A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1643: Even if the gods come, I can kill them!

One move to kill half a step at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm!

This... how is this possible?

The blood-clothed youth stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and finally there was an incredible horror in his eyes.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see.

Jiang Chen is not a powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm, but at best, like him, he is an infinite genius at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm.

But even a half-step genius at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm, it is impossible to have the terrifying power of easily killing opponents of the same level in a flash.

not to mention……

Jiang Chen didn't use his full strength at all with the move just now, it was just a vision of the exercise technique.

With the vision of Gongfa, such a terrifying power can be exerted.

This is definitely not something that ordinary world gods can do!


What this kid is practicing is the legendary **** king level exercises!

God king level exercises.

When the blood-clothed youth thought of this, the gaze looking at Jiang Chen instantly became extremely hot.

"Hehe... I really didn't expect that the little ancient dragon world would have your cultivation technique of the **** king level."

The cold light in the blood-clothed youth's eyes skyrocketed: "Boy, if you obediently hand over the God King level exercises, this young man may consider forgiving you for not dying!"

"I'm all dead, and I dare to pay attention to my practice!"

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, referring directly to the sword, and pointed the sword at the blood-clothed youth.


The terrifying kendo power is directly transformed into a ten thousand zhang divine sword that runs through the world.

"Ninth Young Master, be careful!"

The four commanders looked at Jiang Chen's terrifying sword, and their expressions changed drastically.

They burst out with all their blood and their origins, turning into a small world of **** true gods, and facing the ten thousand zhang divine sword in the void.

Bang bang bang...

A series of crackling sounds came out.

The small world of the true gods under the four rulers collapsed at the moment they came into contact with the Divine Sword.

To the end.

Even their bodies were directly crushed by the Ten Thousand-Zhang Divine Sword, and even their souls were wiped out!

Seeing that the four and a half step Celestial God Realm leaders failed to hold on to a move in Jiang Chen's hands, the look of the blood-clothed youth also instantly became extremely frightened.

He never thought of it.

Also a genius at the pinnacle of the half-step Heavenly God Realm, the combat power of the black-clothed youth in front of him could actually be so terrifying.

Even if it was the most enchanting boss among the nine princes of the Blood Moon Palace, he might not have such combat power when he was in the half-step Heavenly God Realm.

"Now only you are left. If you have any last words, let's explain it early."

One move killed four half-step Celestial God Realm leaders, and Jiang Chen's cold eyes were also directly locked on the blood-clothed youth.

Feeling Jiang Chen's gaze with cold killing intent, the blood-clothed youth couldn't help but feel cold.

He took a deep breath, and immediately moved his palm, and a **** token appeared directly from his palm.

"Jiang Chen, although I have to admit that you are very powerful, I am afraid that no one will be your opponent under the Heavenly God Realm."

"But even so, this son is not something you can kill if you want to."

The blood-clothed youth said with a grim expression: "This token of mine contains a blow from the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm. If you insist on shooting me, I promise you will pay a heavy price for it!"

As one of the nine most outstanding geniuses of the blood moon palace generation, the blood-clothed youth naturally has a life-saving trump card.

Now that he knew he was not Jiang Chen's opponent, he directly took out this hole card without hesitation.

"The **** strikes, so what?"

"Don't say it was just a blow from the gods, even if the real powerhouse of the gods comes, I can still kill them today!"

Jiang Chen glanced at the blood-clothed youth contemptuously, and spit out a cold word: "Cut!"


As Jiang Chen's cold voice fell, the power of the sky full of swordsmanship once again turned into a sky full of sword light, slashing straight down at the blood-clothed youth.

Looking at the terrifying sword light that was rapidly enlarging in his eyes, the blood-clothed youth's complexion could not help but change drastically.

"Boy, since you must die, then I will fulfill you!"

The blood-clothed youth roared, and immediately directly and decisively urged Scarlet Token.

In an instant...

I saw that above the blood-colored token, a bright blood-colored world power soared into the sky, and then turned into a blood-colored giant palm covering the sky and sun in mid-air, colliding with Jiang Chen's sword light fiercely.


The shocking crash sounded through Baili Void.

The celestial blow that the blood-clothed youth urged was a blow condensed by the world power of a strong celestial realm, and its power was naturally extremely powerful.

Even the blow that Jiang Chen condensed with a complete kendo origin was crashed under the pressure of that **** giant palm.

Jiang Chen's expression remained unchanged, and the power of the six realms was fully displayed.

The next moment.

A six-color flame condensed by the fusion of the original power directly cut through the void and faced the blood-colored giant palm.

The two collided in the void and did not make any noise as expected.

The weird flame formed by Jiang Chen's fusion of the power of the six realms, even this huge **** palm condensed by the power of the world of the Heavenly God Realm, could not be stopped at all.

Just a blink of an eye.

The blood-colored giant palm quickly melted and evaporated under the six-colored flames, and finally completely dissipated into the void.

"You... you actually blocked the deity's blow, how could it be?"

Seeing this scene, the face of the blood-clothed youth finally showed an unprecedented panic.

To know

He just urged the gods to strike.

Even a blow from the gods couldn't hurt the young man in black!

How could this kid's power be so terrifying?

"The **** strikes, but that's all."

"I have said long ago, not to mention that it was a blow from the gods, even if the strong of the gods came in person, I can still kill them with a single sword today!"

Jiang Chen's words fell proudly, and when he raised his hand, a six-color sword light burst out at the blood-clothed youth.

The blood-clothed youth was shocked.

He quickly urged his entire body to evolve into a small world of true gods, trying to resist Jiang Chen's sword.


With the six martial arts origins that Jiang Chen now masters, how can the power that burst out from the fusion of blood-clothed youths can withstand the half-step Celestial Peak.

His small world of true god, without even holding on to a breath, just crashed into pieces.

The blood-clothed youth, like a kite with a broken line, flew upside down in embarrassment for thousands of feet.

I saw him pale, his body was severely injured, and the blood-colored holes on his chest, the blood of God spurted out of his body like a fountain.

The blood-clothed youth looked up at Jiang Chen with a frightened expression.

Just one move.

Even if he urged his whole body to condense the small world of the true god, he was still beaten to a half-life!

The black-clothed youth in front of him is truly terrifying!

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