A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (21)

The housekeeper has been standing quietly by the side, but he reacted before Yuqing heard that, "Really? I thought Duke Qiao would hold back for a few more years before proposing to Duke." He looked at Shen Shen and Qiao Jiangyuan together. Da, he thinks that these two children are very good match, whether it is family background or appearance, not to mention the basic knowledge, he feels that Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan are better than being with other people, and Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan are estranged some time ago. He was still a little sad.

Yuqing opened his lips, but didn't know what to say. He felt that he was slapped head-on. It was a realistic slap. The slap awakened him from his gorgeous dream. After hearing Shen Jue's words, many things flashed in his mind.

If Shen Jue agrees to Qiao Jiangyuan's marriage proposal, then he can no longer stay here, nor can he see Shen Jue again. What he has now will turn into a bubble, and he will become that humble servant again.

Before Yuqing spoke, Shen Jue said: "Don't worry, even if I get married, you can still enjoy your current life, but you may not be able to live here. I will buy you a house in the city center. , Write your name, you can live there with peace of mind." When he said this, his expression was too calm, as if he was just dealing with a small matter.

But Yuqing didn't think this was a trivial matter.

He took a deep breath before trembling and saying, "What do you think of me?"

Are you a canary in captivity? He bought a house for him to live in, and then he watched Shen Jue marry someone else? Watching Shen Jue hug, kiss, and even have **** with others?

Yuqing felt that she couldn't do it.

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and seemed a little surprised, "Are you not satisfied? Then you..." He was silent for a moment, "If you want to find other masters, I can introduce you. I know some nobles with good conduct. They should meet your needs."

Yuqing was completely stunned. For the first time he felt that the person in front of him was so unfamiliar. He had been so close to him. He thought he knew him well and even controlled him, but he heard these words. Realize that I am ridiculous.

He wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, so he could only look at each other pale.

Shen Jue waited for a while. Seeing that Yuqing hadn't spoken for a while, he turned around and walked inside. The butler followed up and quietly reported the situation in the manor over the past ten days. Shen Jue nodded when he heard the words.

Yuqing stood outside, and it took a long time to take a heavy step into the manor. Shen Jue has returned to the room. Yuqing is standing in the gorgeously decorated living room, his eyes sweeping his familiar furnishings. He grew up in this manor and lived a very happy life here, but now he may be happy. It's over, Shen Jue doesn't want him anymore.

He had mistaken his position from the beginning and put himself in the position of lover, only now he realized that he was just a pet raised by Shen Jue. Now it is possible that the real owner will be ushered in the manor, and his pet will not need to stay any longer, and will even be passed on to others.

Yuqing's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and after a while, he went to Shen Jue's room.

Shen Jue was taking a shower, leaving it as usual, Yuqing went into the bathroom early to tease each other, but today he has lost the courage. He stood cautiously by the sofa, waiting for Shen Jue to finish washing.

When Shen Jue put on the bathrobe and came out, he saw that Yuqing's expression did not change. This fell in Yuqing's eyes, and he was a little relieved. When Yuqing grew up, he won everything. No good thing was directly hit on his head. So after the initial loss, he quickly replied to his fighting spirit. Now Shen Jue may not agree to it. With Qiao Jiangyuan's proposal, Yuqing thought he might still be able to work hard.

He went to get a clean towel, walked to Shen Jue's side, and gently wiped his hair. Seeing that Shen Jue did not refuse, he lifted it and put it down again. He wiped Shen Jue's hair half-dry, then turned to clean the bathroom, and put Shen Jue's clothes in the laundry basket. These things were all he did as a personal servant, but he didn't do it later.

When Yuqing came out of the bathroom, Shen Jue sat on the sofa with the newspaper delivered by the butler in his hand. He left the imperial capital for more than ten days and did not read the newspaper for more than ten days. He quickly scanned the newspaper for some useful information , I suddenly felt warmth from my feet.

Shen Jue looked away from the newspaper and saw Yuqing kneeling in front of him.

Yuqing knelt and sat on the ground, touching Shen Jue's calf with his hand.

Shen Jue was wearing a nightgown, with all her calves exposed, her blue veins sleeping under her pale skin. He is too white, and Yuqing has been tanned a bit during this time. With Yuqing’s hands set off, Shen Jue’s legs are almost white to the degree of transparency. This is a sickly white, but the nobles like it. Yuqing, who was deeply influenced by the nobility's aesthetics, could not escape.

He looked up at Shen Jue, then lowered his head.

His lips kissed his sick skin one after another, his expression pious, as if he was treating his faith.

Shen Jue looked down at Yuqing, and when Yuqing was getting higher, Shen Jue moved. He reached out and grabbed Yuqing's hair, pulled the person away, and said indifferently: "Enough, what do you want, just say it."

Yuqing's scalp was aching, but he didn't dare to cry. He gritted his teeth before saying, "Can the Duke fail to get married?"

He called Shen Jue again as the Duke, this name restored their relationship to the former master and servant.

"Why?" Shen Jue lowered his head slightly, "I will always get married, do you think I will marry you?"

Shen Jue has been too gentle in the past few months, which made Yuqing forget what kind of character Shen Jue was before. He forgot the original Shen Jue’s attitude towards him. He only remembers Shen Jue’s unconditional favor to him in the past few months. Drown. Now that she heard these words, Yuqing gradually became sober.

"When you marry you, I will only be the laughingstock of the entire capital. No one will marry a servant." Shen Jue calmly tore away Yuqing's scar, "I don't care who I marry, as long as I have benefits, you , I can’t find any benefit in you, you’re just a blood-sucking worm on my body, aren’t you? A blood-sucking worm told me not to get married, so what can I use to raise you? When you are happy at the banquet, I am making money for you. You should be thankful that you are doing a good job. I have said that I can continue to support you after getting married. What are you not satisfied with?"

Blood sucking insects, happy, unsatisfied, these words are like a knife, inserted into Yuqing's heart. He didn't expect that in Shen Jue's mind, he was not even a pet, but just a nasty and disgusting blood sucking insect.

Yuqing's beautiful face has lost its blood, and her talking eyes seem to have become a dry well. He was stubborn and couldn't even say a complete sentence. Shen Jue looked at him for a while, let go of his hand, and wiped his hands with the handkerchief next to him.

He threw the handkerchief on Yuqing's face, "Go out, I don't think I've heard that before. Whatever your life, you will continue to live it later."

Yuqing looked down at the handkerchief that fell on him, and her lips trembled before picking up the handkerchief on her body and quietly exiting Shen Jue's room.

For the next few days, Yuqing stayed in his room, he did not go downstairs, and Shen Jue did not come to see him, only his personal servant would deliver him meals. Yuqing stayed in the room in a daze. He didn't even bother to clean up. He just sat on the side of the bed and looked into the distance blankly, with hollow eyes.

When his personal servant saw him like this, he endured it for a long time or opened his mouth, "Mr. Yu, you should have something to eat. No matter what, don't have trouble with your body."

Yuqing shook his head gently when he heard the words, "No blood clan is starved to death. Don't worry, I won't starve to death."

The personal servant sighed, "It's not just this, I just think Mr. Yu shouldn't give up so early. I heard that the Duke did not agree to Duke Joe's marriage proposal. Although Duke Joe's father came in person, the Duke refused. "

When Yuqing heard these words, he suddenly turned his head, "What did you say?" He stood up and strode towards the personal servant, but he hadn't eaten for a long time and didn't sleep much, so he just got up and walked two steps. , Fell to the ground, but he didn't seem to mind at all, just staring at the personal servant in a daze, "You repeat what you just said."

The personal servant was frightened by Yuqing, and hurriedly went to help him, saying: "I listened to what others said. The servants were secretly saying that Duke Joe’s father came home the day before and brought a lot of gifts, but the Duke I didn't accept it, I think I didn't agree, and when Duke Joe's father left, his expression was a little disappointed."

Did not agree? Great.

Yuqing instantly felt that he had strength again. He grabbed the hand of the close-fitting male servant and stood up straight. "I want to eat, then take a bath and sleep."

He thought maybe he still had a chance.

Yuqing hasn't eaten in such a rush for a long time. He eats a lot while thinking about countermeasures. He wants to improve his status so that he can marry Shen Jue.

Then there is only one way to join the army.


Good night everyone~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: just shout 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Tangrao’s salted fish, fish and bear’s paw can have both, MoU fish ball thick noodles;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

2044925120 bottles; Muyu 10 bottles; Sanjiu 7 bottles; Nanfeng knows my intention 3 bottles; I love Shurachang, Scarlet Priest Luo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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