After that "first inkstone", the surrounding fell into dead silence, and no one spoke.

Xie Zhi looked at Lin Chuyan who was not far away, and then at the people under him. After a while, his face turned pale.

It can be said that the calmest of the three is Shen Jue. He looked at Lin Chuyan and smiled silently at first, but the smile was exhausted, and no smile entered his eyes, but tears fell down his eyes.

The hand that was holding the bed board stretched out to the other party.

Xie Zhi looked at that hand stretched out, his lips trembled, and he seemed to understand something.

There was still an embarrassing voice when I quit.

Then he immediately let go of Shen Jue, picking up the clothes on the ground with his hands down and putting them on his body. His hands kept shaking while he was wearing them. He did not tie the belt for a long time, and finally he threw away the belt anxiously. Turning his eyes to look at Lin Chuyan.

Xie Zhi approached Lin Chuyan step by step, but as soon as he approached, he received a punch in the face. If it is said that Lin Chuyan used only five points to hit Xie Zhi, but now he uses a lot of force. After he slapped Xie Zhi's face, he grabbed the other's collar and slammed it up with one punch after another.

Xie Zhi was vomiting blood when he was beaten, and the dazzling blood dripped down his delicate chin. He did not hide or fight back, and was beaten by Lin Chuyan. It wasn't until Xie Zhi was beaten that he had a bruised nose and swollen face and fell to the ground, that Lin Chuyan took away his hand.

Lin Chuyan's hands were full of blood, he didn't look at Xie Zhi on the ground, and walked to the bed.

"You are Chu Yan, who is he?" Xie Zhi whispered behind him, mixed with pain and despair.

These words made Lin Chuyan stop, and he turned his head to look at Xie Zhi. There was no expression on that face that had always been gentle at this time, "What's the matter with you?"

This sentence meant that he was no longer good friends with Xie Zhi, and even if the two had quarreled no matter how fierce they were before, they had never said such a thing. Xie Zhi and Lin Chuyan grew up together since they were young, and after hearing these words, they fully understood what the other party meant.

Lin Chuyan turned his head back, he walked to the bed, his eyes saw the person on the bed from the beginning to the end, and finally stayed on the other person's face. Seeing Lin Chuyan approaching, Shen Jue reached out to Lin Chuyan's half-empty hand. He stretched his hand hard until he touched the other's sleeves, pulled the sleeves tightly, and put them in his hands.

He didn't speak, but looked at Lin Chuyan with tears in his eyes. Now there was nothing but a desert inside those smart eyes, and the plum blossom print spread down from the neck. Even the one holding Lin Chuyan's sleeve had blue marks on his wrist.

Lin Chuyan only glanced at it and knew that it was caught by his hands vigorously.

He knows how tender this skin is, so tender that he can't bear to touch it too hard, but now...

He couldn't help closing his eyes, and he understood how difficult things are in the world.

Back then, he first met Jinghe and deliberately told his parents about marrying Jinghe, but before he mentioned it, he found Jinghe's handkerchief on his elder brother's table.

Jinghe is good at female workers, and his embroidery skills are simply superb. With the embroidery on it, he can recognize at a glance that this handkerchief is Jinghe, not to mention that he has seen this handkerchief in Jinghe.

Later, he stopped and no longer approached Jinghe. As expected, three months later, his parents went to Jinghe's house to propose marriage for his eldest brother.

Now, no matter how uncomfortable he is, he can't bear to touch someone he really touched. He was touched by his friend, and he was hit by his own eyes...

Lin Chuyan lowered his eyes to look at the hand holding his sleeve. After a while, he raised his hand to wrap that hand into his palm, and then sat down by the bed. As soon as he sat down, the person on the bed threw himself into his arms. Lin Chuyan paused, then hugged the opponent. The first thing after the hug, he wrapped Shen Jue tightly with the quilt.

This scene fell into Xie Zhi's eyes. He watched Lin Chuyan wrap Shen Jue in a quilt, and saw Shen Jue clinging to Lin Chuyan's neck with his hands, and pressing his face against Lin Chuyan's shoulders, in a completely dependent posture.

He long eyelashes trembled, slowly raised his hand to wipe the blood from lips to chin, and then slowly got up. Xie Zhiben loves to wear red clothes, and now the blood is flowing on the red clothes, leaving a crimson mark.

"It wasn't you before?" His voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, "Why? Why? Why?!"

The last three "whys" are louder than once.

He wanted to get an answer. Why is there someone born exactly like Lin Chuyan in this world? Why would he be so stupid to admit the wrong person? Why do they seem to have such a good relationship?

Lin Chuyan held the person in his arms with one hand, and rubbed the other hand against the blood on the mattress. When the rub was almost done, he raised that hand and gently stroked Shen Jue’s long hair, and finally patted Shen gently. Jue's back.

This is the meaning of comfort.

Shen Jue was already tired, but now he is still holding on to his spirits. He was patted on the back by Lin Chuyan, and fell asleep unconsciously. When he woke up, he had changed to another bed, and Xie Zhi was gone. .

Lin Chuyan sat next to him and saw him wake up without speaking, but silently continuing his movements.

Shen Jue could naturally feel Lin Chuyan's hand. He gritted his teeth, and then couldn't help but grabbed the corner of the pillow next to him, biting it fiercely, as if biting, so that he could ignore other feelings.

Lin Chuyan retracted his hand, put it in the basin next to him, and washed it carefully.

"Fifth time." He said suddenly, "I have washed you five times and it is clean."

Shen Jue felt embarrassed when he heard this and couldn't help closing his eyes, but before long, he felt a warm breath falling on his face. As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Lin Chuyan's eyes, no more tenderness, no more tenderness, and only the invisible black was left inside.

"Ajue, he forced you, right?"

"Yes." Shen Jue whispered.

"How about the previous few times? He forced you?" When Lin Chuyan asked, his tone was so careless, as if it were just a casual question.

Shen Jue opened her lips. Before he could say anything, Lin Chuyan pulled his lower lip, his eyes became a little cold, "Don't lie, I don't like people who lie, A Jue, this is your last chance to tell the truth. ."

The words fell, and the room was quiet for a long time before Shen Jue's voice sounded.

"No, it's me...I am greedy for his appearance, and I...voluntarily." This sentence was only a dozen words short, but he stumbled.

After Lin Chuyan heard these words, he didn’t speak for a long time. He just stared at Shen Jue. I don’t know how long it took before he curled his lips and said softly, “It’s okay. It’s a thing before. I won’t mind. Just be together."

That's what I said, but the coldness in those eyes did not decrease.

Looking at Lin Chuyan like this, Shen Jue felt an ominous feeling in his heart, but now that he has reached this point, he can only look at it step by step. It wasn’t his intention to be caught by Lin Chuyan. It was a mixed blessing. Fortunately, Lin Chuyan might never pay attention to Xiezhi again.

He felt that Lin Chuyan seemed to have changed.

In the next few days, the performance of the other party confirmed Shen Jue's thoughts.

In this new house, Shen Jue has not even been able to get out of the door. He has no idea what it looks like outside, where he is now, and the bell on his ankle has been replaced with a golden bell. This time no matter what Shen Jue says. Lin Chuyan didn't mean to take it off, and he helped Shen Jue bathe every night.

Shen Jue was not allowed to do it himself at all. He came to wash, both inside and out.

The more times, some sawdust was removed from both sides of the bath tub. After Lin Chuyan found out, he changed the bath tub to a new one the next day.

After these days lasted for seven or eight days, Lin Chuyan left.

Before he left, he replaced the golden bell on Shen Jue's feet with black bells, but he added a chain to the black bell and tied it to the foot of the bed.

Shen Jue felt chills as he watched him do these actions, "Chu Yan, what are you doing?"

Lin Chuyan kept tying up. After he finished tying and locked it, he raised his head and smiled gently at Shen Jue, "A Jue, I'm going to be away for a while. Will you wait for me here?"

"Where are you going?" Shen Jue moved his left leg, and the bell moved with the chain. "Why are you tied to me?"

Lin Chuyan sat down by the bed and said in a calm tone that could no longer be calmer: "Because I'm afraid you will go to other people's places again. Be good, wait for me, at most one month, I can definitely come back."

Lin Chuyan didn't just leave for a month. The days went from summer to autumn. Shen Jue was tied to the bed. The chain was made of some material. It could not be pulled off like a black bell. However, Lin Chuyan was negligent. The chain could not be pulled off, but the bed could be moved. Shen Jue raised the bed and lifted it. The chain was torn from above.

In the first month, Shen Jue did not dare to leave because he didn't know when Lin Chuyan would return. Later, he put a piece of hair in the lock of the room door. When someone pushed the door in, the hair would fall to the ground.

He first went to Xie's Mansion, and there was no thanks in the mansion, and then he went to the Qianfo Temple.

Although Shen Jue couldn't kill Xie Zhi, he could scare Xie Zhi crazy. At this point, Shen Jue no longer wanted to hide his identity as a ghost. If Xie Zhi was resolved earlier, he could also alleviate a little bit of nausea in his heart.

The Thousand Buddha Temple is a century-old temple, and Shen Jue did not come here. Because he was afraid of the celestial master who would catch ghosts in it, he was very careful since he went up the mountain. When he successfully entered the Thousand Buddha Temple, he did not relax and tried to find thanks.

He first went to the yard where it was obvious that foreign visitors lived, and looked at every room. The people inside were not Xiezhi. He had to go to other yards to see Xiezhi. Finally, he found Xiezhi in the courtyard on the south side of the Qianfo Temple.

Shen Jue was taken aback by the appearance of Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi shaved his head. He shaved his head. He was still wearing clothes worn by a monk, holding a Buddhist prayer beads in his hand, sitting on the bed reciting sutras. He looks beautiful and looks like a good girl. Now he has shaved his head and looks like a fairy in the robes of a holy monk.

But Shen Jue hesitated after seeing this kind of thanks.

Xie Zhi didn’t know if there were any visitors, he kept meditating and reciting the scriptures. I don’t know how long he stopped and opened his eyes slowly. When Shen Jue saw him open his eyes, he was about to turn into a ghost and frightened Xie Zhi. Zhi opened his robe.

His left hand is a Buddhist bead, and his right hand is red, with delicate and beautiful eyebrows rippling.


A little cutie pointed out a bug. The golden bell is too loud on the feet. Let's replace it with a black bell. Anyway, there are many bells, perfect.

Purpose, all settings are for plot service.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Wangshu 1;

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 5 vivi; cold type, 2 EG; Mr. Nineteen, lovely drawing board, Jue's **** Weihehe, I love Shurachang, Ah Zhang is very long, 00, Huang Liang Yi Meng, MUA~?, bamboo branch flowers, 255857051;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

52 bottles of Qiandeng Zhaoye; 30 bottles of King of Wanyao;. Gone, 20 bottles of time before dawn; 19 bottles of Lotte Heaven; 16 bottles of Jiao Jiao Dafa; 14 bottles of the exhibition curator year; Chang Kashi, Qingshan sees me like this, Mu Mu, 27160253, Daguo Zitan, Shen dream for the vast land, shallow glass in summer, worse, Stitch, middle-aged girl, oh Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo 10 bottles;? battlovena8 bottles; Katerina, clouds do not remember, can have both fish and bear's paw almost five bottles; small stars, 379,720,653 bottles; 212,769,522 bottles; ah, this, Fei Che, and Ah Meng love 1 bottle of mango;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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