Ni Xinyan swept Murong Xiu's face in public, and when he returned to his seat, there was still a smug smile on his face, as if he had become a hero of the world and had just saved a delicate beauty from a bad guy.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at "Beauty" and found that "Beauty" was looking at him with a strange look.

Ni Xin was stunned, "Why do you look at me like this?"

Shen Jue really didn't expect that Ni Xinyan just talked to Murongxiu like this, but that's good, he didn't want to watch Ni Xinyan fall in love with Murongxiu at first sight and go back the same way, then he would be in trouble.

"Isn't you afraid of the sixth prince being angry when you talk to the sixth prince like this?" Shen Jue asked.

Ni Xinyan heard this when Shen Jue was worried about him, and stretched out his hand to rub Shen Jue’s head, “What’s so terrible about this? How could he be angry? We all went to the frontier. It’s been a year and a half. I can’t come back. It is estimated that when we return to Beijing, the Sixth Prince will have forgotten this."

No, Murong Xiu is a very stubborn person, and he holds grudges in his bones.

When they return to Beijing, I don't know what Murongxiu has become. Murong Xiu took advantage of the Eighth Prince and regained the favor of Concubine Jing. What should be the next step?

Shen Jue thought, Murong Xiu, who had memory, was afraid that he would not be willing to be a puppet emperor anymore, but the future regent sitting in front of him would look innocent and kind.

He couldn't help but smile and stopped answering.

What surprised Shen Jue was that he stayed in the frontier for six years and grew from a child to a teenager.

In the barracks, although he was born as a eunuch, but because of Ni Xinyan’s care and love, everyone did not look down on him much. Even if he did, he didn’t dare to show it on his face, because in the first year or two of his arrival, Ni Xinyan was because of this. Many people have been punished.

Shen Jue thought that he could return to Beijing in three years at most, but now it seems that returning to Beijing is nowhere in sight.

After King Ning won the victory six years ago, he took orders to garrison the frontier. Although the foreign enemy was defeated, he had to cross the border and provoke him every three times. Therefore, the Ni family army also sent troops from time to time, but Shen Jue never participated.

He is not interested in these fights, if it is not necessary, he will not do it.

But Ni Xinyan cared too much for Shen Jue. For the past six years, he has been training with Shen Jue every day. The result is that Shen Jue's appearance has changed from previous lives. In the deep palace, Shen Jue seldom gets exposed to the sun, so his skin is always pale, but now he has developed a wheat-colored skin with a faint power under the skin. At the age of sixteen, Shen Jue's height has reached Ni Xinyan's ears.

But because Shen Jue has never grown a beard, and even his body is very clean, unlike other men in the army.

But Shen Jue is not the most conspicuous in the barracks, because there is also Ni Xinyan.

Six years later, Ni Xinyan has become much more stable than when he was a teenager, faintly with the shadow of the future regent. Although he ate, slept and trained with the soldiers, his white skin seemed to be tanned.

Ni Xinyan is not very happy himself, and often looks at Shen Jue enviously.

"Xiao Jue, the rations in the capital will arrive tomorrow. I'm going to take the soldiers to pick them up. Will you come with me?" Ni Xinyan lay on the couch with a long leg curled randomly, and Mo's long hair was slapped. The blue cloth tape was casually tied behind his head, and there was a slight smile on his handsome white face.

Shen Jue refused without even thinking about it.

Ni Xin sighed, "Go, I told the sage that I would train you to be a general, but you turned out to be a messenger in the army. How is this different from being in a palace?"

"I don't like that smell." Shen Jue said coldly, and smashed the clothes he had received on Ni Xinyan's body by the way, "Go take a shower."

Ni Xinyan stepped on the ground with his long legs and stood up all of a sudden. He leaned close to Shen Jue abruptly, "This is masculine, what do you know as a kid?" He smiled low, his eyes full of jokes. The heat of his nose sprayed onto Shen Jue's face.

Shen Jue frowned with the smell of sweat on his body. He glanced at Ni Xinyan displeasedly, and got up to go out.

"Hey, I'll go now." Ni Xinyan grabbed the clothes on the couch and walked out. When passing by Shen Jue, he couldn't help squeezing the opponent's face, and then speeded up his pace and walked out of the tent.

Shen Jue wiped her face with the back of her hand blankly.

In the middle of the night, Shen Jue was awakened by the noise outside the tent. He turned over and found that there seemed to be a lot of fire outside the tent. He thought for a while, then put on a coat and got up out of the tent.

I saw the mess outside the tent, and many people rushed out of their camp. Shen Jue noticed that the lieutenants of each team were counting the numbers. He frowned and immediately walked to Ni Xinyan's tent.

The candlelight was bright in Ni Xinyan’s tent. When Shen Jue rushed in, Ni Xinyan just put on his helmet. He saw Shen Jue and said: "The young thief from Yongguo knows the route of our ration. I will send troops now to avoid being robbed."

When Shen Jue heard this, he was suddenly unsure. He immediately said, "I want to go too."

Ni Xinyan looked at him, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't you want me to earn military merit? I want to earn today." Shen Jue said.

Ni Xin smiled, "You better go back to sleep, don't make trouble."

After he finished speaking, he walked out. Shen Jue quickly blocked him when he saw this, with a serious expression, "I'm not making trouble, I want to go with you, if you don't let me go, I will follow it secretly, unless you ask someone Tie me, but if you let people tie me, then you can mend your clothes yourself."

This threat made Ni Xinyan speechless. He hissed slightly, and for a while, he pursed his lower lip, and said helplessly: "Well, follow me if you want, but follow me, don't go around."

"Good." Shen Jue said.

Shen Jue had to keep up with Ni Xinyan because he felt weird, but what he didn't expect was that the ominousness in his heart was true.

Many people died that night. Ni Xinyan only took a few thousand people to protect the military rations, but he did not expect that the Yongguo Army had ambushed a full 50,000 people there, and all the people Ni Xinyan led died there.


The corpses were everywhere, blood was mottled, and the air was filled with a strong and unpleasant smell of blood.

Suddenly, a dirty hand stretched out from under a corpse, and for a moment, a person slowly crawled out of the corpse mountain. That person was Shen Jue, and he crawled out with great effort, his face covered with blood. He looked around, but did not see Ni Xinyan.

"Ni Xinyan! Ni Xinyan!" Shen Jue stood up tremblingly and called Ni Xinyan's name loudly, but no one answered him. Shen Jue raised his hand to wipe the blood on his face, gritted his teeth and began to search for the corpse. If Ni Xinyan died, then he would have to see the other's body.

In fact, there is this battle in every life, but at that time Shen Jue was in the deep palace, and only remembered what happened three years after King Ning's expedition, but I didn't expect that this incident would happen after three years.

When they arrived here last night, they were ambushed. Numerous bows and arrows were shot at them. Ni Xinyan chopped off the arrows shot at Shen Jue and entrusted Shen Jue to a lieutenant. Shen Jue was able to survive, and he was also that lieutenant. Protect his body in front of Shen Jue before death.

There were too many corpses. Shen Jue turned to the sunset and didn't see Ni Xinyan. He fell to the ground without strength. He hadn't eaten anything for a day, his stomach was burning badly, and he looked up at the unseen body, a moment of confusion flashed in his eyes.

For some reason, he always felt that this battle, which was delayed for three years, was related to Murong Xiu.

When Shen Jue was thinking about something, the corpse not far in front of him suddenly moved. Shen Jue caught a glimpse and ran over. He stretched out his hand to remove a corpse lying on his back, and saw Ni Xinyan, who was crushed underneath and his body covered in blood.

Ni Xinyan opened his eyes slightly, he saw Shen Jue in front of him, his mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound. Shen Jue wanted to lift Ni Xinyan out, but as soon as he met Ni Xinyan, the other party took a deep breath, his forehead was sweaty.

Shen Jue's movements stopped abruptly. He carefully observed Ni Xinyan and found that the opponent's armor seemed to be bleeding. Shen Jue took a dagger from a corpse next to him, cut Ni Xinyan's armor away, and saw an arrow emerge from the opponent's abdomen.

The arrow was shot from the back, piercing the entire abdomen.

Shen Jue frowned, turned Ni Xinyan over halfway, and found the arrow that was broken in Ni Xinyan's body. He can't take the arrow now, there is no fire here, if he takes the arrow rashly, he may be infected.

He hesitated for a moment, and then picked Ni Xinyan on his back. He was struggling to carry it, and the person who was carrying it was dizzy.

Although Shen Jue has grown taller, he is thinner. With Ni Xinyan on his back, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground several times. But Ni Xinyan’s wound was covered and the blood kept flowing. His face became paler and paler. He woke up once because of pain in the middle. He stared at the person carrying him in confusion, and said tiredly: "Xiao Jue, go by yourself. Right."

Shen Jue rubbed his face on his shoulders and wiped away the sweat. He couldn't wipe the sweat with his hands now. His hands and feet seemed to be numb, and he was moving forward with a wave of perseverance.

"Shizi, the prince is still waiting for you, we can't give up." Shen Jue felt blood in his mouth when he spoke.

The fireflies in the grass were disturbed by them, and they flew into the air, like stars dotted the air.

Ni Xin stared at the dancing fireflies and closed his eyes. For a long time, he said, "Yes, I have to go back to see my father. This must be fraudulent, there must be a gangster..." Before he could say anything, he was already Fainted.

Shen Jue paused slightly. If he didn't guess wrong, Ni Xinyan was afraid he would not see Yongwang.

In previous lifetimes, Emperor Murong deliberately designed the robbing of grain and grass in order to kill King Yong and Ni Xinyan, but Ni Xin survived severely, and King Yong, who learned of his son’s disappearance, was not in chaos. It was a calm and composed troops lined up to protect the frontier, but an army without rations could not last long. After Ni Xinyan's disappearance, King Yong led the army for more than three months, but the court never sent food to help the soldiers.

On the day when the ammunition and food were exhausted, King Yong opened the gate and surrendered.

He surrendered for the people and soldiers all over the city.

The Yong people moved into the city and brought food, but they made one condition--

They want King Yong to commit suicide.

Shen Jue also heard about King Yong when he was in the palace. Everyone said that King Yong was an unparalleled hero in the world. He led soldiers to fight at the age of fifteen. He had won countless battles in his life and made the enemy frightened. Unfortunately, there were people who couldn’t tolerate it. The hero.


Wow, finally grown up.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 2 according to Yucen; 1 for Yangxi Xihehe and 1 Ligaotang;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 3 妘xihehehe; 2 hand-picked stars; 1 sign, Yueweizhu, Xiaoying, Eventually;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles of wood; 34 bottles of nonsense; 30 bottles of oranges?, Jewel; 20 bottles of Xuan Who?, Su Ning, Wang Chuanqing; 17 bottles of Cup Mo stop; ——. 12 bottles of fake catalpa; Kaya, hee hee hee, Lishang, early to bed and early to wake up zzz, double 叒叕, 10 bottles of shallow world; Herring Fei Fei, there are no 0, 8 bottles of Ling; Zisi, Shizuya Tower Ning, An Zhi Ruo Su, a large abdominal muscle, U, Xiao, Ling Ling Qixian, fox that loves fish, Ultraman monster biubiu ~ 5 bottles; two hearts,-ink dyed Qingcheng £, 3 bottles of pure white; red Martial Artist, Bazikai, Formalin’s Dream 2 bottles; Zhuxin Stop, Dark Snow Mountain, Rabbit, One Spectator, Man Liao, One One, Not Cute Underneath, Tao Xiao Su, Mo Da Ke Acridine, Stupid Abandon, Raven 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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