A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1602: Cave House of the Ancient Strong

It was seen that Jiang Chen had allocated 10 million years of blood dates to Liu Tianxing, but he had ignored his existence, and Yan Gang couldn't help passing a touch of cold light in his eyes.


Yan Gang also knew that this was not the time to turn his face with Jiang Chen, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart.

Jiang Chen is strong in combat. He is now an enemy of Jiang Chen, and he will only insult himself.

not to mention……

He is now seriously injured, with little combat power left, and needs to temporarily follow Jiang Chen and the others to ensure his safety.


In his current state, it is impossible to survive in this dangerous ancient sacred dragon relic.

"Jiang Chen, wait for me. When Zhuang Shengyang comes, I must make you pay a heavy price for it!"

Yan Gang was calm on the surface, but couldn't help letting out a ferocious roar in his heart.

Before entering the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

Zhuang Shengyang, who ranked third among the Seven Dragon Guards, had secretly passed on to them to let them pay attention to the whereabouts of Jiang Chen.

Now that he has contacted Zhuang Shengyang, all he has to do now is to follow Jiang Chen, and then secretly leave a mark, waiting for Zhuang Shengyang's arrival.

By the time.

With Zhuang Shengyang's half-step Celestial Divine Realm strength, would it not be easy to deal with Jiang Chen?

"Brother Jiang Chen, where do you plan to go next? Let's act together, so we can take care of each other."

Liu Tianxing collected the 10,000-year blood jujube and couldn't help but smile to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen nodded, and then asked, "What happened before? Who hurt you?"

With Liu Tianxing's strength, if it were the heyday, the three women in Tsing Yi previously killed by him could not easily defeat them.


There should be someone else who defeated Liu Tianxing.

"A true disciple of the Biyun Palace named Yao Hongsheng, half-step enchanting in the Heavenly God Realm."

Liu Tianxing gave a wry smile, and then roughly talked about their experience.

Liu Tianxing and Yan Gang were lucky. After entering the ancient sacred dragon ruins, they appeared directly in this canyon.

Not long ago.

After the two joined together, they found the cave house of an ancient strong man in a place thousands of miles away.

Liu Tianxing and the two decided to jointly explore this ancient cave, but they did not expect Yao Hongsheng to find this ancient cave with several disciples of Biyun Palace.

Both Liu Tianxing were seriously injured by Yao Hongsheng.

If it weren't for Yao Hongsheng's eagerness to explore the ancient cave mansion, the two of them would never have a chance to escape.


Although Yao Hongsheng did not personally pursue them, in order to prevent the news from leaking out, he still sent three women in Tsing Yi to chase them.

If it hadn't happened to meet Jiang Chen, Liu Tianxing would probably be unable to escape the pursuit of the three women in Tsing Yi.

Jiang Chen pondered slightly, and then said to Liu Tianxing: "You can recover from your injury first, and take me to the ancient cave mansion later."

He got a lot of information about the relics of ancient sacred dragons from the seductive woman of the Sky Thunder Sect.

Since the canyon in front of us is the Valley of the Wusheng where the Venerable Wusheng lived in seclusion, the ancient cave house Liu Tianxing and the others discovered was the cave house of the Venerable Wusheng.

Jiang Chen naturally wanted to see the cave house of a supreme realm god, and by the way to see if he could find a treasure that could restore the origin of the world.

"What? Are you going to the ancient cave mansion ahead?"

When Yan Gang heard that Jiang Chen was going to the ancient cave house, his expression suddenly changed: "Jiang Chen, I think you are crazy, right?"

That ancient cave mansion was already occupied by geniuses from other realms.

Especially that Yao Hongsheng, who is in the realm of the heavenly gods, is not inferior to the strongest three of the seven dragon guards of the ancient dragon clan.

Thinking of being slapped by Yao Hongsheng just now like a fly, Yan Gang couldn't help his scalp tingling.

If they were to go back to that ancient cave mansion now, it would be no different from sending them to the door to find death!

"Did I ask you to take me?"

Jiang Chen cast a faint glance at Yan Gang: "If you don't go, no one will force you to go."

Liu Tianxing didn't bother to pay attention to Yan Gang, so he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, give me one day. At that time, we will go to the ancient cave mansion again!"

Jiang Chenming knew that there was already a half-step Heavenly God Realm in that ancient cave, but he still dared to go, presumably because he had certain confidence in his own combat power.

In that case, he might as well accompany Jiang Chen for a while.

Seeking wealth and insurance!

This ancient relic of the sacred dragon is already full of crises. If you cower when you encounter a little danger, how can you win a greater chance?

Jiang Chen nodded, and then flashed over the ancient tree, looking for a hidden place to start practicing.

of course.

Jiang Chen's so-called cultivation is naturally not a normal cultivation, but a crazily devouring the 10,000-year blood jujube he just obtained.

This crazy act of devouring ten thousand years of blood jujube is really too shocking to the world, and Jiang Chen didn't want Liu Tianxing and the two to notice.

"Ding! You ate a 10,000-year blood jujube and gained 500,000*100 supernatural experience!"

"Ding! You ate a 10,000-year blood jujube and gained 500,000*100 supernatural experience!"


As Jiang Chen kept devouring the 10,000-year blood jujube, time also passed bit by bit.


The day passed in a flash.

After Jiang Chen devoured two or three thousand years of blood jujube, Liu Tianxing's injury also recovered seven or eighty-eight.

"Brother Jiang Chen, let's go."

Liu Tianxing woke up from his cultivation state, and shouted directly at Jiang Chen on the ancient tree.

Jiang Chen floated down from the ancient tree, and then flashed out with Liu Tianxing in the direction of the ancient cave mansion.

When Yan Gang on the side saw this, his complexion also turned not so good.

He has contacted Zhuang Shengyang, one of the three half-step heavenly gods of the Ancient Dragon Realm, and now Zhuang Shengyang is on his way.

If he is separated from Jiang Chen at this moment and lost Jiang Chen's whereabouts, how will he explain to Zhuang Shengyang?


Yan Gang could only gritted his teeth and chased after Jiang Chen.

Both Jiang Chen ignored Yan Gang behind them, and went straight to the ancient cave.

The distance of thousands of miles is not far for Jiang Chen and the others.

In a short while.

Jiang Chen and the others came to a mysterious valley in the canyon.

Next to the valley, there is an ancient stone stele with three big characters inscribed: Wushenggu.

The handwriting is vigorous and magnificent, and it also contains a strange charm of martial arts, which is definitely not something ordinary people can engrave.

"It seems that this is the real Valley of Inanimate Life, where the Venerable Inanimate lived in seclusion."

Looking at the stone tablet beside the valley, Jiang Chen could already be sure. The ancient strong man's cave that Liu Tianxing discovered should be the reclusive place of the Venerable Wusheng!

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