A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1613: Ding! You break through the superior true god!

Jiang Chen went crazy and devoured ten thousand years of blood jujube to improve his cultivation.

For several days.

As he swallowed the 10,000-year blood fruit in the storage ring, the pleasing prompt sound of the system finally sounded in his mind.

"Ding! You succeeded in breaking through the superior true god!"

Jiang Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

The first true god, finally broke through!

"It seems that to improve your strength, you still have to explore such ancient ruins."

Feeling the power of the superior true god, Jiang Chen couldn't help muttering to himself.

It was in Tianlongcheng.

It took him several years to break through from the early stage of the middle true **** to the late stage of the middle true god.

Among them, he entered the Tower of Time for a few months, absorbing the **** crystals at ten times the speed, before reaching this step.


He entered the remains of the ancient sacred dragon in just ten days, first obtained the immaculate fruit, directly broke through the peak of the middle true god, and understood the origin of kendo.

After eating tens of thousands of blood jujubes, he finally broke through the first-class true **** in one fell swoop.

Break through the superior true gods.

Jiang Chen's current cultivation base can barely be regarded as catching up with the geniuses who have cultivated for thousands of years in God's Domain, and they are already in the same state.

And when he cultivated the **** king level technique, when his cultivation was in the middle true god, his divine power was no less inferior to the upper true god.

right now.

He breaks through the superior true gods, and his divine power is absolutely crushing the existence of the same realm.

Just talk about the degree of supernatural power.

Under the Heavenly God Realm, I am afraid that few people can compare with him!

"It's almost time, it's time to take a trip to the ruins of Shenglong Tiangong."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

The Holy Dragon Palace, the only king-level power that ruled the Holy Dragon Realm in ancient times.

It can be said.

The position of the Holy Dragon Temple in the Holy Dragon Realm at the beginning is even worse than the position of the Gulong tribe in the Ancient Dragon Realm.

Although Jiang Chen didn't know how such a giant that ruled the Holy Dragon Realm was destroyed.

But today’s Shenglong Tiangong site is undoubtedly the place with the greatest opportunity for the ancient sacred dragon remains.

There are not only countless coveted exercises and treasures there, but it is also very likely to have the inheritance of the gods!

the more important thing is.

The divine king-level technique he cultivated, Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram, should also have a great relationship with the Sacred Dragon Heaven Palace.

Now that he is here, how can he not go to Shenglong Tiangong?

Jiang Chen finished his cultivation and was about to wake Liu Tianxing who was practicing in retreat on the other side of the cave. A shocking kendo force suddenly burst from the place where Liu Tianxing was practicing.

He even clearly felt that the kendo coercion exuded by Liu Tianxing already contained a trace of kendo origin.

"This guy...seems to have broken through half a step into the Heavenly God Realm!"

Jiang Chen was suddenly taken aback.


Like Liu Tianxing, a genius at the pinnacle of the true god, he was only one step away from the half-step Heavenly God Realm, and it was not too surprising that he could break through.

Since Liu Tianxing is at a critical moment of breakthrough.

Jiang Chen didn't bother Liu Tianxing, but sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

About two hours later.

The kendo pressure constantly overflowing from Liu Tianxing's body finally slowly dissipated.

Looking at Liu Tianxing who had awakened from the state of cultivation, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Liu, congratulations on your understanding of the origin of kendo and successfully stepping into the half-step Heavenly God Realm."

"It's just a fluke. If it wasn't for the pill that Brother Jiang Chen gave me, I wouldn't be able to comprehend the origin of kendo so quickly."

Liu Tianxing's face was also filled with unconcealed joy.

He stood up with a grateful expression on his face: "Brother Jiang Chen, don't say thank you for your kindness. If you need anything in the future, please let me know, Liu will die!"


When Jiang Chen heard Liu Tianxing's words, he was shocked: "Have you already taken that medicine?"

To know.

The pill left by Venerable Wusheng is a realm god-level pill.

Unless he possesses a systematic heaven-defying cheater like him, ordinary heavenly gods might not dare to swallow it easily.

This guy just swallowed, and he was not afraid of being burst by the pill?

"The quality of this pill is too high, and the energy it contains is not something I can bear now. How dare I swallow it at will?"

Liu Tianxing took a deep breath and said, "I just took out the pill for a look, but didn't want to realize it, and then realized the origin of kendo."

When Liu Tianxing spoke, an unconcealable shock appeared in his eyes.

Although Liu Tianxing also knew.

This pill left by the ancient gods must be extremely extraordinary.

But he still didn't expect that he just watched the pill, and suddenly realized the origin of kendo!

Liu Tianxing could not imagine.

What kind of terrifying power has this pill contains!

"Jiang Chen, I can use this pill to understand the origin of kendo. It is already a great opportunity. You should keep this pill."

As Liu Tianxing said, he wanted to return the medicine to Jiang Chen.

"Since I gave you this pill, it belongs to you."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, stopped Liu Tianxing, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go to Shenglong Tiangong!"

After speaking, Jiang Chen turned and headed outside the cave.

Shenglong Temple, located in the central area of ​​ancient Shenglong.

Although Jiang Chen had learned a lot about the Holy Dragon Temple from the seductive woman of the Tianlei Sect, he only knew the approximate location of the Holy Dragon Temple, but did not know the exact location.

But this is not a problem.

The relics of the gods and kings of the Shenglongtian Palace are naturally extraordinary.

As long as they reach that area, it is not difficult for them to find the Holy Dragon Palace.

A few days later.

The two Jiang Chen finally passed through the huge canyon and entered a vast plain.

At the end of the plain.

A majestic peak of Tongtian Mountain also appeared directly in Jiang Chen's sight.

The mountain is like a huge pillar, extremely steep, towering into the sky.

From a distance, it looks like an ancient sacred mountain standing between heaven and earth.

Even across a vast plain, Jiang Chen could still feel that the mountain peak exudes a mysterious atmosphere of ancient times.

"What a mysterious ancient mountain!"

Liu Tianxing stared at the sacred mountain of Tongtian at the end of the plain, and muttered, "Could it be that the mountain in front of you is the site of the Holy Dragon Temple?"

"It should be."

Jiang Chen looked at the mountain peak at the end of his sight, and there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

Such a sacred mountain, I am afraid that only the power of the **** king level like the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace has the ability to create it.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated at the moment, and swiftly swiftly rushed towards the Heavenly God Mountain with Liu Tianxing...

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