A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1350: Star City, Baidi Cemetery!

The gatekeeper on the ninth stage of the Starry Sky Ancient Road is completely a replica evolved from the gatekeeper.

The martial arts power that the passer has mastered, this guy also knows it.

Jiang Chen didn't even doubt it at the moment.

If he had five domains superimposed and greeted him, this guy would also return him a five domain superimposition.

At that time, the only result is to lose both.


Every time the ancient road to the starry sky opens, Shenwu Continent has talents to clear this place and enter the starry sky city, and not long ago, Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque had obviously passed this level.

This also means that this seemingly unsolvable ninth level should have a knack for clearing it, only Jiang Chen still doesn't know.

Jiang Chen stared closely at the gatekeeper in front of him, trying to find a flaw in his body.

To pass the ninth level of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, it is obviously impossible to fight hard. He must find another way and find the correct method.

It's just... Where is the flaw in the ninth level?

Since the Great Emperor Vast Sky evolved the ancient starry sky road thousands of years ago, Shenwu Continent has entered the starry sky city through this place, at least there are probably no fewer than a hundred talents.

In other words.

The secret to the ninth level should be something that these peerless geniuses have in common.

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and then a bright light flashed in his mind. Finally, after thinking of something, his eyes brightened instantly.

Starry Sky Ancient Road, only the Emperor Tianjiao under a hundred years old is eligible to enter it.

For thousands of years.

Those who can cross the ninth-order starry sky and come to this last level are either the descendants of the great emperor with the blood of the great emperor in the eight hidden holy grounds, or the top genius with the special blood.

These Emperor Tianjiao born in different eras, if they have to have anything in common, I am afraid there is only the blood power in their bodies.

And the gatekeeper of this ninth pass, although it is said that it perfectly copied the strength and cultivation of the passer, it is only an energy body evolved from the ancient starry sky.

He has no flesh and blood, and he is even less likely to have the power of blood.

This is undoubtedly the biggest flaw in the gatekeeper before him!

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen didn't use body refining techniques and Yuan Li, but only stimulated the power of the blood, and tried to punch out.

at the same time.

The opposite'Jiang Chen' also blasted over with the same punch.


The fists of the two collided in mid-air, and the figure of the opposite'Jiang Chen' instantly stepped back on the ground for a distance of seven or eight steps.

"Sure enough, this guy has no blood power."

Seeing that this guy was finally shocked by his own punch, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel happy.

Now that a solution has been found, Jiang Chen didn't bother to waste time, and directly urged the bloodline and supernatural power to destroy the world, Long Yan greeted the past.

But because the opposite'Jiang Chen' had evolved based on Jiang Chen's consciousness, did he have bloodline and magical powers to counterattack, and it quickly turned to ashes under Jiang Chen's World-Extinguishing Dragon Flame.

Solved the last gatekeeper.

Jiang Chen stepped forward to the ninth level, then expertly took a cup of Nine-Rank Haotian Brew and drank it.

"Ding! You drank a cup of Nine-Rank Haotian Brew and gained 7200000*100 martial arts cultivation experience!"

"Ding! Your martial arts cultivation base breaks through the sixth layer of the divine womb!"

"Ding! You drank a cup of Nine-Rank Haotian Brew and gained 7200000*100 experience in physical cultivation!"

"Ding! Your physique cultivation has reached the mid-eighth heaven peak!"

After drinking a cup of Nine-Rank Haotian Brew, Jiang Chen's cultivation was also successfully promoted to the sixth stage of the Divine Fetus.

"Yes, this time the Starry Sky Ancient Road is really worth it."

The cultivation base was promoted again, and a rare smile appeared on Jiang Chen's face.

This time on the journey to the ancient starry sky, he not only broke through two realms one after another in his cultivation base, but the martial arts domain was also elevated to a very terrifying stage.

With his current strength, the nine-fold emperor of the ordinary divine womb is probably no longer his opponent.

If it broke out with all his strength, even if he was facing the top divine emperor of Shenwu Continent, he would be completely confident to fight.

"Experimenter, congratulations on clearing the ancient starry sky road and obtaining the qualification to enter the starry sky city. You can stay in the starry sky city for ten days."

At this moment, a mechanical cold voice also rang in Jiang Chen's ears.

"Huh? After entering Star City, there is still a time limit?"

Jiang Chen was surprised by the prompt sound from his ear.

He took out the star element stone on his body to look at it, and he found that there was only the last star element in the star element stone.

"It seems that Emperor Vast Sky evolved the ancient starry sky road, and even the Starry Sky City was also enveloped in his rule of the Great Emperor. No matter how many star elements are in the star element stone, only one star element will remain in the end."

Jiang Chen murmured to himself, and then he didn't hesitate, and went straight to the gate behind the ninth pass.


Crossing the ninth step of the ancient starry sky, Jiang Chen only felt a flower in front of him, and then he came to a vast place.

The next moment...

Jiang Chen was stunned by the situation in front of him.

Here... is it really the legendary Star City?

Originally, Jiang Chen thought.

As an ancient giant city in the Shenwu Continent standing in the starry sky, the starry sky is also a fortress for the Shenwu Continent to resist the blood spirit race. It should be a very magnificent existence.

Especially after seeing the half-sitting Starry Sky City below the Burial Emperor Yuan, Jiang Chen had been looking forward to the other half's Starry Sky City for a long time.

But the situation before him completely exceeded Jiang Chen's imagination.

To be precise.

This so-called Star City is no longer a city at all, but a very large cemetery.

At first glance, it is densely packed with almost a hundred black tombstones.

Jiang Chen's eyes swept across hundreds of black tombstones one by one, and an unconcealable horror appeared in his eyes!

Ten thousand years ago.

The Great Emperor Haotian led the Hundred Emperors of the Shenwu Continent and fought with the Blood Spirit Race in the Starry Sky City.

Could it be that the hundreds of tombstones in front of you were the tombs of those emperor-level powerhouses thousands of years ago?

"Jiang Chen, you are here."

Just when Jiang Chen's heart was shocked, the whole space suddenly trembled.

I saw a burst of brilliant sword glow suddenly burst out of one of the tombstones ahead!


A figure that made Jiang Chen very familiar, directly flashed out of the tombstone out of thin air.

"Qin Wuque, why are you still here?"

Seeing Qin Wuque who suddenly appeared in his sight, Jiang Chen was shocked.

To know.

Qin Wuque and the others entered Star City at least a month earlier than himself.

And this starry sky city can only stay for ten days, how could Qin Wuque still be here?

What surprised Jiang Chen even more was.

In this month, Qin Wuque's strength has obviously improved a lot.

Jiang Chen vaguely felt that Qin Wuque's cultivation base had at least reached the seventh stage of the divine fetus!

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