A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1620: Public Enemies of the Four Realms

"What's your plan?"

Yin Xiao's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "Even if we two join hands, we may not be able to easily defeat those two guys."

Compared with Pei Qing.

The descendants of the two Sacred Dragon Temples are obviously more advantageous in competing for the chances of the Sacred Dragon Temple.

If possible, Yin Xiao wouldn't mind getting rid of Jiang Chen first.


That Long Chixiao had previously fought Pei Qing and had already crushed Pei Qing to death.

Another guy named Jiang Chen is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Although the two of them are both in the late stage of the Heavenly God Realm, facing Jiang Chen, it is really difficult to get any cheap.

If there is no certainty, Yin Xiao will not do it easily.

"We can unite all the half-step heavenly realms on the king's way."

A dark sneer flashed across Pei Qing's eyes: "Among the four realms, there must be no one who would be happy to say that Jiang Chen and the others successfully entered the Holy Dragon Palace."

"Okay! Let's go up to the sixteenth level first, and then wait for all the half-steps of the heavenly gods to be together, and together kill the two descendants of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace."

There was also a flash of sharp thunder and lightning in Yin Xiao's eyes.

Today, there are ten geniuses in the four realms and half a step in the heavenly realm.

In addition to him and Pei Qing, the two half-step late days of the Heavenly God Realm, there are also three half-step mid-day God Realms in the Starscar Realm and Cangshan Realm.

In addition to the other five half-step heavenly gods, it shouldn't be a big problem to clean up these two descendants of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

Yin Xiao and Pei Qing have negotiated, and they have ascended to the sixteenth step of the King of God.

Both of them stopped and continued to climb, and waited quietly on the sixteenth step.

very quickly.

The remaining eight half-step Celestial Divine Realms of the four realms also stepped onto the 16th step.

They all stopped at the sixteenth tier very tacitly.

For a time.

The sixteenth steps of the God King Dao gathered ten half-step Heavenly Gods from the four realms, and the scene was very spectacular.

And when the ten half-step heavenly gods of the four realms gathered at the sixteenth level.

Jiang Chen and Long Chixiao also ascended the fifteenth step of the God King's Path one after another.

"Jiang Chen, the half-step Heavenly God Realm of the four great realms gathered at the sixteenth level, it seems to be unkind."

Long Chixiao defeated the energy body of the fifteenth order, raised his head and looked at the situation on the sixteenth order, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "If I guess right, they want to get rid of my biggest competitor before entering the Holy Dragon Palace."

The people of the Four Great Realms regarded them as descendants of the Holy Dragon Temple.

And he is the person who inspired the Sacred Dragon Stele to make the sealed Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace reappear, don't these four realms want to get rid of him quickly?

"The ten half-step heavenly gods are indeed a bit troublesome."

Long Chixiao took a deep breath, then looked at Jiang Chen and said solemnly: "Jiang Chen, we are waiting for the battle, you have to decide."

"Go ahead, because ten of them want to stop me, but they are far from qualified."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and didn't pay any attention to the ten half-step Celestial Realm of the sixteenth order of the God King.

With his current combat power, these half-step heavenly gods in front of him could no longer pose any threat to him.

If you waste time here, it will only allow more half-step heavenly gods from the four realms to come.

There is even the existence of reaching the peak of the half-step Heavenly God Realm.

Although Jiang Chen was not afraid of the genius at the peak of the half-step Heavenly God Realm after breaking through the top true gods, it was not easy to defeat such an existence.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he still entered the Holy Dragon Palace first.

"it is good!"

Long Chixiao's eyes flashed: "The two half-step Heavenly God Realm late stage, I should be able to block for a while. You only need to solve the other people as soon as possible."

Both Yin Xiao and Pei Qing were in the late half-step Heavenly God Realm.

Although he may not be opponents with one enemy and two, there should be no problem blocking them for a moment.

And Jiang Chen has the ability to kill half a step in the late stage of the Heavenly God Realm.

As long as Jiang Chen can kill the other half-step Celestial Divine Realm in a short time, they may not have no chance to win.

"Thank you Brother Long, let's go."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, and then moved towards the sixteenth step.

The oppression of the 16th step of the God King's Road is already not weak.

However, with the strength of the two Jiang Chen, they still crossed a distance of three hundred feet without expending much effort and landed on the huge platform of the 16th step of the God King Dao.

The energy body of God King Dao's sixteenth order condensed in an instant, and was crushed by Jiang Chen's finger.

And at this moment.

Pei Qing and other ten half-step heavenly gods in the four realms also surrounded Jiang Chen.

Looking at Jiang Chen in front of him, Pei Qing couldn't help but set off a sneer on his face: "Jiang Chen, you have a bit of courage. I didn't expect you to actually dare to come to the 16th step of the King's Road."

"Why didn't I dare to come up?"

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said with a disdainful expression: "Do you think you can deal with me by gathering these **** from the four realms?"

"Huh! Dare to be here as fast as you die!"

"Boy, stop talking nonsense. Today, the sixteenth step of God's King's Path is your burial place."

"But... for the sake of you opening the Holy Dragon Palace for us, I can promise to keep your whole body!"

Yin Xiao on the side stared at Jiang Chen with a sneer, his eyes also filled with a sharp chill.

"What are you, you can kill my ancient dragon people if you want to?"

Long Chixiao smiled contemptuously, his whole body exploded with golden light, and the monstrous kendo attack directly locked Yin Xiao, and mercilessly killed Yin Xiao.

"Pei Qing, you and I will take action together and kill this guy as soon as possible. The others will join forces to deal with Jiang Chen!"

Yin Xiao looked at Long Chixiao who was slaying at him, and his face changed slightly.

The strength of this guy is extremely powerful, and it is impossible for him to get a bargain in his hands alone.

not to mention……

Although this time he and Pei Qing united all the half-step heavenly realm on the God King Dao to deal with Jiang Chen, but he did not want to fight too hard.


Even if the two of Jiang Chen were resolved, it would be extremely detrimental to his chance of fighting for the Holy Dragon Palace.


Teaming up with Pei Qing to defeat Long Chixiao with an absolute advantage is undoubtedly the best choice.

Naturally, Pei Qing was in trouble with Long Chixiao, and he no longer hesitated at the moment, and directly joined forces with Yin Xiao to kill Jiang Chen.

Although Jiang Chen's strength was extremely strange.

But on their side, there are three half-step Celestial mid-terms and five half-step Celestial early phases.

Such eight half-step Heavenly God Realm teamed up, even if they were in the late half-step Heavenly God Realm, they could only retreat.

He really didn't believe that Jiang Chen could handle it.

not to mention……

Even if these eight people really couldn't solve Jiang Chen, as long as he and Yin Xiao defeated Long Chixiao, Jiang Chen would still die!

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