But Qin Jiao didn't come back that night, and he didn't even come back the next day. It wasn't until the evening of the next day that Shen Jue knew that Qin Jiao had left the Ten Halls. He left in a hurry and didn't even take away the clothes and jewelry in the room. The judge of the Six Halls took him away for unknown reasons.

When Zhicha told Shen Jue about this, his eyes were a bit complicated. He looked at Shen Jue several times, then opened the book in his hand, and after looking at it for a long time, he said, "Now there are enough ghosts in charge of cleaning. I heard You know spices. The ghost boy who was responsible for the clothes of the fairy and the spices of the palace was injured. You will fill this vacancy during this time."

Shen Jue was taken aback for a moment. Before he could speak, Zhicha had asked someone to take him to Lin Chuyan's palace.

Lin Chuyan was not in the palace. Shen Jue smoked all the clothes that Lin Chuyan wanted to incense. He didn't see anyone coming back, so he went back to his residence and was woken up just after he lay down after washing.

"Shen Jue, come out." It was Zhicha who called him.

When Zhicha saw Shen Jue, her face was very dignified, and her tone was worse than in the past, "What fragrance did you smoke on Xianjun's clothes today? Xianjun put on your smoked clothes after bathing, and now she has a large rash on her back. ."

Shen Jue twisted his eyebrows, "I smoke it according to the usual spices."

"You come with me." Zhicha glared at him, then turned and walked forward, in the direction of Lin Chuyan's palace. Shen Jue had no choice but to follow. After arriving at Lin Chuyan's palace, Zhicha's expression eased a lot, and she turned to Shen Jue and said, "No matter what Xianjun said later, you shouldn't talk back, you know?"

"Yeah." Shen Jue nodded. In fact, he thought it was a bit strange. He asked specially before using spices, how could it make people rash?

When they entered the palace, Lin Chuyan was wearing a white shirt and sitting by the bed, with a ghost doctor standing beside him. The ghost doctor was talking to Lin Chuyan in a low voice, and when he heard the movement, he turned his head, "You came just right. I just prescribed Xianjun a topical medicine. I should have come to help Xianjun rub it, but this will happen. Hell feels a little sick in his stomach, I rushed over to take a look."

As he said, he took a bottle of medicine from the medicine box and stuffed it into Zhicha's hand, and Zhicha took it and handed it to Shen Jue. Seeing that Shen Jue didn't pick it up immediately, he raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice. "Today's matter was caused by you. Is it possible that you still want to go back to rest after two sentences of training?"

Shen Jue pressed her lower lip and took the medicine bottle.

When Zhicha saw that Shen Jue had received the medicine bottle, the eyebrows returned to their original positions. He walked two steps towards Lin Chuyan and saluted: "Xianjun, today Shen Jue is responsible for incense on the clothes. He did this on the first day. It is inevitable that there are some omissions in the errand, and I hope that Xianjun will give him a chance to make up." He paused, "From the little one, it is better to punish him to apply medicine to Xianjun. When will the rash on Xianjun go back? Go back and rest."

Under the dim candlelight, Lin Chuyan's face was almost deceptively beautiful. Maybe it was Shen Jue's illusion, but it might not be. Shen Jue felt that after the soul merged, Lin Chuyan's face seemed to change faintly, and his eyes seemed to have become phoenixes. eye.

"Where is the ghost **** that incense before?" Lin Chuyan seemed to be in a bad mood, with gloomy eyes.

"The ghost servant was injured before, so the little one made a good suggestion and let Shen Jue take his place." Zhicha's expression in front of Lin Chuyan was panic and uneasy, completely unlike the way she talked to Shen Jue.

Lin Chuyan raised his eyebrows, and said after a long time, "No matter, you all go out. Just leave a rubbing agent."

As soon as these words came out, both the ghost doctor and Zhicha left. Before Zhicha left, Shen Jue gave Shen Jue a look. The meaning of the eyes was very obvious. He wanted Shen Jue not to make Lin Chuyan angry anymore, and take care of him.

Shen Jue looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, and after thinking about it, he walked over to the bed. He didn't look at Lin Chuyan's face, but lowered his head and said, "Please take off your coat, Xianjun."

There was no movement when the words were spoken. Shen Jue paused, raised his head, and met Lin Chuyan's eyes as soon as he raised his head.

Lin Chuyan didn't know how long he looked at him, but his eyes were even scarier than before. Shen Jue met such a look and pressed her lower lip. It was probably the last time that Lin Chuyan was beaten in public, and he was treated indifferently by the other side. Now facing Lin Chuyan like this, he didn’t know what to say for a while. Don't know what to do.

Although the spirits of Lin Chuyan and Xie Zhi merged, Lin Chuyan still hated him, it should be because he destroyed Lin Chuyan's robbery.

Lin Chuyan didn't speak, but looked at him gloomily. Shen Jue hesitated for a long time before saying: "Does Xianjun want me to rub the medicine? Then I will call Zhicha back."

He just turned around when he was stopped.

"You have to let others be punished for your mistakes?" Lin Chuyan said coldly.

Shen Jue paused and could only turn back, "Then please take off Xianjun's shirt."

Zhicha said the rash was behind his back, so he only had to wipe Lin Chuyan's back. Thinking of this, Shen Jue felt that he was a bit unlucky. He wanted to behave well so that Lin Chuyan could forgive him sooner, but now it seems that he is doing more and more wrong. It's just that he used the spice he used to smoke Lin Chu's clothes, so how could he get a rash?

This time Lin Chuyan finally did not stare at Shen Jue again. After he took off his shirt, Shen Jue saw that Lin Chuyan only had a rash on his upper left shoulder, and there was no other place, so he was relieved.

He smeared the medicine with the tip of his finger, smeared it on, and it was finished soon. After painting, he looked at Lin Chuyan, "Xianjun, the medicine is already applied, then I will..."

"The ghost doctor said that this medicine should be applied once half an hour, and you will stay here today." Lin Chuyan interrupted Shen Jue directly, raising his hand to extinguish the candle in the distance, leaving only one beside the bed. After doing this, he lay down, Liu Shenjue standing by the bed at a loss.

Shen Jue was really taken aback. He looked at the medicine bottle in his hand and then at Lin Chuyan who was already lying down and ready to go to sleep. Applying the medicine half an hour, it seems that he is going to stay here tonight, but there is not even a stool around here, the only thing that can sit on is Lin Chuyan’s bed, but his relationship with Lin Chuyan is really bad now, if he sits on it, Probably it will be hit by the spell like last time.

Thinking of this, Shen Jue had to sit on the floor at the corner of the bed. For the first two and a half hours, he was still awake, able to look at the clepsydra, and got up on time to apply medicine to Lin Chuyan.

Lin Chuyan leaned down to sleep, which was convenient for him.

When he got to the back, Shen Jue couldn't hold it anymore, his eyelids became heavier and he didn't know when he fell asleep later. In his sleep, it seemed that a mosquito was touching his face. He wanted to get rid of the mosquito, but he couldn't get rid of it. Finally, the mosquito bit his lips.


The residence is out of power, so I can only cut off the update, good night.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 A Jing;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Wuzhu, no coriander, no coriander, fylli, Jue's god, little star, a little cutie, tourmaline, 35604403, is it updated today, 嵶, 25537503, The fate is unspeakable, and the smoke is like a brocade;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

4080695130 bottles; 20 bottles of Xuan Yexue and Xiangmi; one hundred and 13 bottles; Bingmei, en~Qingqiu, Margaret is very sleepy, Cute/Yu., Baishusky, a pot is empty, cute and cute Toot mouth, black cat is not sleepy, 10 bottles of wind; Chinese little chef, for me, I have ever had 5 bottles; dream 4 bottles; devil, Pretend 3 bottles; green branch, if, MUA~?, believer in the world . , I love Shurachang, fylli, Huanbai, 1 bottle of Little Star;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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