A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (28)

Yuqing returned to the army and was imprisoned for seven days, but he didn't care, because he dismissed Shen Jue's marriage and got a promise from the other party.

This time Shen Jue personally agreed to him and would wait for him.

After the seven-day confinement was over, he couldn’t wait to write to Shen Jue. He hadn’t read many books and couldn’t write sweet words. He could only describe the trivial things he had trained in the army in a desperate way. A few large sheets of paper could be written, and at the end of the letter, he left a sentence.

"Miss you, master."


When this letter arrived on Shen Jue's desk, it was already fifteen days later. He took the letter opener to open the envelope and hurriedly scanned the contents of the letter. When he found that it was almost nonsense, Shen Jue's expression was a bit wonderful.

At this time, Ye Ye sent refreshments and newspapers intimately.

The headline in the newspaper was about Shen Jue.

Now the entire aristocratic circle knows that Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan have turned against each other and have even begun to fight head-on.

Most of Shen Jue's investment is in industry and agriculture, especially in the industry, while the Qiao family is more in department store business, but now the Qiao family has announced with a high profile that they will enter the military industry and agriculture.

The newspapers and magazines are very interested in this pair of old lovers' antagonism, almost like a serialized story, serializing the latest trends of the two every day. The content of the article is even more detailed as if the writer is lying under the bed of Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan.

In fact, Shen Jue had no intention of starting a war with Qiao Jiangyuan, because it was meaningless, but Shen Jue was a little surprised that a piece of news was published in the newspaper after half a month.

The Qiao family announced that they would build a machine called a perpetual motion machine.

It is said that when this machine is produced, it will be produced day and night without consuming any energy, and it can completely replace labor and create a new era of unmanned industry.

Shen Jue was surprised that this perpetual motion machine project report appeared on his desk a long time ago. Because of Shen Jue’s investment in the industry, many people would think of him investing here. The perpetual motion machine project is One.

But Shen Jue was not moved because he knew that there is no perpetual motion machine in the world.

Although the perpetual motion machine project is extremely beautiful, almost everyone will be confused at first glance, but Shen Jue has more memories of several lifetimes after all.

In previous imperial capitals, a nobleman took a fancy to this project and invested it. As a result, he lost his money and went bankrupt. The project person who proposed this project has already made money and escaped.

So when he saw this project, he threw it aside, but when Ye Ye asked if he wanted to dispose of this document, Shen Jue left it behind.

Finally, Qiao Jiangyuan saw it and took a fancy to it.

In the months before the engagement, Qiao Jiangyuan often went in and out of Shen Jue's study.


As soon as the news that Qiao's family wants to do a perpetual motion machine, it was almost a sensation in the city, and everyone was very curious about this project.

Even the housekeeper was a little worried when he knew it, and ran to ask Shen Jue whether their industrial production would be affected.

Shen Jue only smiled and told the housekeeper not to worry.

At the same time, the Qiao family deliberately held a press conference to create perpetual motion machines, and Shen Jue also received an invitation.

Shen Jue was surprised that Qiao's family would still send him invitations. Out of curiosity, he went to participate.

Only after he went there knew that this press conference was actually a disguised share-holding meeting. The Qiao family seemed to value this project very much and were ready to invest heavily, but they did not have that much liquid capital, so they opened a share-holding meeting to raise capital.

At the press conference, Qiao Jiangyuan was the main spokesperson and talked freely. Yu Guang did not go to Shen Jue's side. After his speech was over, almost all the nobles at the conference were excited, and most of them registered for shares.

Qiao Jiangyuan pulled out a smile when he looked at the hot scene, and his eyes rolled and noticed that the smile on his lips disappeared when Shen Jue was still sitting in his place. He slowly walked to Shen Jue, with a hint of arrogance, "If you want to buy shares, I can give you a discount. After all, I learned about this project from you first."

Shen Jue looked up at Qiao Jiangyuan for a moment, and said softly, "No." He got up to go, and before he took two steps, he heard Qiao Jiangyuan's a little frustrated voice behind.

"I hope you can remain so arrogant forever, Shen Jue, I will take everything from you and make you desperate."

His tone is so disgusting.

Shen Jue left without stopping.


The manor receives a letter from Yuqing every month. The content of each letter is full of empty words, with the same words at the end—

"Miss you, master."

Shen Jue read a few pieces of nonsense before writing a pen to reply.

There is a clear contrast between his reply letter and Yuqing's letter. Generally, there is only one, and even a piece of letter paper with dissatisfaction, only two or three sentences on it.

These two or three sentences still answer Yuqing's question.

Yuqing always likes to ask him what he has eaten recently, what he played and what friends he has made. After Shen Jue's reply, looking at the short letter, he hesitated and added another sentence at the end.

"good luck."


Shen Jue thinks about the best time to kill Yuqing with every letter. Now it seems that Yuqing has fallen in love with him, but it is not safe enough. He needs to do the final test.


The Qiao family's perpetual motion machine project was a sensation for a year, and finally ended in failure. As the largest shareholder, the Qiao family went bankrupt, and the nobles who invested came to collect debts.

Qiao Jiangyuan hid in the old house and hardly dared to go out. The manor where he lived before was already surrounded by people, and now he can only hide with his father Qiao where he lived in his childhood. During this time, Qiao's father was groggy because of bankruptcy.

Qiao Jiangyuan didn't expect that he would go bankrupt. The project was so good, but it failed. He couldn't do a perpetual motion machine at all. The money he put in was worthless, and the project person ran away, and he could not even find the other party.

Compared with the sick father Qiao, Qiao Jiangyuan is not much better. He stays in the room and drinks every day, feeling muddled all day long. The servants watched Qiao's bankruptcy, and were afraid that they would not be able to pay a salary, so they almost all ran away, and now an old housekeeper was with him.

The old housekeeper was serving Qiao's father while trying to persuade Qiao Jiangyuan to drink less. He was so busy that he lost a lot of weight. When he saw Shen Jue come to the door, he was almost overjoyed.

He and Shen Jue’s housekeeper are almost in the same mind. He feels that the two children grew up together and were also engaged. Although they became stiff afterwards, they were young.

Where did the overnight hatred come from?

So the old butler happily greeted Shen Jue in, and gave Qiao Jiangyuan's current situation thoroughly.

Qiao Jiangyuan knew that when Shen Jue came, his first reaction was that he didn't see him, but after a while, he got up from the ground again and said in a cold voice, "You let him wait a while."

He went to take a cold shower and changed his clothes before going down to see Shen Jue. He hasn’t seen Shen Jue for a long time. During this year, he almost got into the perpetual motion machine project. He wanted to see the scene where he defeated Shen Jue after the machine was produced. Unexpectedly, his bankruptcy was waiting.

He walked all the way, staring at Shen Jue almost decently. Even though he deliberately took a shower and dressed up, he still felt frustrated when he saw Shen Jue.

The other party is still like that, indifferent and excellent, making people unable to move their eyes, and he is just a loser.

"What are you doing here?" Qiao Jiangyuan said coldly, "Come and see me for a joke?"

Hearing this, Shen Jue pushed the documents on the table forward and said calmly: "I'll talk to you about cooperation."

"Cooperation? I'm bankrupt, what cooperation will I talk to you?" Qiao Jiangyuan said sarcastically.

"Let's take a look before you talk." Shen Jue said.

Qiao Jiangyuan was silent for a moment, and then sat down on the sofa opposite Shen Jue, and he pulled the documents above.

When he finished reading the above content, his expression had changed drastically. He raised his head and looked at Shen Jue in disbelief, "Are you going to give me all the properties you listed above?"

Shen Jue nodded.

"Why?" Qiao Jiangyuan asked immediately.

When Shen Jue heard these words, an extremely gentle smile appeared on the corners of her lips, "Because I want to be with someone, but he doesn't think he is worthy of me, so I think if my wealth becomes less, then he will I won't feel inferior." He paused, "Of course I also want to know, if I am no longer the original me, will he still like me?"

In Qiao Jiangyuan's eyes, Shen Jue was indifferent most of the time. Even if he smiled, he probably couldn't reach his eyes. But this time, he saw for the first time that all the floating ice under Shen Jue's eyes turned into a stream of spring water.

Qiao Jiangyuan didn't know what to say at that moment, he thought he was ridiculous, he fought Shen Jue pretentiously, but the other party didn't take him seriously, and even ran over to give him property.

What's more ridiculous is that he can only accept, or he will live like a mouse in the cellar forever. He can, but his father can't.

Qiao Jiangyuan signed the document with red eyes. He felt ashamed that he didn't even want to ask who the person Shen Jue mentioned was because it would only be that half-blood.

How nice, they are finally going to be together, he, the harlequin, took a lot of money, and it's time to leave.

When Shen Jue got up to leave, Qiao Jiangyuan stood behind him with a gloomy expression and said nonchalantly: "Did you put that project there on purpose?"

Shen Jue paused for a while, and after a while, he answered a word softly.


Qiao Jiangyuan's chest was filled with anger at that moment, and he blurted out, "Why? Shen Jue, why can't I be sorry for you, you want to treat me like this?"

After speaking, the other party was silent for a long time.

When Qiao Jiangyuan saw this, he said angrily: "Say, Shen Jue!"

Shen Jue finally had a reaction. He turned his head and looked at Qiao Jiangyuan seriously.

The hair-teen who grew up with him, whether it was in previous lives or in this life, until the end of them, they are all like this, and there will always be a loser.

Only in previous lives, the loser was him, who looked at Qiao Jiangyuan with such hatred.

"Qiao Jiangyuan, these are what you deserve, don't they?" Shen Jue said softly.

Just like him in previous lives.


Since that day, Qiao Jiangyuan has never seen Shen Jue in the imperial capital again, and Shen Jue has given his own manor to Qiao Jiangyuan.

Qiao Jiangyuan took the property donated by Shen Jue to pay off the debt, and went back to the bank. Qiao's father recovered from his illness and started to go out to meet friends.

Everything seemed to be back on track, but only Qiao Jiangyuan knew his unwillingness.

But he no longer has the confidence to retaliate against Shen Jue. All he has now is Shen Jue's charity, he is just a poor creature.

Qiao Jiangyuan sealed the manor where Shen Jue lived, and he did not allow anyone to enter the manor except for a necessary cleaning servant. He didn't even inquire about Shen Jue's whereabouts, because he felt that Shen Jue must have been together sweetly with Yuqing at this time.

Until Yuqing came to the door.


Good morning~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 250,157,191;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of Cute Xiaolin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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