A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (1)

At half past six in the evening, the last ray of sunlight disappeared.

The servants in the manor get up quietly, wash themselves, and prepare for the master’s awakening. One of the teenagers was very conspicuous among the group of people. Wearing a clean white shirt, he spread the tablecloth on the rectangular dining table and put a silver candlestick on it.

After he finished all this, he turned and went to the kitchen.

The kitchen is much more lively than outside, and many servants like to chat here.

When someone saw the boy coming in, they smiled and said hello, "Yuqing, good evening."

"Good evening." The boy replied, and he walked gently to the cook's side, "What are you eating tonight?"

The cook turned her head and glanced at him, and said with a smile: "The best human blood, because the owner is still weak, but the owner can't drink so much, so we can share a bite today.

Upon hearing this, Yuqing pursed her lips and smiled, and walked out of the kitchen again.

After going out, he looked to the third floor. Their owner, the duke of this manor, was still sleeping, but he was about to wake up soon. Some time ago, the duke went out hunting, accidentally hit by the black magic of humans, and was in a coma for several days. Finally, the best doctor in the empire was invited to save the duke's life.

This is not a particularly good thing for Yuqing, because the Duke often punishes people for no reason, but the Duke has fallen ill these days, and he has no energy to teach them.


The thick crimson velvet curtains conceal any ray of light that can enter the bedroom. In the middle of the master bedroom is a two-meter-wide bed on which a person is sleeping steadily. He folded his hands on his abdomen, the broken hair on his forehead was soft, and under the bridge of his straight nose were unusually bright red lips.

After a while, the owner of the bed opened his eyes.

He stared at the Liulitian guard for a while, then sat up and moved the golden bell next to the bed.

The third stage.

Shen Jue has been here for a few days.

This situation is different from the past. If Shen Jue has not experienced a few lives, he may not be able to adapt to this situation at all.

In addition to humans in this realm, there is also a strange species-blood.

Shen Jue is a member of the blood clan, and a member of the most noble blood clan of the thirteen clans.

In this realm, the land is divided into two ruling areas, one side is ruled by blood, and the other is ruled by humans.

The blood races and humans fought for years. The humans here are different from the humans Shen Jue had seen before. They can live for hundreds of years, and even the black magic that scares the blood races.

Shen Jue was accidentally hit by black magic while going hunting and almost died, so the retrospective mirror in his body worked.

Shen Jue, who has memories, naturally knows what happened to him in this realm in previous lives.

Unlike the previous ones, it was not the master of the realm that he fell in love with in this realm, but his hairpin Qiao Jiangyuan.

Qiao Jiangyuan’s parents and Shen Shen’s parents are close friends, so the two of them have always been in a good relationship, but Shen Jue’s feelings for Qiao Jiangyuan surpassed brotherhood. He fell in love with Qiao Jiangyuan, but he didn’t dare to say it, he could only imply each other. , But Qiao Jiangyuan just couldn't understand his hint.

Later, Shen Jue learned that Qiao Jiangyuan was not ignorant, he was just pretending to be stupid, because the person he liked was a servant named Yuqing in Shen Jue's Manor.

Yuqing is a half-blood, a child born from blood and humans.

The half-bloods were not accepted by the world by nature. The blood repelled them, and humans repelled them. Yuqing was thrown on the street after he was born. When Shen Jue’s father went to the border to meet his friends, he accidentally found Yuqing. He felt Yuqing was pitiful, so he brought Yuqing back.

From that day on, Yuqing became a servant of Shen Jue Manor.

Once you become a slave, you will have the family crest tattooed on your body.

The youth of Yu was very beautiful when he was young, and he almost possessed amazing beauty when he was an adult. The whole emperor could hardly pick out a blood clan more beautiful than Yuqing. He was like a treasure from heaven, and he was attracted by reason. The eyes of everyone included Qiao Jiangyuan.

Shen Jue didn't know that the person Qiao Jiangyuan liked was Yuqing until he smashed into Qiao Jiangyuan and Yuqing kissing in his rose garden.

He was very angry and very sad, but Shen Jue was proud at the same time. His noble status did not allow him to compete with a dirty half-blood, so he became addicted to drinking and gambling.

Only the excitement of alcohol and gambling made him forget Qiao Jiangyuan, the beautiful and emotional kiss between the two in the rose garden.

But this kind of degeneration finally cost Shen Jue a painful price.

He lost the family property completely, and even the manor passed down from his fathers could not be kept. He was driven out of the manor.

Shen Jue had nowhere to go, only a small wooden box beside him, and the money on his body was so small that he couldn't even rent a simple one-bedroom house. Shen Jue tried to find a job, but when those people saw Shen Jue, they refused.

"What will a noble duke like you do? You should go back."

Those people rejected him for this reason.

Shen Jue was running out of money, and at first he couldn't even live in a hotel. He had to go to a slum in the Imperial Capital, which was the only place he could rent a house.

The slums are filled with thieves, crooks, and poor people. After Shen Jue moved in, they didn't fit in here. His neighbor is a dark prostitute, who often screams during the day, which makes Shen Jue unable to sleep well, but this is not the most unbearable place.

Those guests often knock on the wrong door. When they see Shen Jue, they brighten their eyes and directly ask Shen Jue how much money he wants.

Shen Jue had never received such an insult. He scolded the guests severely, but one of the guests fell in love with Shen Jue because of it. He actually secretly opened the lock on Shen Jue’s door in a certain day. Went in.

Shen Jue was accustomed to being dignified, and he was not at all accustomed to this kind of opponent who had been accustomed to the rough blood clan, his pants were all taken off in half. Fortunately, the neighbor was awakened by his crying, and he walked over and took a look before chasing the perpetrator away.

After Shen Jue encountered this incident, he never dared to live here again. He packed his luggage overnight, and the remaining rent was not needed. He left the slum but had nowhere to go. Finally, he went to his manor, but unexpectedly saw Qiao Jiangyuan in the manor.

Only then did he know that his manor and all of his properties had been acquired by Qiao Jiangyuan, and in this way, Yuqing became Qiao Jiangyuan's person.

Shen Jue knew this fact and was very angry, but he had nothing to do, and even went to Qiao Jiangyuan in a low voice. He begged the other party to help him out of his past feelings.

Qiao Jiangyuan did not directly agree, but said he wanted to ask Yuqing first.

Shen Jue saw Yuqing again in the manor he was familiar with.

Yuqing is completely different from the original. He wears beautiful clothes and looks like an exquisite and gorgeous doll.

Shen Jue wanted to hide behind the leather shoes he opened, but as soon as he moved, Yuqing eyes fell on his shoes.

He laughed in a low voice. Although he didn't speak, Shen Jue felt an unprecedented sense of shame. He even wanted to turn around and left, but he couldn't live anymore. If this continues, he can only learn to be a neighbor. Dark. Prostitution.

After Yuqing laughed, he leaned over and talked with Qiao Jiangyuan. Their voices were so low that Shen Jue didn't know what they were talking about.

After a while, Qiao Jiangyuan said, "You can stay here, but you have to sign a contract and work here voluntarily."

Shen Jue's eyes changed, "You want me to be a slave? Impossible."

Qiao Jiangyuan shook his head, "We brothers, why would I let you be a slave? Don't worry, the contract you signed is only an employment contract, but there is nothing to do here. There is one less job in the racecourse. Horse, are you willing?"

Shen Jue had seen people feeding horses, but the hay was poured into the stone trough, and the horses would eat by themselves.

He thought for a while, then nodded.

That night, Shen Jue slept in the guest room all night. After living in a slum, he knew what life he was living in, but he was very satisfied with an ordinary guest bedroom. He thought that if he was frugal, he might be able to buy a small house with one bedroom and one living room in the imperial capital in a few decades, which is better than living in a slum.

On the second day, Shen Jue signed the contract, and he specifically asked about salary.

The salary is not low, which makes Shen Shen very satisfied, and even a little grateful to Qiao Jiangyuan.

"Jiang Yuan, when I was young and ignorant, I caused you a lot of trouble, I'm sorry." After Shen Shun signed the contract, he carefully apologized to Qiao Jiangyuan.

Qiao Jiangyuan seemed to be taken aback when he heard the words, but he quickly smiled and said: "It's okay, I forgot the original thing."

While Shen Jue was looking forward to a brand-new future, he didn't know that the contract had passed away.

It was not a simple employment contract at all, but a deed, and even the owner of the deed was not Qiao Jiangyuan, but a notorious blood nobleman. That aristocrat is violent and likes to torture people the most. He likes to watch the **** clan slowly recover after being shed most of its blood.

More importantly, Shen Jue had a festival with that nobleman. Once Shen Jue was not accustomed to seeing that nobleman’s arrogance, and he splashed that nobleman's face with wine. At that time, Shen Jue’s identity was noble than that nobleman. That nobleman could only swallow this dumb loss, but now, this time is different, and Shen Jue has become his servant.

The nobleman regarded Shen Jue as his new pleasure, and every day he thought of many ways to torture Shen Jue.

Shen Jue's life there was a hundred times worse than in a slum.

One day, the nobleman held a banquet. At the banquet, Shen Jue met Qiao Jiangyuan. Qiao Jiangyuan took Yuqing to the banquet. The two wore black-and-white couple suits. His hands were lightly wrapped around Yuqing's waist.

And Shen Jue was wearing a large dog's clothes and a collar around his neck, kneeling at the feet of the nobleman.

He stared at Qiao Jiangyuan, but Qiao Jiangyuan clearly saw him, but he didn't.

Shen Jue was desperate at that moment.

On the second day, Shen Jue secretly ran out of the house during the day and took off the light shielding ring in his hand.

He chose to commit suicide and burned himself in the sun.

Few blood races would choose to commit suicide in this way, because many blood races would regret it when it burned, but it was too late.


[Highlight, I added new content in the last palm of my last copy, you can go back and have a look]

Because I personally find it difficult to remember foreign names, and I struggle to write them, so I emptied a world of vampires with a half-Oriental background and a half-Western background. The appearance of the vampire inside is also Eastern, and the name is completely Eastern. As for the times, it should be in the Middle Ages. Anyway, everything is overhead and everything is set for the plot.

I wish you all a happy viewing~ (Some friends may find that I only changed three thousand this time, yes, the first day of challenge failure.)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: let me go back to the mountain 1;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Qing Leng, Qingyou Xianjun, 25015719, Mingyueguang, 1 patriotic;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

66 bottles of Ye Fuping; 20 bottles of Bobby's orientation; 5 bottles of Shijia, Fish and Bear's paw; 2 bottles of Dongfang Jibai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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