Then Lin Nian stood in the pool of blood, his figure against the sky of beacon fire, majestic and mysterious. The black dragon hovered beside, its spiritual power like an invisible chain, binding the Rakshasa Queen who was trying to escape.

"Yier, go kill the culprit"

Lin Nian wanted to say to Lin Tianyi.

"Yes, father"

"Lin Tianyi, let me go, I will give you all the treasures of the Blood Evil Palace."

The Rakshasa Queen's voice was weak and seductive, with a desperate smile on her face, trying to tempt Lin Tianyi with the last benefit.

Lin Tianyi raised his sword and stepped forward, every step on the cold ground, making a firm echo. He came in front of the Rakshasa Queen, his eyes were not fluctuating, as if they were as deep as the abyss.

Lin Tianyi was too lazy to listen to the Rakshasa Queen's nonsense, and took the Rakshasa Queen's head with one sword, and then killed her soul with another sword.


"Tian Zhen, if I kill you, those treasures will still be mine."

Lin Tianyi said lightly, his voice revealed an unquestionable determination.

With these words, Lin Tianyi swung his sword and slashed without any hesitation.

The sword light cut through the night sky like a meteor, instantly piercing through the body of the Rakshasa Queen.

Her soul began to flash a trace of fear, then dimmed, and her body turned into dots of light and dissipated in the air.

Lin Tianyi put away his sword, turned his head to look at Lin Nian, and the father and son smiled at each other.

Lin Nian stood at the edge of the battlefield, looking at Lin Tianyi softly, and his heart was filled with the idea of ​​wanting his son to become a dragon.

After experiencing this life-and-death battle, he saw his son's growth and changes, which was a kind of courage and determination emanating from the depths of his heart.

"Yier, you have grown up."

Lin Nian's voice was full of emotion, as if he was looking back on the past years and looking forward to his son's future.

Lin Tianyi turned around and faced his father, his eyes flashing with a strong light.

"Father, people will always grow up, and children can't always grow up under your wings."

His words were firm and powerful, revealing a sense of responsibility and pursuit of the future.

Lin Nian smiled slightly, he knew that Lin Tianyi was ready to take on more responsibilities.

"Go and get all the treasures of the Blood Evil Palace"

Lin Nian gestured to Lin Tianyi and Black Dragon to search for all the treasures of the Blood Evil Palace.

This was a trust in Lin Tianyi and an opportunity for him to continue to grow in actual combat.

"Yes, Master"

"Yes, Father"

Lin Tianyi and Black Dragon responded in unison, and their figures immediately disappeared into the depths of the Blood Evil Palace, starting a new round of adventure.

After the two left, Lin Nian took a deep breath and opened the system panel in his mind. A series of detailed information appeared in front of his eyes:

[Host]: Lin Nian

[Age]: 52

[Talent]: Innate Sword Body

[Skills]: Heavenly Saint Jue (lower grade of Heaven level)

[Martial Arts]: Taixu Nine Sword Jue (higher grade of Heaven level), Eight Desolate Heaven-suppressing Fist (middle grade of Heaven level), Raging Sea Slash (upper grade of Mysterious level), Tianji Sword Technique (higher grade of Mysterious level)...

[Magic Weapons]: Crazy Lion Sword (third-grade treasure), Mysterious Steel Sword (third-grade treasure), Red Dragon Sword (sixth-grade treasure)... ), Taixuan Qingluan Sword (sixth-grade spiritual weapon)

[Realm]: Divine Fire Realm Mid-stage

[Seventh-grade Array Master]: Nine Heavens Soul Locking Array, Gathering Spirit Array, Tianshui Barrier...

[Mount]: Wind and Thunder Holy Lion (sixth-grade), Dapeng Golden Eagle (sixth-grade), Qingfeng (sixth-grade), Black Dragon (ninth-grade)

[System Space]: 110 Spirit Crystals, 1 million Top-grade Spirit Stones, 8 million Top-grade Spirit Stones...

Lin Nian's eyes swept through this information, and his heart was full of expectations and plans.

He knew that the cultivation method he had now was no longer suitable for him, a cultivator in the Divine Fire Realm.

He needed a more advanced cultivation method to support his cultivation improvement.

After a while, Lin Nian came back with several full storage rings.

These rings contained various spiritual herbs, treasures, and spiritual stones looted from the depths of the Blood Evil Palace. Each treasure exuded an extraordinary aura, and was obviously a rare treasure.

"Father, everything here has been collected."

Lin Tianyi handed the full storage ring to Lin Nian, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Lin Nian took the storage ring, but did not check the items immediately.

He swept his eyes across the Blood Demon Palace, which was once full of evil and blood, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes. "Black Dragon, destroy this place."

His voice was calm and firm.

"Yes, Master."

The Black Dragon responded respectfully, and its body once again turned into a thousand-meter-long dragon. The huge body was like a moving mountain, exuding a suffocating majesty.

With the roar of the Black Dragon, a dark flame spewed out of its mouth, instantly engulfing the entire Blood Demon Palace.Cover.

This black flame is extraordinary. It contains the power of destruction and purification. Any substance touched by it will turn into nothingness in an instant.

As the black flame burned, the evil cultivators in the Blood Demon Hall panicked. Their wailings came one after another, full of despair and fear.

"Ah~ I don't want to die!"

The figures of the evil cultivators in the Blood Demon Hall gradually disappeared in the flames, and finally turned into silence.

Lin Nian nodded with satisfaction. He knew that from now on, there would no longer be the name of the Blood Demon Hall in the world of cultivation. The evil on this land has been completely eliminated.

He turned and looked at Lin Tianyi, with expectation and hope in his eyes.

"Yier, we should leave." Lin Nian said, and his figure flashed and appeared on the back of the black dragon.

Lin Tianyi followed closely behind. The father and son stood side by side on the back of the dragon, ready to welcome a new adventure.

The black dragon spread its wings and flew high, taking Lin Nian and Lin Tianyi away from this former battlefield.

Their figures gradually disappeared in the sky, leaving only a ruin and a legendary story that will be passed down by future generations, the legend of a thousand-meter black dragon destroying the Blood Demon Palace.

Standing on the broad head of the black dragon, Lin Nian's eyes penetrated the clouds and looked at the distant sky. His heart was full of thoughts and plans for his son's future.

Lin Tianyi's cultivation talent was damaged, which was a great regret in Lin Nian's heart and a problem he was determined to solve.

"It would be great if there was sword soul grass, so that Yi'er could also awaken the sword physique."

Lin Nian sighed in his heart. Sword soul grass is a rare spiritual grass in the legend that can awaken the sword physique, but this opportunity is not easy to get.

After some thinking, Lin Nian thought of another path.

"Otherwise, let Yi'er try the way of physical cultivation?"

He thought to himself that physical cultivation is also profound and profound. If you can achieve something, it will also be a powerful path.

Then, Lin Nian turned to the black dragon under his feet and asked;

"Black Dragon, do you know what can awaken the physique?"

He hoped that this ancient dragon could give him some answers.

The black dragon pondered for a moment, and then answered honestly;

"Master, generally using natural treasures, or soaking in the blood of special monsters may awaken the best physique. Of course, the quality of the physique awakened by monster blood is generally not too high, unless it is the blood of a spirit beast or a divine beast, the awakened physique is naturally extraordinary."

After hearing this, Lin Nian frowned slightly. He knew a little about these methods, but natural treasures are not easy to find, and the blood of spirit beasts and divine beasts is even rarer.

As the black dragon's huge wings cut through the sky, Lin Nian stood on the dragon's head, his eyes were like torches, thinking about the next action plan.

He suddenly remembered that according to the system's prompt, he still had two opportunities to return today. This means that he still has two opportunities to change the status quo and bring new opportunities for himself and Lin Tianyi.

"Black Dragon, give me two drops of your blood essence."

Lin Nian said in a deep voice, his voice seemed particularly firm in the whistling wind.

Upon hearing this, the Black Dragon did not hesitate. It shook slightly and separated two drops of crystal clear blood essence from its huge dragon body. The two drops of blood flew in the air and finally floated in front of Lin Nian. The blood essence contained powerful power. This was the essence of the Black Dragon's life, and every drop was extremely precious.

Then, Lin Nian instructed the Black Dragon to land in an open area.

He collected the two drops of blood essence and handed them to his son Lin Tianyi.

"Yier, take these two drops of blood essence. From now on, no matter where you are, as long as you encounter danger, the Black Dragon can sense your location and immediately come to help you."

Lin Nian's words were full of love and determination. He wanted to ensure Lin Tianyi's safety, no matter what difficulties he faced.

Lin Tianyi took the blood essence, felt the majestic power contained in it, and his heart was filled with gratitude. "Thank you, father."

His voice was slightly choked with emotion. He knew that behind this was his father's deep care and expectations for him.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Lin Nian's mind;

"Ding, the host sent two drops of the ninth-level black dragon's blood essence. Congratulations to the host for triggering the hundredfold return and obtaining two drops of the twelfth-level blood essence of the Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor."

This voice sounded in Lin Nian's ears like a heavenly sound, and he could hardly believe his ears. The Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor, that is a legendary existence, and the value of its blood essence cannot be measured in words.

In the shocked eyes of the black dragon and Lin Tianyi, two drops of the Ancestral Dragon's blood essence appeared in Lin Nian's hand. These two drops of blood exuded amazing light, as if they contained an infinite world, and the vitality was so strong that it was suffocating.

Lin Nian handed one drop to Lin Tianyi and the black dragon without hesitation.

"This is the blood essence of the Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor. For you, it will be an opportunity to be reborn."His voice trembled with excitement and anticipation.

Lin Tianyi and Black Dragon took the Ancestral Dragon's blood essence, and their bodies began to change the moment they came into contact with the blood essence.

A powerful force began to penetrate every cell of theirs, and every breath became full of power.

At this moment, Lin Nian knew that he had won a precious opportunity for Lin Tianyi and Black Dragon, and their future would become more brilliant.

As Black Dragon and Lin Tianyi each swallowed the drop of extremely precious Ancestral Dragon's blood essence, Lin Nian knew that they were about to face an unprecedented transformation. He took a deep breath, guarded by his side with a firm gaze, determined to ensure that the refining process was foolproof.

"Black Dragon, Tianyi, concentrate your mind and guide the power in the blood essence to merge with your spiritual veins."

Lin Nian's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to contain deep power, trying to guide them in the direction.

As a ninth-level dragon, Black Dragon was more sensitive to the perception and control of power.

It was silent, but the power in its body began to surge violently.

Lin Nian could see that its dragon scales began to gradually change from the original black to dark gold, and each dragon scale seemed to be recast, exuding a more ancient and mysterious aura.

At the same time, the black dragon's body was constantly growing, from one thousand meters to two thousand meters, and finally stopped at three thousand meters.

This process seemed long, but it was actually completed in just a few breaths.

Although the black dragon had no signs of waking up, its aura had become more terrifying, as if its mere existence could suppress the world.

The situation faced by Lin Tianyi next to him was different.

Since he could not use his spiritual power at present, it was difficult to guide the power of the ancestral dragon's blood by his own strength. Seeing this, Lin Nian no longer hesitated and immediately sent out a spiritual power to help Lin Tianyi refine this drop of ancestral dragon's blood with supreme majesty.

"Father, I feel a powerful force flowing in my body. It is changing my physique and repairing my spiritual veins."

Lin Tianyi closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the changes in his body. His voice was a little shocked and incredible.

"This is the power of the Ancestral Dragon's blood. It will reshape your foundation and make your physique and cultivation a qualitative leap."

Lin Nian responded calmly, but his heart was also full of expectations and excitement.

He knew that once Lin Tianyi refined this drop of blood, he would become a powerful man in the future.

As time went by, a faint golden light began to emerge around Lin Tianyi's body, his skin became more delicate and tough, and his meridians became wide and unobstructed.

A powerful breath quietly awakened from his body, as if a sleeping dragon was gradually opening its eyes.

At this moment, Lin Nian knew that Lin Tianyi's future would be limitless.

And the transformation of the black dragon also foreshadowed a new leap.

The bond between the three of them became deeper because of these two drops of Ancestral Dragon's blood. In the future, they will face the wind and rain together and create their own legends.

As Lin Tianyi closed his eyes and refined the drop of Ancestral Dragon's blood containing infinite mysteries, the surrounding world seemed to be quiet.

Lin Nian watched nervously and expectantly, knowing that his son was undergoing an unprecedented transformation.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared. A thousand-meter-long phantom of a real dragon gradually emerged above Lin Tianyi's head.

Although the phantom was blurry, it exuded a frightening majesty, as if an ancient dragon supreme was awakening.


A dragon roar came from deep inside Lin Tianyi's body, and the sound penetrated the clouds and shook the surrounding mountains and rivers.

It was like the highest note between heaven and earth, full of endless power and majesty.

Lin Tianyi's body began to emit bursts of dazzling golden light, which spread like ripples, illuminating the entire refining space.

His cultivation, driven by this force, began to rise rapidly.

Body Refining Realm, Qi Condensation Realm, Qi Sea, Transcendent Realm... Lin Tianyi's realm continued to break through, and each improvement was accompanied by the release of a more powerful breath.

Finally, when Lin Tianyi's breath stabilized, he had reached the peak of the Heavenly Man Realm.

This realm is an unimaginable height for any cultivator, but he reached it in a short time.

Lin Tianyi slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with an unprecedented light, which was the confidence in strength and the expectation for the future.

"Father, I feel an unprecedented power flowing in my body, my cultivation..." Lin Tianyi said excitedly.

Lin Nian smiled and nodded, his heart was full of relief and pride;

"This is the power of the Ancestral Dragon's blood, you havehas completed an amazing transformation.

But remember, strength is only the foundation. How to use it and how to become a real strong man still requires you to explore and practice. "

Lin Tianyi nodded firmly.

After the changes in Lin Tianyi gradually stabilized, he felt the new power hidden in his body. This power is not only powerful and profound, but also carries an ancient and sacred breath.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with curiosity and desire for the unknown world.


Lin Tianyi's voice was a little unbelievable,

"I just awakened a special physique, it is called the True Dragon Holy Body."

When Lin Nian heard the news, an irrepressible surprise surged in his heart.

"It's actually a holy body!" Lin Nian exclaimed. He knew that the so-called holy body was extremely rare in the cultivation world. Each holy body has its own unique terrifying power and supreme potential.

"The True Dragon Holy Body is the supreme among the dragon physiques. Legend has it that it has the ability to mobilize the power of heaven and earth and call the wind and rain. "

Lin Nian looked at Lin Tianyi with a piercing gaze, his eyes full of pride,

"Tianyi, you now have the True Dragon Body, and your future achievements will be limitless.

But this also means that you will shoulder greater responsibilities, are you ready?"

Lin Tianyi nodded firmly, his heart full of infinite longing for the future.

"Father, I'm ready.

With this power, I will be able to better protect myself and lead the Lin family to the peak, I will not let this opportunity down."

Lin Nian nodded with satisfaction, he knew that Lin Tianyi had grown into a real man and could take on his own responsibilities.

"Well, since you have awakened the True Dragon Body, we should work harder to practice and explore the mystery of this power.

"You and I, father and son, will step on the peak of the strong together."

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