went late at night, when Shen Jue was already asleep. Shen Jue really fell asleep. These days when Lin Chuyan was absent, he was not idle. He went to see the beauties on the street, especially the lantern festival two days ago. There were a lot of people traveling, and he saw a lot of good-looking people, because After being idle for too long, the lantern came back. He changed his face several times at once, and when he painted Jinghe's face again, he was already very tired, so he went back to the house bought by Lin Chuyan and fell asleep.

It just didn't last long before I was awakened.

He raised his eyelashes, and there was sleepiness in his eyes. When he saw that the person in front of him was Lin Chuyan, he was taken aback. After reacting, he wanted to pull his hand back, but Lin Chuyan didn't loosen it. Instead, he kissed from his fingertips to his wrist.

Lin Chuyan paused suddenly when he kissed his wrist. He looked at the unknown paint on Shen Jue's wrist, raised his eyes, and looked at the opponent.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: A Jing 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 2 in the universe; there should be 1 stars;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Miwu, Xiaoyu Ayun, Jue's God Weihehe, Chiyu Guyuan, Azhang grows very long, Aowu eats it in one bite, hahah23, a little cute, Yuluo, salty , One is Zixi sauce;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Friends upstairs, hello 75 bottles; Nasgar 60 bottles; 3609172130 bottles; 2079609529 bottles; ~& Shijian has diluted his vows 23 bottles; Aowu, eat it in one bite, the universe, the scene, Nankai, Anan, [Need to be afraid ?], 20 bottles of gurgling squeaking; 18 bottles; 16 bottles of soy sauce ringer and girl attacking are world treasures; 15 bottles of Buhuawu, pot, Moxianxian, and bibi; the salt has passed! 12 bottles; Jiajia, Lou Zhonghua, Three Three Three Three Three Prosperity, round11, Ye Yi, Su Wei, ZJ-Qi Mu, Chexia, Haru, Diminished Lights, Lady Sweet Tea, Deep Sea Fish, Natural Roll 10 bottles of moon bamboo; 9 bottles of awful, pheasant jue; 6 bottles of gangster gentleman; hehehehe, fylli, Xiaobailei in the waves, dream, ╰+rain☆天., 5 bottles of Ding Dong Dong Dong; la la la, 3 bottles of troubles; 8 pieces of abdominal muscles, dumplings (*?︶?*), people who love ice cream, 2 bottles of melon who know the wrong thing; Tata, big quick change, believer in the world. , Ah, this, 219033971 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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