A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1609: No one I dare not kill!

"Jiang Chen, hurry...stop it!"

Face the threat of death.

Zhuang Shengyang finally couldn't help but said in a panic: "Gulong disciple, it is forbidden to kill each other in the ancient ruins. If you kill me, you will also be punished by the ancient dragon."

"Hehe...you just told me the rules of the ancient dragon clan now, don't you feel naive?"

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: "When you shot at me, why didn't you expect that the Gulong clan forbids cannibalism?"

Although the Gulong clan does have such a rule, as long as he kills Zhuang Shengyang and Yan Gang here, no one from the Gulong clan will know.

This guy came to trouble him, isn't it the idea he made?

not to mention……

Before entering the ancient sacred dragon ruins, Pang Qingyuan had specifically instructed him to be careful of Zhuang Shengyang.

Now that there is a chance to solve the opponent, how can Jiang Chen easily let it go?

after all.

The man behind Zhuang Shengyang is Pang Qingyuan's enemy.

Even if he was willing to give Zhuang Shengyang a horse, Zhuang Shengyang might not appreciate it. Maybe he would hide in the dark at any time, stabbing him from behind.

That being the case.

Today he killed Zhuang Shengyang to avoid future troubles!

The cold light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The Hunyuangu sword in his hand once again volleyed, and another colorful sword aura slashed down at Zhuang Shengyang's small real god.

Zhuang Shengyang's crumbling little real **** world finally burst into the air with a bang.


The small world of the true gods collapsed, and Zhuang Shengyang's already injured body was severely injured again, and the blood in his mouth was spilled from the air like a fountain.

And Zhuang Shengyang's body, like a kite with a broken line, flew upside down in mid-air for a distance of thousands of meters.

Zhuang Shengyang stabilized his figure in embarrassment.

He suddenly took out a pill and swallowed it into his mouth, then without even looking at Jiang Chen, he quickly swept towards the distant sky.

"Can you escape?"

Jiang Chen's expression was indifferent, his soles stepped out in the void, and directly appeared in front of Zhuang Shengyang like teleporting.

Looking at Jiang Chen who stood in front of him, Zhuang Shengyang was crazy.

He desperately urged his whole body strength and rushed away toward Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen remained unmoved, raised his head and drew a sword at Zhuang Shengyang.


The sword light shattered all power and fell on Zhuang Shengyang's body, a series of crisp voices resounded in mid-air one after another.

All the flesh and bones of Zhuang Shengyang's body were all torn apart.


"Jiang Chen, you...you can't kill me."

"My master is an elder of the sixth-order **** of the ancient dragon tribe. If you dare to kill me, he will definitely not let you go!"

Zhuang Shengyang finally couldn't help but screamed in panic.

"Really? In this world, there has never been anyone I dare not kill!"

Jiang Chen's voice fell, but he gently shook the void where Zhuang Shengyang was.

In an instant...

A burst of majestic space force caused the surrounding space to be continuously distorted, and Zhuang Shengyang's body was destroyed, his soul collapsed, and completely turned into a mass of ashes in front of Jiang Chen.

The understatement obliterated Zhuang Shengyang, Jiang Chen stepped out and came directly to the sky above Liu Tianxing and Yan Gang.

"Jiang Chen!"

Looking at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared in front of him, Yan Gang's face also showed unprecedented despair and panic.

Yan Gang naturally saw the battle between Jiang Chen and Zhuang Shengyang just now.

When he saw that Yao Hongsheng was hit hard by Jiang Chen's two swords and fled in panic, he had already planned to leave.

It's just that Liu Tianxing didn't give him any chance to escape at all, and stuck him firmly.

Until Jiang Chen killed Zhuang Shengyang, he could not get out.

Now that Jiang Chen has arrived, Yan Gang's whole body is like falling into an ice cellar, and he only feels a shadow of death instantly filling his heart.

"Jiang...Jiang Chen, I...I was wrong."

"Seeing that everyone is the disciple of the ancient dragon clan, please forgive me. I am willing to be a cow and a horse. From now on, you will be the only one to watch!"

Yan Gang directly thumped and knelt in front of Jiang Chen, pleading bitterly.

"I saved your life, but you were kind enough to take revenge and bring Zhuang Shengyang here to deal with me. It's better to kill a white-eyed wolf like you who can bite back at any time!"

Jiang Chen's eyes were cold, and Hun Yuan Gu Jian relentlessly slashed out at Yan Gang.

"Do not!"

Yan Gang looked desperate and tried hard to resist Jiang Chen's sword.

It's just that Jiang Chen now has the power of the Primordial Ancient Sword, even half a step into the Heavenly God Realm has to avoid its sharp edge, can Yan Gang be able to resist it?

Just a blink of an eye.

Yan Gang exploded under Jiang Chen's sword and turned into a rain of blood scattered from mid-air.

"Go, let's go to the treasures in the hall."

One sword solved Yan Gang, and Jiang Chen directly faced Liu Tianxing behind him.

When he solved Zhuang Shengyang just now, Yao Hongsheng had already taken the opportunity to escape. Maybe that guy will summon the strong man in Biyun Palace to come back.

If he is alone, Jiang Chen is not afraid of the half-step heavenly realm now.

But the four realms of the half-step heavenly gods are extremely large, and if there are a few Yao Hongsheng's existences at a time, he will be a little overwhelmed.

To be safe, it is better to take the treasure and leave quickly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, the venerable person in the main hall seems to have left some means. It is not easy for us to get the treasure."

Liu Tianxing hesitated slightly.

The power triggered by Zhuang Shengyang in the hall before, Liu Tianxing is vividly visible.

That kind of power is simply not something they can resist.

"Don't worry, I have my own way."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then flashed away at the door of the hall again.

When Liu Tianxing saw this, he gritted his teeth and hurriedly followed.

And just when the two of Jiang Chen entered the hall again.

In the place where Zhuang Shengyang fell, a slight spatial fluctuation slowly diffused out of the void.

The next moment...

I saw an incomparably illusory red figure, also appeared in the sky out of thin air.

This illusory red figure is exactly Zhuang Shengyang who was killed by Jiang Chen!

Zhuang Shengyang practiced a secret technique for soul escape.

At the moment Jiang Chen killed him, he forcibly separated a part of his soul and escaped into the void.

But even so, he now only has a remnant soul left.

Today, he just wants to restore this remnant soul to normal. If he does not restore the treasure of the soul, it will take at least thousands of years.

Not to mention reshaping the body and returning to the top.

"Jiang Chen, wait for me. Sooner or later, my Zhuang Shengyang will get back from you a hundred times and a thousand times!"

Zhuang Shengyang stared fiercely in the direction of the hall, and his mouth also let out a sharp roar.


When he moved, he directly turned into a light breeze, and instantly disappeared into the air.

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