"You..." Shen Jue saw Xiezhi in front of him, and was speechless for a while.

Xie Zhi still became a ghost, even a ghost. Grieving ghosts are different from painted ghosts. They stay in the world because of grievances. Generally, the deeper the grievances of this kind of ghosts, the stronger the Taoism.

The young man in front of him is a little different from when he was a human. His facial features are still beautiful and exquisite, but what fills his eyebrows is no longer a monster, but a ghost. If there is a black mist lingering between his eyebrows and eyes . This kind of ghost made Xiezhi now look a little scary, even if he is beautiful.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Xie Zhi leaned forward, and his long hair on his shoulders fell like water. His phoenix eyes blinked slightly, and there seemed to be a bit of ridicule hidden in them, "You shouldn't be surprised. Let Lin Chuyan peel my skin, and you should know that I will come back. How can I look at you two as a pair of ghosts? En-en-love-love."

Shen Jue saw the other person approaching and couldn't help but leaned back, but just after he leaned back, his arm was violently pulled and his body was pulled forward, and the two quickly moved closer. Xie Zhi's face was very close to him, "He called you Ajue, right? Then I will call you Ajue from now on. Ajue, do you want to see how I look without skin?"

As soon as the words fell, his appearance changed quickly.

Ghosts can become their worst appearance before death, and Shen Jue has no memory of being a ghost in this realm, and can't remember how he died, so he can't change it. When he tried to scare Xiezhi, he changed to the scariest appearance he could imagine.

But now suddenly seeing Xie Zhi's appearance, Shen Jue couldn't help but pause. After this pause, he felt the opponent's hand touched.

"Ajue." Xie Zhi was calling him.

Shen Jue seemed to hear the sound of blood dripping on him, and the face in front of him was getting closer and closer. Even Shen Jue could not help closing his eyes at this time.

After closing, I heard the other party's laughter.

"It turns out you would be afraid. Why are you not afraid when Lin Chuyan kills me? Why are you not afraid of wearing my skin? Open your eyes!" Xie Zhi's voice fell completely cold after the next three words.

Shen Jue was silent for a while, then slowly opened his eyes, the ghost in front of him had changed back to normal, but now there was no smile in his eyes. Xie Zhi looked at him with a cold face, not knowing what he was thinking, and Shen Jue was thinking what to do now.

Xie Zhi is now a resentful ghost, resentful, and will not go to reincarnation obediently, unless a ghost is aware of his existence and take the initiative to catch him, and Shen Jue knows now from the first sight of Xie Zhi He can't beat Xiezhi.

Xie Zhi is a body of pure yang. After becoming a ghost, he becomes a body of pure yin. He is still a grieving ghost. It can be said that Xie Zhi is now a ghost.

Only the ghost chase can deal with Xiezhi, but Shen Jue doesn't know when the ghost chase will come, and the ghost chase will take him away with him. As a result, he could no longer see Lin Chuyan.

"Today is New Year's Eve. As usual, people will go to the streets to see the fireworks set by the Ministry of Households in front of the high-rise building. Let's go and see too." Xie Zhi said slowly in a cold voice.

As soon as the words fell, he pulled Shen Jue up and dragged people out.

Shen Jue was pulled by him and almost fell to the ground, but before he fell down, one hand vigorously embraced his waist and helped him up.

Xie Zhi glanced at Shen Jue up and down, and there was obvious mockery in his eyes, "Is my legs so soft?"

When Shen Jue met his expression, he knew that he wanted to be crooked, but Shen Jue did not want to explain.

"I don't want to go." Shen Jue wanted to withdraw his hand, but Xie knew that he was now a grudge, and his strength was not something Shen Jue could resist.

But after two steps, Xie Zhi stopped because he heard the jingle of Shen Jue's ankle.

Xie Zhi twisted his eyebrows, and suddenly hugged Shen Jue back to the top, took off his boots and socks, all in one go.

He looked at Jin Ling on Shen Jue's ankle and put his hand on it, and in the following scene, Shen Jue was almost stunned because Jin Ling broke.

It broke in Xie Zhi's hands.

When Jinling broke, it was completely unobstructed. Just like that, Shen Jue was torn out of the house abruptly, and was pulled out of the house by Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi grasped Shen Jue's arm forcefully and dragged the person away. At the same time, he said: "If you don't want to be discovered that you are a ghost, you'd better be invisible."

"What if I don't?" Shen Jue was also cold at this moment.

When Xie Zhi heard the words, he paused, and then he looked back at Shen Jue's face, his red lips twitched, "Then you will let the people in the city see me holding you without skin, it's better to attract ghosts or something. Heavenly Master, take us all, I see how you will hook up with men in the future." The smile on the corner of his lips became mocking, "That's how the skin on you was cheated."

Shen Jue was threatened in this way, and for a while, there was no way. He could only hide himself with Xie Zhi, and at the same time tried to find a way to solve Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi will not give up, and the skin on his body is Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi wants to find him easily.

He was dragged forward, thinking about how to solve the other party as soon as possible. When he heard the noise of the surrounding people getting more and more noisy, he noticed that they had reached the largest dry gate street in the capital.

The high-rise building is just behind Ganmen Street. It is best to watch fireworks here.

When he arrived at Ganmen Street, Shen Jue couldn't help becoming a little anxious. He promised Lin Chuyan to watch fireworks and lanterns together. If Lin Chuyan went back now and found that he was not there...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the young man walking in front of him. Xie Zhi is now in a state of invisibility, walking through the crowd at will. The flower lights on both sides of the street fall on him, making the red dress on him more beautiful, like a wedding dress, but only Shen Jue can see this scene. .

Shen Jue obviously didn't have this idea of ​​appreciation. He stared at Xie Zhi's back, thinking about how to solve the other party.

When they walked to the lake in the city, Xie Zhi suddenly stopped. He looked back at Shen Jue, and after a while, he said, "Did you see that?"

He looked at a boat on the lake.

Shen Jue followed his gaze. There were a lot of boats on the lake. The one Xie Zhi said was not too conspicuous.

"It's good to watch the fireworks on the lake, let's go up." Xie Zhi didn't wait for Shen Jue to refuse, grabbing his arm with one hand, and the other hand directly around Shen Jue's waist, and forcibly led the person up.

There were other people on the boat, but none of them could see Shen Jue and Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi pulled Shen Jue into the cabin. There were small rooms inside. When he reached the corner room, he took Shen Jue in.

As soon as Shen Jue entered, he saw Lin Chuyan inside.

Lin Chuyan was sitting at the table. There were seven or eight people sitting beside him. There were men and women. On his right was a woman who was helping Lin Chuyan pour wine.

Lin Chuyan thanked me kindly, and the woman's red face turned red when she heard it. As soon as the men around saw it, they immediately began to joke.

What's more, let Lin Chuyan take the people back tonight.

"Did you see it?" Xie Zhi didn't know when he stuck to Shen Jue's back. He lowered his head while speaking, and said this sentence almost to Shen Jue's ear.

Shen Jue hid suddenly, seeing Xie Zhi's eyes with obvious disgust.

The room was noisy, but no one heard the words Xie Zhi just said.

Lin Chuyan only smiled when he was joking, but someone who was doing something good next to him directly pushed the woman into Lin Chuyan's arms.

The woman panicked and was about to get up immediately, but she couldn't stand up together and fell again.

This fall, the whole house laughed.

Xie Zhi's voice sounded again, "Do you think she is familiar?"

Shen Jue discovered early that this woman is a bit like Lin Chuyan's sister-in-law, three-pointed like.

Facing the teasing, Lin Chuyan was calm, and did not help the woman to get the other party up.

This banquet seemed to start in the afternoon. After a few drinks, someone said that it was late and said that he would go back to dine with his family.

When these words came out, many people dispersed. Lin Chuyan stayed at the end. He paid the money and was about to leave. The woman who poured him the wine before suddenly appeared again.

"The son." The woman looked at Lin Chuyan affectionately, "I..."

Lin Chuyan looked at her, took out a silver ticket from her arms and interrupted the other party, "Is it enough?"

"What...what?" The woman was visibly stunned.

Lin Chuyan still has that gentle appearance, but the words are very unpleasant, "Go and heal your legs. If you always stand unstable, I'm afraid you can't stand anymore."

After the woman listened, her eyes were red, and she turned her head and ran away without taking any money. Lin Chuyan didn't care, and threw the bank note on the table.

He was about to leave.

When Shen Jue saw Lin Chuyan go, he couldn't help taking a step. He thought Xie Zhi would stop him, but Shen Jue was surprised that Xie Zhi did not stop, but Xie Zhi also followed.

He followed Lin Chuyan, and Xie Zhi followed him. Shen Jue wanted to go back to the house first, but Xie Zhi didn't stop, but he followed.

"What do you want to do? Xie Zhi."

Shen Jue felt that Xie Zhi must have had bad intentions and he wanted to retaliate against them, but Shen Jue did not know how he planned to retaliate.

"So anxious to know?" Xie Zhi looked at him with a faint smile, "Lin Mian should be coming soon."

These words made Shen Jue feel ominous. He couldn't help but step back two steps. Once back, he accidentally stepped on the previously disconnected golden bell.

The disconnected golden bell made an unpleasant sound.


Immediately before Lin Chuyan entered the room, there was still a slight voice in the room. When he came in, there was no sound.

Shen Jue watched Lin Chuyan come in and closed his eyes in embarrassment, but Xie knew not to let him go. He pinched his chin and passed the sound to him.

"Your Chu Yan has come, why don't you ask him for help? Didn't you do a good job?"


Xie Zhi: Actually I want to zhuojian...

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 North North;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: a little cute, Tang Qianyan, Jue's **** Weihehe, Dalai_Lareina, Beibei, my stinky control, Qiran, Ling Qing, oh yo yo yo yo yo, A zhang 1 long long;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Beibei 46 bottles; Liu Lizishu and Chuanliu 40 bottles; Little Potatoes, Little Fairy Yeah 30 bottles; 2erle 29 bottles; Qi-Alexa, Cat Rabbit Wolf Snake, Luo Yi, (the text in brackets is not visible) 20 bottles; Tian Yan, 16 bottles of Hao Su Wei Xing; Moonlight, GSS, Huanyou, Xiaoxin, Gu Liu, Keke~, Miao Tuo Shui, Hennnnn, Creep, Ning Zhu, and Lao Ding downstairs 10 bottles; Rihe Naosha locked 9 bottles; 8 bottles at a glance; 7 bottles of BL lovers, Crow in the snow; 5 bottles of Shangjiang Yehua and Weiwei; 4 bottles of fish meal without coriander; 211658283 bottles; Tang Ran, Da Da Duck, not enough kimchi, Yan Qian and Yuandao 2 bottles; ah, this, the prison tomb, the research work dumplings (*?︶?*), give a chestnut, the sweet wine glutinous rice ball, Zhan Xuyang, the red blood glass, if, Fei Che, the believer in the world. , Matatabi, Mu Qisheng, I love Shurachang, Su Ming., Jueer Shenwei Hehe 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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