Xu Yuyi treated many people for medical treatments and sometimes opened free clinics in Beijing, but he had never seen a person with such a strong desire to live.

Shen Jue would have died long ago if he changed another person.

Even if he is not dead, his mind will be damaged.

Yu Yu knew that Shen Jue was a person next to Murong Xiu. Although he had expensive medicines on hand, he couldn't compare with the whole Yu Medical Bureau, so he went to Murong Xiu. Murongxiu knew that Shen Jue was injured again. He was obviously taken aback for a while, and then said, "How is he hurt?"

Xu Yuyi thought for a while and decided to answer honestly: "It's very bad." He paused, and added, "Whether you can live or not depends on his own will. The minister can only do his job."

Murong Xiu's lip line was almost drawn into a line, and Shen Jue's blood that day seemed to be vivid. Half of the thin boy's face was blood, and his eyes stubbornly said--

"Your Majesty is the emperor, and the slave is the one who serves the emperor."

Shen Jue said he is the emperor, but is he the emperor?

What kind of emperor would be so weak?

He doesn't want to die, he wants to live, so even if the regent really does something to him, he can only suffer, but why does Shen Jue work hard for him? Because he is the emperor?

These days, Murongxiu was almost entangled by Shen Jue's words. It seemed like someone was saying this in his ear day and night, with blood in his words and tears in his voice.

"What medicine he needs, you can use it without saving." Murong Xiu said softly.

Yu Doctor Xu nodded, and looked at Murong Xiu worriedly, "Your Majesty has cleared up a lot recently. The Weichen heard that your Majesty can't sleep well at night, so he has specially developed a sleeping fragrance. Can you try?"

Murong Xiu didn't react very much, just waved his hand, "Go down first."

Xu Yuyi wanted to say something more, but seeing Murongxiu's expression, he could only shut up and withdrew from the hall. He retreated to the outside of the hall, and when he saw the sighted eunuchs, he sighed inwardly. Right now, he was afraid that the regent was covering the sky with his hands, and even the people around the emperor were the regent's people.

Yu Doctor Xu thought of Murong Xiu in his heart, and he did not forget the patient he was taking care of now. He got Murong Xiu's will, and it was much easier to get the medicine from the Imperial Medical Bureau. Shen Jue only woke up on the fifth day after injury.

When he woke up, Doctor Xu Yu was applying medicine to him.

Shen Jue is full of injuries, and it takes an hour or two to apply the medicine every day.

When he woke up, he felt a pain all over his body, he couldn't help taking a breath, and his hand gripped the bedding under him tightly.

Hearing the sound, Xu Yu doctor raised his eyes to look at Shen Jue, and he was somewhat relieved to see that the person was awake, "You finally wake up."

"Xu...sir." Shen Jue's voice was weak, "you are helping me see a doctor again."

Yu Doctor Xu sighed very much, "You are so fateful. I have seen so many people and have never seen you like this, but the root cause of this disease is probably about to fall." The injury was not healed, and he was beaten again. Even if Shen Jue is physically strong and young, he still can't recover.

His ribs hadn't fully grown in the first place, and he was beaten again. Later, he was afraid that his movements would be larger, and he would gasp.

Shen Jue was very calm, "It would be nice to live."

For the first time, Dr. Xu Yu couldn't understand, "Does it make sense to live like this?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Jue gently curled her lower lip. His eyes didn't seem to look at Yu Yu Doctor Xu, but through him, looking at other places. His eyes seemed to have nothing, and they seemed to contain everything in the world.


Only by living can you change your life.

Doctor Xu shook his head, he admired Shen Jue a little.

If this matter is put on him, he doesn't know how long he can hold on.

After Xu Yu doctor finished taking the medicine, he left a medicine boy with Shen Jue.

Although Shen Jue wakes up, she is prone to fever. If she is not dealt with in time, she is very likely to lose her life.

The medicine boy was only eleven or twelve years old. He was the one with a round face with the people around him since childhood. After Dr. Xu Yu left, he moved a small stool and sat on Shen Jue's bed, staring at Shen Jue's injury seriously.

Shen Jue was a little hairy by the child's eyes.

He couldn't help but glanced at Yaotong, "Good-looking?"

Yaotong didn't look up, "It looks good."

Shen Jue: "..."


Yaotong stared at him for a while, and suddenly there was a sound from the door, and he couldn't help but look up. As soon as he looked over, he knelt on the ground.

"The slave visits the emperor."

Murong Xiu came alone. He didn't expect that there was still a medicine boy in Shen Jue's room. He was taken aback for a moment before he said, "You go out."

After Yaotong retired, Murong Xiu put his gaze on the person on the bed.

The moment he saw Shen Jue clearly, his breath was almost choked. He knew that Shen Jue had been seriously injured, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually like this. When Shen Jue saw Murongxiu, he wanted to get up and salute, but he climbed a few times, and finally fell back to the bed. Finally, he just said in shame: "Your Majesty, Minion...The Minion can't get up and bow to your Majesty."

Murong Xiu forced a wry smile, "No need to salute."

He looked at the small stool Yaotong left here, hesitated for a moment, and sat on it.

His eyes scanned the wound on Shen Jue inch by inch, and his eyes were very complicated.

Shen Jue knew what Murongxiu was thinking at this time, so he squeezed a smile at him, "Your Majesty, the slave doesn't hurt."

"Doesn't hurt?" Murong Xiu felt it was ridiculous. "You still don't hurt like this. Does it hurt when you die?"

Almost, he really feels pain when he becomes a ghost.

At that time, he could only float in the air, watching Murong Xiu and the Regent's Enai Wushuang with his own eyes. At first, Murong Xiu would think of him as a slave, but before long, Murong Xiu completely forgot about him.

Forget the loyal little **** who was willing to die for him.

Shen Jue really wanted to laugh, but he still couldn't, so he could only pretend to be nothing.

Murongxiu didn't know what Shen Jue was thinking. He saw Shen Jue's injury and didn't know what to do. At the beginning, Shen Jue said he was afraid of death, but in fact Shen Jue was not afraid of death, and even almost gave up his life for him. Now he has completely offended the regent.

"Shen Jue, I'm useless, I can't protect you, you... If you want, I will send you out of the palace." Murong Xiu didn't want to fight anymore, he was really tired.

Shen Jue immediately shook his head when he heard the words, "Your Majesty, the slave will not leave."

Murong Xiu put aside his face, "Don't go, waiting to die in the palace?"

Shen Jue was silent for a while, "The slave is your majesty's slave..."

Before he finished speaking, Murong Xiu interrupted him.

"Stop talking, do you say it makes sense? I, Murong Xiu, I'm just a puppet emperor, a snorting plaything." Murong Xiu stood up with tears in his eyes, "You follow me, you can't get any good. Let's leave early."

His claim was changed from "I" to "I".

Shen Jue looked at Murongxiu like this, but said softly: "Your Majesty may not remember. When the slave first saw His Majesty, he swore a poisonous oath. He will only be a master with His Majesty in this life. If your Majesty doesn’t want a slave, Minions don’t need to live anymore."

"You!" Murong Xiu was a little angry, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Shen Jue curled her lower lip, showing an extremely well-behaved smile, "Yes, the minion is afraid of death, but when it's true, the minion is not afraid of it, and it's just a fate."

Murong Xiu closed his eyes, and then he didn't say a word, and walked away, as if angry with Shen Jue.

Shen Jue's injury dragged into the summer.

On the day he recovered, he was invited to the regent’s presence.

The regent looked at him as if he was looking at an interesting thing, "Fate is really hard."

Shen Jue was forced to look up. He forgot to pretend that day, and now he is too lazy to pretend, and his eyes calmly looked at the regent.

"Little mouse, the king said last time that if you survived, he would give you a gift. Do you want to know what that gift is?" The regent smiled slightly, like a gentle gentleman. But Shen Jue knew that the regent was nothing more than a pervert in human skin.

"Lord's gift, how dare a minion ask for it?" Shen Jue said sarcastically.

Seeing the thorn in Shen Jue's words, the regent smiled happily, "It turns out it's not a little mouse, it's a little hedgehog, so it's even better." He clapped his hands, and someone came up with a box.

When Shen Jue saw the box, he already understood.

The box was filled with Murongxiu's profanity.

When the regent saw the box coming up, he opened it with his own hands, and then gently said to Shen Jue: "Come on, put on this dress."

The only person in this world who can treat a beating as a great gift is the regent.

When Shen Jue was thrown onto the bed by Yang Xu, she couldn't help but groan. Yang Xu didn't even look at him, and left directly. Shen Jue took out a bottle of ointment from under the pillow and began to rub the medicine on himself. He asked Yu Doctor Xu for this medicine, and Xu Yu doctor didn't ask him why he was coming, just seeing that his eyes became more sympathetic.

How long can the person targeted by the regent live?

Shen Jue was a little distracted when applying the medicine, because in a few days, it was Murong Xiu's twenty-year-old birthday.

On Murongxiu's birthday, the regent drank too much and almost fell asleep Murongxiu, or Murongxiu desperately resisted and smashed the regent on the head with a vase to protect himself.

Shen Jue thought, his chance finally came.


The next chapter of Shenshen's anti-kill is about to begin.

I handed in the outline on request today, not to mention that the three views are not correct, I am afraid that the darkness will not get up, I am withered.

Thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of the most handsome invincible

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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