It was cold in the winter and night, and the cold wind poured into Lin Chu's inkstone cuffs, but he didn't care about it, and walked into the house quickly, and when he was almost at the main house, he let go.

The lights in the main house were on, but there seemed to be no movement inside. After standing at the door for a while, Lin Chuyan reached out and pushed open the door.

The door is not locked.

After the door was opened, he stepped in and walked a few steps forward, only to see Shen Jue coming out from behind the screen.

Shen Jue's expression changed when he saw Lin Chuyan and the food box in his hand.

After Lin Chuyan put the food box on the table, his eyes swept across Shen Jue's body, and finally his eyes stayed on his face.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on." Lin Chuyan sat down on the stool by the table.

Shen Jue’s current clothes are purchased by Lin Chuyan, so he naturally dresses up according to his preferences. He is delightful with simple and elegant clothes, so most of the clothes he buys for Shen Jue are very plain. The only colorful ones are red. , It happened that Shen Jue changed into a red dress after bathing today.

Lin Chuyan looked at Shen Jue in red, and felt that the other party looked like the girl in his dream.

Shen Jue didn't expect Lin Chuyan to return today. After all, the other party left after the sky was gray this morning. Lin Chuyan has never been here for two consecutive days, nor has he been here so early. He saw Lin Chuyan coming in with a food box, and already guessed that the other party had met Yuan. After thinking about it, he said, "I don't like dinner, you know, but I don't want you to worry about it, so I let A Yuan still serves two people. There is a grandma nearby who is lonely and no one takes care of. I will ask Yuan to give my dinner to grandma to eat."

When Lin Chuyan heard this, the watery eyes did not move, but he reached out and opened the food box. The food inside was still steaming. After looking down for a while, he whispered, "Sit next to me."

The tone was as gentle as ever. Before entering the door, Lin Chuyan took away the gloom on his face, and became the gentle and elegant brother again.

Waiting for someone to sit next to him, Lin Chuyan took out the food in the food box, took the chopsticks, and put it on the bowl, "Eat it, how much you can eat, that grandma doesn't need you to worry about it in the future, I will let you Yuan will serve three people in the future."

Shen Jue is a ghost and can't eat mortal food at all. He looked at the food in front of him and hesitated. As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Lin Chuyan next to him say: "Why don't I feed you?"

It seemed that Lin Chuyan had to let him eat today, so there was only one way left to use Ecstasy on Lin Chuyan, but this Ecstasy might not necessarily be useful to the realm master, but he can only try it now. Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Lin Chuyan and began to cast Ecstasy, but after the Ecstasy was cast, Lin Chuyan's eyes were not blurred, instead he raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

It really didn't work.

Ecstasy is usually effective for people who are not steadfast in mind, like realm masters, who are usually extremely steadfast in mind, and are often not confused.

Ecstasy was useless, and Shen Jue couldn’t touch mortal food. Thinking of this, he raised his hand and wanted to repeat the scene of smashing jade this morning, but before he hit the bowl, Lin Chuyan took the bowl ahead of time. In the past, "Forget it, let me feed you."

"But I really don't have an appetite, I'm tired." Shen Jue stood up after speaking and walked to the side of the bed, but was directly pulled over by Lin Chuyan. Lin Chuyan pushed the person down on his lap, picked up the chopsticks in his other hand, first caught a piece of meat, and handed it to Shen Jue's lips.

Shen Jue smelled the food at close range and almost felt sick. For more than a hundred years, he smoked some joss sticks and fireworks. Before Xie Zhi asked him to drink tea, he almost couldn't stand it, let alone Lin Chuyan wanted him to eat meat.

"Ajue, open your mouth." Lin Chuyan looked at the red-clothed boy in his arms and said mildly, "Eat some, okay, eat a few bites, and I'll let you go to sleep after eating.

He spoke mildly and looked calm, but his actions revealed his true thoughts at this time. He completely tightened the hand on Shen Jue's waist and didn't let anyone go. Of course, Shen Jue wanted to escape, but he could escape, but he might expose his identity as a ghost painter.

At this point, Shen Jue couldn't help but press his lower lip, then hesitated to open his mouth and ate the piece of meat. As soon as he ate it, the smell of meat surged up in an instant. He no longer cared about Lin Chu Yan next to him, stood up suddenly, covered his lips and rushed out of the house.


When Lin Chuyan chased him out, he saw Shen Jue shrinking in the corner of the wall.

Shen Jue couldn't spit it out, and he felt uncomfortable as if being placed in the ice. It was so cold that he could barely move. For a while, he couldn't even return to his residence. When he heard the footsteps, he turned his head suddenly, and when he found that it was Lin Chuyan, his body became more and more hidden in the darkness.

He is a little bit uncontrollable now, he doesn't know if he will be seen by the other party.

When Lin Chuyan found that Shen Jue was hiding from him, he couldn't help but stop. Shen Jue squatted in the corner of the wall, mostly covered in darkness, with long hair almost to the ground, black hair and red clothes, and that delicate and lovely face was cast with a shadow, giving it a somewhat ghostly meaning. He watched this scene, stopped moving, just stood there looking at Shen Jue.

Shen Jue turned away when he saw Lin Chuyan's eyes. Because of the cold, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and hugged his arm. When his teeth were shaking with discomfort, the sound of footsteps sounded again.

Before he looked back, he was pulled up.

Lin Chuyan stared at Shen Jue's face tightly, and he said for a while.

"Just eating a piece of meat is so uncomfortable?"

Shen Jue didn't know if Lin Chuyan could see the ghostly aura on him. He examined Lin Chuyan's gaze and found that he couldn't see what the other party was thinking at the moment, so he could only nod first. As soon as he nodded, Lin Chuyan stretched out his hand.

That hand straightened out Shen Jue's somewhat messy long hair, and his fingertips touched Shen Jue's cheek, but with a touch, the boy in front of him retracted into the darkness again.

Before he could speak, the young man in front of him turned around and ran out from the back door beside him. When he chased him out, he was gone.

But when the other party left, there was no news. Lin Chuyan thought he would be back the next day at most, but after he waited for four or five days without seeing anyone back, he had to go to the Tunjin Tower.

He didn't know where Shen Jue was going, thinking that the only person who might know Shen Jue's whereabouts was the madam of Tunjin Tower, but this question caused a question.

"You said Qing Lian is him?" Lin Chuyan looked at the Qingyi boy opposite with a strange expression.

Although the young man in front of him puts on makeup, he can still see that he looks tired, and the bruises under his eyes can't be covered by powder, but the important thing is not this, but he is not Shen Jue.

When Lin Chuyan ransomed Shen Jue, he was afraid that there would be a problem with the redemption, so he took a look at the deed. The name on it was "Qing Lian". At that time, he just thought that "Qing Lian" was Shen Jue's in the building. Flower name.

"Qing Lian is him." Madam said, "Master Lin, did you remember the wrong person?"

"What about Shen Jue? Do you remember him?" Lin Chuyan said.

Madam thought for a while, and shook her head, "No impression, I have a good memory. Guests who only came here once, as long as they have spoken to me, I can remember them, but what you said Shen Jue, I have never heard of this. first name."

Lin Chuyan couldn't help but stared at the young man named Qing Lian for a while, "Then I ransomed a young man named Qing Lian in your place a few months ago. You gave me the deed of selling to me at that time. remember?"

When the mother heard this, she was even more stunned, "No, you didn't redeem Qing Lian with me, let alone Qing Lian. In the past few months, we have not redeemed girls or young ladies in our building."

Lin Chuyan's expression was already a little wrong after hearing this, "Then can I see Qing Lian's sales contract?"

The bustard didn't find Qing Lian's sales deed. At this moment, the bustard panicked, and then she turned the box to the bottom. Although she did not find the sales deed, she found a pile of silver tickets in another box.

That banknote was just enough to redeem Qing Lian.

Lin Chuyan turned pale when he saw the stack of silver bills. Then he left Tunjin Building and returned to Shen Jue's residence, calling A Yuan over.

"Tell me honestly, have you noticed anything strange about Shen Jue during these days?"


Good night~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: A Jing 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 3 VivalaVida; 290749401;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 4 VivalaVida; 2 Lisk Xuan Yeshe; fylli, UlA, Jiuyue Sushuang, LY, Jue'er God Weihehe, Ching Leng, Ah Zhang is very long, humming, Zhou Zhou Ah 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of Doubanjiang; 30 bottles of Big Fruit Pterocarpus; 20 bottles of fafa; 18 bottles of Lisk Xuan Yeshe; 10 bottles of Andokie, Jinmozhehei, Sweet Mushroom, ZJ-Qimu, Smile Kill, Ajun, Mango, and Shushengyixiao; Yan Qian, Yu Shi Tian Wang szd, Gentleman does not move, the night of kittens and stars, Mo Shang Yuhan, Xinyue Changgeng, UlA, September wine, Kebai, Xiaoxi 5 bottles; embarrassing cancer, 36026901, la Lala, there are 2 bottles of gangsters; the Great Wall cried to death Meng Jiangnu, ah, this, if, 1 bottle of Wang Ziyi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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