A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1615: The first Shenlongwei, Long Chixiao!

Yao Hongsheng's stern anger also awakened many geniuses in the square who had comprehended the Sacred Dragon Stele.

They looked up at Yao Hongsheng, with an unpleasant expression in their eyes.

The sacred dragon monument is an opportunity that can be obtained by everyone in this ancient relic of the sacred dragon, and there is no danger.

As for how much benefits can be obtained, everything can be done by its own ability.

In order to allow everyone to peacefully comprehend the holy dragon stele.

The four great realms have long been agreed that no one can take action in front of the Holy Dragon Monument, let alone disturb others to understand the Holy Dragon Monument.

"Yao Hongsheng, brakes are forbidden in front of the Holy Dragon Monument, what do you want to do?"

Even Yao Hongsheng, who was awakened by the half-step Celestial Realm of Biyun Palace, couldn't help but shout loudly.

"Senior Brother Pei, I know that between the four realms, you can't do anything in front of the holy dragon stele, but this kid is not from the four realms."

Yao Hongsheng said coldly: "He is the man of the ancient dragon who took my chance in Wusheng Valley!"


Following Yao Hongsheng's words, everyone on the square's eyes all fell on Jiang Chen's body.

They all showed a strange look in their eyes towards Jiang Chen.

The disciples of the four realms are no strangers to the name Gulong.

Every time the ancient sacred dragon remains open.

In the four realms, there will be people who encounter some beings from outside the four realms.

These people seem to claim to be from the ancient dragon tribe.

And the four big realms all believe that this ancient dragon tribe is very likely to be the descendants of the holy dragon palace that survived the ancient holy dragon ruins.

"It turned out to be this kid!"

At this moment, the Sky Lei Zong Lei Kuang also discovered the existence of Jiang Chen, and almost immediately burst of fire in his eyes.

Seeing Lei Kuang's anger, a young man with silver robe and silver hair beside him couldn't help but ask curiously: "Lei Kuang, do you know this kid?"

"This kid is the one who robbed my godless fruit!"

The cold light in Lei Kuang's eyes skyrocketed: "Today I must make him pay a heavy price!"

"Don't do it yet, that kid is not easy, let the people of Biyun Palace test him first."

The silver-haired young man said lightly, and a strange look appeared in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

And when Lei Kuang was talking with the silver-haired youth.

the other side.

Brother Pei was also taken aback when he heard Yao Hongsheng's words.


His eyes looking towards Jiang Chen couldn't help but narrowed slightly: "Your Excellency is really from the Ancient Dragon tribe?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "So what, so what?"

"Boy, dare to be arrogant when you die!"

Yao Hongsheng was filled with a murderous intent: "No matter who you are, you don't want to get out of Shenglong Mountain alive today!"

"Haha... if you are defeated, you dare to speak up in front of me."

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently: "In the Wusheng Valley, you were no longer my opponent. If you want to kill me now, I am afraid you are even less capable."

"He doesn't have that ability, so add me."

At this moment, Brother Pei flashed a cold light in his eyes and stared at Jiang Chen coldly: "You killed a few disciples in Biyun Palace. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, please blame me for being polite. !"

Brother Pei's name is Pei Qing, and he is the second half-step Tian Divine Realm disciple in Biyun Palace.

More than ten days ago.

After Yao Hongsheng was defeated by Jiang Chen and escaped, he actually contacted him.

After learning that Yao Hongsheng had discovered the world mind crystal condensed by the Venerable Wusheng, he also quickly reunited with Yao Hongsheng and killed the Valley of Lifelessness, trying to regain the world mind crystal.


When they returned to Wusheng Valley again, Jiang Chen had already left with the treasure.

Now that he meets Jiang Chen again, Pei Qing naturally wants to take the Jie Xin Shen Jing back from Jiang Chen.

after all.

The Venerable Wusheng was the strongest realm **** in the holy dragon world in the ancient times, and the power contained in his realm mind crystal was more than that of the realm mind crystal that they had mastered in the first genius of Biyun Palace.

If he could obtain the Boundary Heart Divine Crystal of Venerable Wusheng, he might even surpass that one and become the first person under the Heavenly God Realm of Biyun Palace!

Jiang Chen glanced at Brother Pei lightly.

This guy's strength is indeed much stronger than Yao Hongsheng, I am afraid he is already half a step in the late stage of the heavenly gods who have understood the origin of Qicheng martial arts.


Even though it is the half-step late stage of the Heavenly God Realm, what fear does he have now?

Jiang Chen sneered in his heart, as he was about to speak, a domineering voice sounded first in the sky above Shenglong Mountain.

"Haha... If you want to move my ancient dragon clan, you have to ask me if I agree!"

With this loud laughter resounding through the void, only a purple-clothed man with a long sword on his back fell directly in front of Jiang Chen in a flash.

Looking at the purple-clothed man who appeared suddenly, both Jiang Chen and Liu Tianxing couldn't help but froze for a while.

This purple-clothed man is no one else, but the first true god, Longwei, Long Chixiao.

"Who is your excellency?"

Pei Qing looked at the purple-clothed man who suddenly appeared in front of him, his complexion changed slightly.

The breath that this purple-clothed man exudes is not inferior to him, it is definitely a powerful half-step heavenly god!

"Gulong God Dragon Guard, Long Chixiao."

Long Chixiao stared at Pei Qing murderously: "I don't care who you are, with my Long Chixiao, the people of the ancient tribe can't be moved by you!"

"Brother Long!"

Jiang Chen and Liu Tianxing came back to their senses, and they also stepped forward to say hello to Long Chixiao

"The two juniors are welcome."

Long Chixiao waved his hand, and immediately his gaze fell directly on Jiang Chen, and said with a smile: "You are Jiang Chen, but I often hear Master and his elders mention your name."

Jiang Chen was taken aback suddenly: "Senior Brother Long is a disciple of Venerable Jianxin?"

The master of Long Chixiao must be a great figure in the ancient dragon clan.

Among the great people of the ancient tribes who have been paying more attention to him, apart from Pang Qingyuan, there is only Jianxin Venerable Long Jianxin.


It is not difficult for Jiang Chen to guess that Long Chixiao is a disciple of Long Jianxin.

"Master repeatedly urged me to take care of you one or two. It's just that I haven't found your whereabouts in these days, so I came here to try my luck. I didn't expect you to actually come."

Long Chixiao smiled and said: "Don't worry, with me, no one here can move your hair."

"Huh! Don't be ashamed!"

Pei Qing heard Long Chixiao's words, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "Today, I will learn from Pei Qing, you, the descendant of the Holy Dragon Palace!"

When Pei Qing's voice fell, a monstrous chill also spread from him instantly.

"Haha...I, Long Chixiao, also want to see the strength of you geniuses of the Outland!"

Long Chixiao laughed, an overbearing force of kendo instantly turned into a giant sword that opened the sky and slashed out against Pei Qing.

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