A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1517: Beverage Shop in Earth Dragon City

"Big Brother Tianlin, is this Magic Dragon Palace made a mistake? How could that kid pass the seventh level?"

Zi Yunfei's eyes were dull, and he cried out in disbelief.

Zi Yunfei naturally understood the situation of the Magic Dragon Palace.

The seventh level, isn't this a level for the true god?

A Void God Tianjiao in the late stage of Guixu actually passed the seventh level, is this Nima too outrageous?

"It's impossible to go wrong in the Magic Dragon Palace."

Zi Tianlin took a deep breath, suppressing the horror in his heart.

He glanced at Zi Yunfei next to him, and said solemnly: "Yunfei, you will see that kid in this central area in the future, hide as far as you can, don't provoke him!"

"Brother Tianlin, why? Even if Jiang Chen is really talented, we don't need to be so jealous, right?"

Zi Yunfei was startled slightly, staring at Zi Tianlin with an incredible expression.

"There are only five people who broke through the seventh level of the Magic Dragon Palace below the True God Realm, and Earth Dragon City broke this record. Jiang Chen is the sixth person."

"In other words, Jiang Chen's talent is one of the best in Earth Dragon City's million-year history!"

"Such a character, not only you and I can't provoke me, even the Zi Family can't provoke me!"

Zi Tianlin looked at the top of the Illusory Dragon Palace and said with a look of fear.

The seventh pass of the Magic Dragon Palace is guarded by the real gods.

Jiang Chen's ability to pass the seventh level proves that he already has the strength to contend with the true gods!

Even if he shot, he might not be able to take Jiang Chen easily.

not to mention……

This enchanting genius, who is rare in 100,000 years, will surely arouse the attention of the Gulong clan, and it is impossible for him to win Jiang Chen.

Such evildoers will definitely not be low in the Gulong tribe in the future.

If you are an enemy of Jiang Chen, and you can't solve it, once Jiang Chen grows up, he will surely become an enemy that even the Zi family will be afraid of!

"call out!"

Under the shocking gazes of everyone, Jiang Chen's figure flashed directly from the hall of magic dragon, and his face calmly walked in front of the third daughter of Yi Qingyin.

Seeing Jiang Chen walking slowly, the purple-clothed woman and Xue Qianrou obviously became more cautious.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations on being the sixth person who broke the limit record and passed the seventh level under the true **** in the million years since you became the Earth Dragon City!"

Yi Qingyin looked calmer, congratulated Jiang Chen.

"Oh? Only six in a million years, so few?"

Jiang Chen looked surprised.

Although he knew that it would be difficult for the Void God Realm to pass the seventh level, he did not expect that Earth Dragon City would be one of the few in its million-year history.

"Beneath the true God and the true God is the difference between God and the mortal. This step is like a chasm. Can ordinary people be able to bridge it?"

Yi Qingyin shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Only Jiang Chen, such as heaven's darling, could be so against the sky. How can ordinary people break the limit and use a mortal body to contend with the true god?

"The gap is indeed quite big."

"I tried my best, and only managed three moves with the gatekeeper of the seventh pass."

Jiang Chen nodded, and said helplessly: "It's just a fluke to be able to pass the seventh level."

"This is not a fluke. The seventh pass originally only requires three moves by the guards to pass, even if it is the true gods."

"But those three tricks, even in the ordinary true gods, are not so easy to follow."

"After Zi'er broke through the True God Realm, he didn't even block two moves."

Yi Qingyin glanced at the purple-clothed woman on the side and explained with a smile.

The purple-clothed woman said with a wry expression: "The main reason is that the setting of the Magic Dragon Palace is too nasty. Every time I have to start with the first level, if it were not for the first six levels to consume too much power, how could I be unable to stop the three moves !"

Yi Qingyin gave the purple-clothed woman a white look: "Okay, don't be silly, go ahead and pass the level."


The purple-clothed woman took a deep breath and quickly walked towards the gate of the Magic Dragon Palace.

After half an hour.

A golden number seven appeared above the magic dragon hall, and the purple-clothed woman also walked out of the magic dragon hall with joy.

"Sister Qingyin, I passed the seventh level!"

The purple-clothed woman hopped to Yi Qingyin's face, happily.

Yi Qingyin looked speechless and said, "I broke through the seventh level after breaking through the true gods in a year. There is nothing to be happy about, it is far worse than Jiang Chen."

The purple-clothed woman's face suddenly stiffened, and she couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "This guy is a pervert. How can I compare with this perverted existence?"

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Xueqianjudo beside him: "Qianrou, do you want to go through the barrier?"

"My son, I have the greatest strength to pass a level now, so I will come back later."

Xue Qianrou shook her head.


Jiang Chen nodded, then looked up at Yi Qingyin and said, "Thank you just now for taking care of Qianrou for me. You can find a place and I will invite you to dinner."

Yi Qingyin smiled and said, "It's just a matter of raising a hand..."


Yi Qingyin was not halfway through, but he was directly interrupted by the purple-clothed woman.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you don't have to eat. I know there is a very famous drink shop in this central area. Why don't you buy us a drink."

This purple-clothed woman is obviously also a very familiar guy.

She spent a while with Jiang Chen and found that this abnormal-level genius was not easy to get along with, she was also much more cheerful.

"Beverage shop?"

Jiang Chen looked dumbfounded. There is such a fashionable thing as a drink shop in Longcheng?

"Yes, it's a drink shop, mainly selling drinks and barbecue."

"But the drinks and barbecues here are not ordinary, there are drinks made from the essence of fire in volcanic lava, and there are also drinks made from the essence of ice in the extreme cold. Each drink has different effects.

"And their barbecues are all roasted with beasts above the True God level."

The woman in purple explained excitedly.


Jiang Chen was immediately hooked and aroused a bit of interest: "Lead the way, since there is such a drink shop, you have to see it."

The purple-clothed woman quickly pulled Yi Qingyin and led the way with a smile.

Yi Qingyin didn't reject the friendship with Jiang Chen, such a peerless genius, and let the purple-clothed woman pull herself forward.

The group left the hall of magic dragon and soon came to a drink shop called Baiwei Beverage.

Inside the drink shop.

The gorgeous glittering gems cast a faint soft light, making the entire beverage shop look elegant and quiet.

The soft, light piano sound filled the beverage shop, like an invisible smoke spreading quiet and beautiful.

Pots of exotic flowers and plants are placed on the tables and windowsills of the drink shop.

The faint fragrance filled the beverage shop, and the invisible fluctuations spread out, giving people a refreshing feeling.

I like the hundredfold training system to upgrade to 999 in an instant, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) The hundredfold training system is upgraded to 999 in an instant, and the literature update is the fastest.

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