A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1319: Battle against Cangyue Holy Lord!

"Hehe, it seems that you Cangyue Holy Land are going to prevent me from taking the two of them away?"

Jiang Chen laughed angrily, his eyes became increasingly cold

Holy Master Cangyue said indifferently: "They belong to the Holy Land of Cangyue, you are naturally not qualified to take them away."


"Holy Lord Cangyue, you don't have to be a watch in front of my Jiang, and still set up an archway. You want to keep Qingxue, don't you just want to use her to continue your dirty trade?"

"Originally, I just wanted to bring Qingxue with you today, and I've already shown mercy to your people in the Azure Moon Holy Land, but you have to know what's good or bad."

"Since you have to fight, Lao Tzu will accompany you. I want to see, what can you do to me in the Moon Sacred Land?"

The killing intent was condensed in Jiang Chen's eyes, and the whole body exuded an aura of domineering the world.

"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death!"

Hearing Jiang Chen's extremely insulting words, there was also an icy chill in the eyes of Saint Lord Cang Yue.

She is the dignified Cangyue Saint Lord, and she has always been a superior existence.

Now Jiang Chen humiliates her with such words, how can she not be angry?

Saint Lord Cangyue's face looked like frost, and he stretched out his palm and shook his hand directly at the place where Jiang Chen was.

In an instant...

An extremely cold force suddenly blocked the space of Jiang Chen and the others.

The terrifying cold air seemed to completely freeze Jiang Chen and the three of them together with the world.


Jiang Chen spit out a cold word, countless Burning Heaven Sword Qi tore through the void, instantly covering a space of three hundred meters in radius, wiping out all the ice energy around him.

"Sure enough, it is the sword domain of Xiaocheng Realm!"

Saint Lord Cangyue's gaze narrowed slightly, and the endless ice sword aura in the void, like a thousand arrows, burst out Jiang Chen from all directions.


The cold ice sword aura hit Jiang Chen's sword domain, making continuous bursts of energy.

To the end.

The sword domain of Jiang Chen's Xiaocheng realm, unexpectedly exploded under the attack of the ice sword aura.

The sword domain is broken!

Jiang Chen's complexion changed, and he hurriedly protected Meng Qingxue and the other two backing more than ten feet away.

He raised his head to look at the Sage Lord Cangyue, his eyes narrowed involuntarily: "As expected of the Holy Lord of the Eight Hidden Holy Lands, he has actually touched the realm of Xiaocheng's sword intent."

The eight hidden holy places are indeed well-deserved!

Saint Lord Cangyue not only reached the seventh level of the divine fetus, his sword intent also reached the threshold of Xiaocheng realm, and his strength was extremely powerful.

This was also the first among the many emperors of the divine birth realm that Jiang Chen met to cultivate to such a level in the martial arts realm.

"Jiang Chen, you are very strong, but my Cangyue Holy Land is not a place where you can go wild."

Saint Lord Cangyue said with a cold face: "If you stop now and leave, maybe it's still too late."

This son of Jiang Chen is a peerless evildoer that has been rare in thousands of years, and the Human Palace behind it is even more integrated with the forces of Silence City.

Without being forced, Saint Lord Cangyue did not want to be an enemy of Jiang Chen.


"Holy Lord Cangyue, I want to take Meng Qingxue away today, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, it can't stop me."

"Since you want to stop me, then first kill your so-called Cangyue Saint Lord!"

Jiang Chen laughed domineeringly, and then flipped his palm, and a strange black square seal was also condensed in his palm instantly.

This battle.

Jiang Chen didn't bother to waste time with the Sage Master Cang Yue, raising his hand was to display the emperor seal of the martial arts scholar.


With the appearance of the black square mark in Jiang Chen's palm, a terrifying pressure instantly spread across the world.

Even the emperor of the Divine Baby Realm present, under this monstrous power, seemed to have a feeling of soul trembling.

Some weaker Divine Soul Realm martial artists, their faces turned pale in an instant, and a mouthful of blood could not help but squirted out wildly.

They looked at the black square seal in Jiang Chen's hand, and there was an unprecedented panic in their eyes.

Just the breath exuding from the black square seal can cause heavy damage to their souls!

What kind of terrifying martial arts did Jiang Chen display?

"What is this black square seal?"

Feeling the terrifying aura of the black square seal, even the heart of the Holy Master Cangyue had an inexplicable chill.

She suppressed the horror in her heart, just about to retreat, Jiang Chen's opponent flipped his hand and pressed her palm.

"The First Seal of the Human Emperor Seal, the Seal of Destroying Soul."

With Jiang Chen bursting into the air, the black square seal instantly rose up into the air, turning into a side of the Heaven-opening God Seal, and smashed down towards the Sage Lord Cangyue.


The void exploded and the world changed color.

The sky of the sun and the moon seemed to be crushed by Jiang Chen.

This seal is unimaginable, even the many emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm in Cang Yue Holy Land could not help but change their colors in amazement.

And at the side, Sun Chasing Son, Yang Yao, looked even more horrified at this moment.

If Jiang Chen cast this seal on him just now, I am afraid that he has no resistance at all, and he will be killed by Jiang Chen's seal.

"How can this kid... have such a terrifying martial arts?"

Saint Lord Cangyue was also astonished to the extreme in his heart.

The black square seal in front of her made her feel irresistible.

Holy Master Cang Yue took a deep breath, and quickly moved his hands in the void for more than ten times.

After a while.

I saw Void trembling for a while, a fist-sized transparent bead exuding white light, suddenly flew from Void into the hands of Cangyue Holy Master.

"The Canghai Mingyue Pearl, the Holy Master actually used the Cangyue Holy Land Emperor Treasure."

Seeing this scene before them, many people in the Cangyue Holy Land couldn't help taking a breath.

Even their Cangyue Saint Lord, facing the mighty black square seal of Jiang Chen, had to sacrifice the Emperor Bao Canghai Mingyue Pearl from the Cangyue Holy Land.

The Sage Master Cangyue held the Canghai Moon Pearl in his hand, and poured all his energy into the Canghai Moon Pearl.

In an instant...

A burst of white light burst out from the bright moon pearl in the sea, like moonlight shining all over the earth, shining all over the place instantly.

Just blink of an eye.

The white light condensed in mid-air into a mysterious picture of the bright moon in the sea, and it slammed into the black square seal that fell.


The sound of amazing energy collision resounded across the sky instantly.

I saw that Canghai Mingyue Tu abruptly resisted Jiang Chen's black square seal.


"A mere imperial treasure wants to stop me?"

"Dayan Cloud Swallowing Technique, give it to me!"

Jiang Chen stared coldly at the Canghai Mingyue Map in front of the Cangyue Saint Lord, and directly activated the secret technique Dayan Cloud Swallowing technique.

at the same time.

The black square seal on his palm condensed again, and then turned his palm to suppress the Canghai Mingyue Tu...

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