"Finally, I will give you a chance, say or not?"

Cang Kunwu severely wounded Long Chixiao with a single move, and a violent killing intent appeared all over his body.

"I said, I don't know."

Long Chixiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "What's more... even if I know, I will never tell you."

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Since you must die, then I will fulfill you!"

Cang Kunwu laughed with anger, a terrifying force that seemed to directly shatter the void, also surging out of him instantly.

"Cang Kunwu, enough!"

At this moment, Leng Shuangshuang, who has not spoken, said indifferently, "Don't kill these two people for now. It might be more useful for us to stay."

"Yes, these two people are also members of the ancient dragon clan, leaving them may be able to restrain the guy who entered the Holy Dragon Palace."

A cold light flashed in Gong Wuji's eyes: "Since we can't get in, then we will wait outside. That kid, sooner or later will come out of Shenglong Temple."

What if the descendant of Shenglongtian Palace got the inheritance of Shenglongtian Palace?

Now that the half-step Celestial Realm of their four great realms gathered here, the kid was destined to be difficult to fly.

By the time.

They can still take back the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace from that kid.

Cang Kunwu heard that a strange spatial martial art origin directly enveloped the bodies of Long Chixiao and the two, completely confining them.

Even with the power of Long Chixiao, it is difficult to move the slightest under this power.

"Senior Brother Long, people from these four realms want to wait for Jiang Chen to come out here, what should we do now?"

When Liu Tianxing spoke, he also tried his best to break the power of the surrounding space.

"Don't waste your efforts. This guy's strength has reached the peak of the Heavenly God Realm for half a step. I am afraid that it will not be inferior to the ordinary Heavenly God's first order. We can't break the origin of his spatial martial arts."

"The only thing we can do now is to wait. I hope Jiang Chen can successfully obtain the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace. Maybe we still have hope."

Long Chixiao smiled bitterly.

As the first true **** genius of the ancient dragon clan, Long Chixiao has always been very confident in his own strength.

Even when he entered the remains of the ancient sacred dragon, facing many geniuses in the four realms, he has always been fearless.


When he met the real top talents of the four realms this time, he knew how far he was from them.


He can only pray in his heart that Jiang Chen can successfully obtain the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Temple.

after all.

The Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is the power of the **** king in ancient times. If Jiang Chen is inherited from the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, his strength will surely increase.

It is not impossible to even break through the Heavenly God Realm in one fell swoop!

Only in this way can Jiang Chen hope to contend with these top geniuses in the four great realms.


And when the top geniuses of the four great realms gathered at the thirty-third order of the gods.

Inside Shenglongtian Palace.

Jiang Chen didn't know anything about it.

He is still constantly digesting and absorbing the Jie Xin Shen Jing in his body.

For a whole month.

After Jiang Chen digested and absorbed one-third of the power of the Realm Heart Crystal, his cultivation finally broke through the middle stage of the upper true god.

And the six martial arts sources he mastered have all become much stronger.

In particular, the origin of the sword that was first mastered has reached 40%, which is equivalent to entering the mid-term level of the half-step Heavenly God Realm.


Jiang Chen didn't leave the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace either, and had been absorbing the energy of the Digestive Realm Mind Crystal.

Two more months passed.

Jiang Chen finally successfully digested and absorbed the Jie Xin Shen Jing in his body.

His cultivation level also raised another realm, and he was successfully promoted to the advanced stage of the true god.

And the kendo origin he mastered directly reached more than 70%. Even the other five origins have reached more than 40%.

"Jie Xin Shen Jing, worthy of the essence of the condensed Jie Xin Shen Jing, a Jie Xin Shen Jing actually raised my strength to such a level."

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and an unconcealable exclamation also appeared on his face.

Now that his cultivation has reached the late stage of the superior true god, he has mastered the six original powers, of which the Sword Doctrine has reached more than 70%.

Jiang Chen didn't even know how terrifying his combat power could reach if he used his full strength.

Don't talk about the existence of the peak of the Heavenly God Realm.

Even in the face of some first-tier powerhouses, he may not have the power to fight!

"Jie Xin Shen Jing, it really is a good thing."

Jiang Chen felt in his heart.

If he can have a few more such realm mind crystals, not to mention breaking through the heavens, even if he cultivates to the sixth rank of the heavens in one breath, it will not be difficult for him!

of course.

Jiang Chen knew that he could only think about it.

The Jie Xin Shen Jing, only when the Venerable Jie Shen reaches the end of his life, can he condense it out.

And most of the world gods, they will choose to fight for fate with heaven when the time comes.

Even if there is a chance for a breakthrough, they will not give up easily. How can you be willing to sit and condense the world mind crystal?

Unless some great powers of the world gods, when they feel that there is no hope of breaking through, they will choose to sit and condense the world mind crystals and leave them to the disciples of the next generation.

This time, Jiang Chen was very lucky to be able to obtain two World Mind Crystals in the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

He wants to get the Realm Heart Crystal again, and that is by no means easy.

"Little guy, good."

"Unexpectedly, in just a few months, you could use the power of the Jie Xin Shen Jing to rise to this point."

"With your current strength, those guys outside can't help you. Go out and have a look. The situation of your two companions seems a bit bad!"

At this moment, the voice of Shenglongtian Palace Spirit suddenly rang in Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen was shocked immediately.

It was only now that he heard that Long Chixiao and Liu Tianxing were still on the way of the king.

Now that he has entered the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, the two of them are facing the four great realm geniuses who have rushed to God's King Road, and the situation may be very bad.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, but when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something.

"Senior, the younger generation was lucky to get a branch of the tree of life not long ago. I wonder if Senior can hide the breath of the tree of life for me?"

The sacred tree of life, as one of the three sacred realms that have been handed down since the creation of the realm, is extremely mysterious.

Even if a branch of the tree of life is carried on the body, it can not only continuously improve the power of his way of life, but also enhance his recovery ability and make his combat power more durable.


The breath of life on the tree of life is too majestic. If the breath of the tree of life cannot be hidden, Jiang Chen dare not use it easily.


Once the news that he had the sacred tree of life came out, the consequences would be absolutely unthinkable.

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