In the vast land of the Confucian and Taoist Domain, one of the nine domains, the most brilliant and dazzling place is the Confucian and Taoist Academy.

This place gathers the world's talents and is a symbol of wisdom and strength.

However, the atmosphere in the academy has been tense and depressing recently, and an indescribable undercurrent is surging.

Qingniu Shangzun, with an upright posture and extraordinary temperament, is one of the eleven famous literary saints in the Confucian and Taoist Academy.

At this moment, he stood in front of the dean's office, frowning and anxious.

"Dean, if you don't take action to check and balance the Xingchen Academy, my Confucian and Taoist Academy will not be the opponent of this Xingchen Academy in the future!"

Qingniu Shangzun's voice was trembling, and he was obviously worried about the coming storm.

And Yadao Wensheng sat on a simple wooden chair, his eyes were like the deep starry sky, as if he could see through everything.

After hearing Qingniu Shangzun's words, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Liusha Wensheng came lightly, his steps were as light as dust, and his tone was a bit nonchalant;

"Our spies said that there are only ten quasi-Wensheng masters and one Wensheng master in Xingchen Academy now."

Yadao Wensheng raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. He knew that Liusha Wensheng was not particular about details, but he did not dare to be careless about such information.

"Well, Xingchen Academy said that there are ten Wensheng masters. In my opinion, it is just a fabrication to expand its influence."

Yadao Wensheng spoke slowly, with an unquestionable majesty in his voice.

Qingniu Shangzun and Liusha Wensheng were both stunned after hearing this, and then they understood the dean's intention.

Indeed, if Xingchen Academy really has such strength, how could it be easily discovered?

Yadao Wensheng stood up, walked to the window, looked at the distant skyline, and said in a deep voice;

"But we still need to send a Wensheng strongman to investigate! We must find out the true strength of Xingchen Academy."

Qingniu Shangzun and Liusha Wensheng responded in unison


And above the vast sky of the Confucian and Taoist domain, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, there is a magnificent academy, which is like a bright star, hanging in the void.

That is the world-famous Xingchen Academy. However, all this prosperity and splendor is just an appearance.

If you observe carefully, you will find that Xingchen Academy is not floating in the clouds, but is supported by huge pieces of star stones.

Each of these star stones contains tremendous power. They quietly guard the academy and make it as stable as a mountain.

And the entire Xingchen Academy is so huge that it is unimaginable, with a total area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers, as if it is a continent suspended in the sky. On the periphery of the academy, a series of ladders went straight into the sky, leading to every corner of the academy.

At this moment, countless students with dreams were heading towards the Xingchen Academy along the ladders.

"Brother, do you think Xingchen Academy will accept us?" A woman in the late Tongsheng realm said to the man beside her with expectation and trepidation in her eyes.

The man was wearing a green shirt, with a gentle temperament, and had already reached the middle stage of the Xiucai realm.

He turned to look at his junior sister, smiled and comforted her;

"Junior sister, why worry? Xingchen Academy is known as the second largest academy in our Confucian Dao domain, and its strength must be terrifying. What it releases is naturally true."

The woman heard the words, and the uneasiness in her heart dissipated a little. She nodded and said;

"Junior sister is overthinking."

The two walked side by side, constantly walking towards the ladder of Xingchen Academy.

The dense crowds of people around them were all people like them, all heading towards the Star Academy for their dreams.

The sky became more dazzling because of the existence of the Star Academy. And those practitioners of literature and Taoism with dreams were the brightest stars under this starry sky.

In the hall of the Star Academy, the atmosphere was solemn and mysterious.

Ten old men, each of whom had unfathomable literary and Taoist cultivation, were standing on the left and right sides of the hall, as if guarding this holy land of knowledge.

And at the top of the hall, sat a young man.

This young man, named Jun Moxiao, was the incarnation of Lin Nian's clone.

His temperament was extraordinary and his literary and Taoist aura was revealed, as if every cell in his body contained profound wisdom and endless knowledge.

As the strength of the original body reached the peak of the holy realm, Jun Moxiao's cultivation also rose, and he also reached the peak of the holy realm.

His cultivation in the Way of Literature has skyrocketed to the late stage of the Sage of Literature, making him a rare practitioner of both literature and law.

Jun Moxiao's strength is enough to compete with the peak Sage of Literature.

His mind, like a bright star, illuminates the frontHis thoughts are like the boundless ocean, deep and vast. His words can shake the mountains and rivers and shock the soul.

In the same level, Jun Moxiao has few rivals. His name, like a bright star, shines in the sky of the Confucian Dao domain.

His legend is sung by countless students and has become a role model and goal in their hearts.

At this moment, Jun Moxiao is sitting in the hall, his eyes are deep and firm, as if he can penetrate the shackles of time and space and peek into the mysteries of the world.

He exudes an unparalleled charm and majesty, which makes everyone admire and respect him.

And Jun Moxiao's understanding during this time in the Confucian Dao domain is that this Confucian Dao domain is different from other domains. It is not like other domains that practice martial arts and pursue immortality, but focuses on the practice of literature.

Here, literature is regarded as the supreme power. The monks can shake the mountains and rivers and move the stars through the power of words.

In the first realm, Tongsheng realm, monks can see clearly at night, their eyes are like torches, penetrating darkness and seeing the smallest details.

Their eyes are like stars, lighting the way forward.

In the second realm, Xiucai realm, monks can discuss war on paper, plan and win battles thousands of miles away. In their eyes, words are like passing clouds, and they can instantly see through their meaning and understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

In the third realm, Juren realm, monks can speak eloquently, their tongues burst with spring thunder, their voices are like the sound of nature, mosquitoes stay away, and all poisons are immune.

Their words seem to be able to shake everything and make all living beings submit.

In the fourth realm, Jinshi realm, monks can use their tongues to fight with swords, rise to the top, and a word can suppress a country. Their tongues are huge, they enjoy the country's destiny, and they are powerful in all directions.

Their steps are like walking on clouds, extremely elegant.

In the fifth realm, Hanlin realm, monks can write with divine strokes without being stained by dust.

Their words seem to have mysterious power, which can change the color of the world and make all things fall in love with them.

In the sixth realm, the Grand Scholar, the monks can control things, be free from desires, have clear thoughts, gather power in their minds, speak the words of heaven, be invulnerable to water and fire, rise to the top, pass by like clouds and smoke, have a mouth full of fragrance, the precursor of the great scholar, the tongue sword is huge, and recall memory.

Their power has surpassed the imagination of ordinary people and reached an indescribable realm.

In the seventh realm, the great scholar, the monks can have lingering sound, speak profound meaning, move like the wind, speak holy words and great skills, establish the world, have a huge tongue sword, recall memory, the righteousness of heaven and earth, and speak the law.

Their existence seems to be a landscape between heaven and earth, which makes people admire it.

In the eighth realm, the semi-saint, the monks can speak the law, keep their mouths shut, have a lot of nonsense, have a huge tongue sword, teach the holy way, have talent like the sun, and have an immortal holy soul.

Their power has already approached the realm of saints and has become a legend in the world.

In the ninth realm, the Quasi-Wensheng realm, the monks can achieve immortality of the holy soul, unity of all laws, and transformation of the body into a mortal. Their existence seems to be a legend between heaven and earth, which makes people yearn for it.

In the tenth realm, the Wensheng realm, the monks can communicate with the origin of the law, immortality of the holy soul, no punishment from heaven, space shift, seal the ten directions, and open a realm of their own.

Their power has surpassed the constraints of heaven and earth and become the master of the universe.

In the eleventh realm, the Wenzu, the monks can speak the law, all things return to one thought, the divine way lasts for ten thousand years, and the source of all laws. Their existence seems to be a true god in the Confucian and Taoist domains, which makes people look up to them.

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