A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1645: Tianpeng Shenhuang's guess

At this moment, You Tiankui was extremely angry.

Jiu Gongzi, this is one of the descendants of the nine world gods of the Blood Moon Palace, and it is also an existence that has the opportunity to control the Blood Moon Palace in the future and dominate the Blood Moon Realm.

And the people who followed the Nine Young Masters to attack Tianpeng Divine Kingdom were all Nine Young Masters' supporters.

This time.

He was ordered to assist the Nine Young Masters in attacking the Heavenly Peng Kingdom, in order to enhance the Nine Young Masters' reputation and strengthen his power in the Blood Moon Palace.

In order to ensure the safety of Jiu Gongzi, You Tiankui also specially left him behind to guard the Feiyun Pass, and also left a few half-steps in the Heavenly God Realm.


You Tiankui never thought of it anyway.

Tianpeng Divine Kingdom unexpectedly still has strong people hiding in the dark, directly avoiding the frontal battlefield, going to attack Feiyun Pass, and killing Jiu Gongzi!

To know.

Jiu Gongzi was a genius at the peak of the half-step Heavenly God Realm, plus the few half-step Heavenly God Realm assistants he left behind. Unless the real Heavenly God Realm expert makes a move, it is impossible to capture Feiyun Pass?

For example, the two remaining heavenly gods in Pengshen Kingdom today are all shrouded in the capital, how could there be a strong heavenly god?

What frightened You Tiankui the most was.

This time he was the one who made a special trip to assist the Jiu Gongzi.

Now the Nine Young Masters have fallen into the Heavenly Peng Kingdom. After he returns to the Blood Moon Realm, how can he explain to those who support the Nine Young Masters?

"General You, now our army is besieging Tianpeng Divine Kingdom. We need you to sit here and not move lightly."

The black-clothed old man took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Feiyun Pass, let me take a trip. Don't worry, no matter if you kill Jiu Gongzi, I will get his head back!"

The **** emperor of Tianpeng Kingdom is also a second-tier powerhouse of the gods, and only You Tiankui can suppress it.

If You Tiankui leaves, Tianpeng Kingdom will definitely wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

This time they assisted Nine Young Masters in attacking Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and instead caused Nine Young Masters to fall here, it was already a great mistake.

If you cannot redeem your merits, you will conquer Tianpeng Divine Kingdom. They might not be better off returning to the blood moon world.

You Tiankui naturally understood what the old man in black was thinking.

Now that the Jiu Gongzi has fallen, there must be no more mistakes in the matter of attacking Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

"Okay! Be careful."

You Tiankui's eyes flickered slightly: "That person can break through Feiyun Pass and kill Nine Young Masters, he must be extremely strong."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't get to the second-tier powerhouse of the gods, no one can help me!"

The old man in black smiled confidently.

Although he is at the first order of the gods, he has broken through for a long time.

Now he has understood part of the origin of the martial arts of his second way, and he is not far from the second order of the gods.

Unless you encounter a strong man above the second rank of the gods, almost nothing can pose a threat to him.

After the black-clothed old man finished speaking, he didn't hesitate anymore, and disappeared into the hall in a flash.

"Two, immediately follow me and lead the army to attack the capital of Tianpeng Kingdom, even if it is at all costs, to destroy Tianpeng Kingdom as soon as possible!"

After the black-clothed old man left, You Tiankui's eyes also flashed a sharp cold light.

The fact that a mysterious powerhouse suddenly appeared in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom was too weird.

He even had some doubts that the mysterious powerhouse that suddenly appeared was most likely a reinforcement sent by the ancient dragon clan!

If this is the case, he must accelerate his speed to destroy the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, and then summon the army of the blood moon world to march into the Kingdom of Tianpeng.


Once the ancient dragon realm really sent a large number of strong supporters, they would probably be at risk of annihilation of the entire army.

With a decision in his heart, You Tiankui directly took two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses and tens of thousands of True God Realm troops, and began to frantically attack the capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom!


at the same time.

Tianpeng, the capital of the Kingdom of God, in a magnificent hall.

A burly middle-aged man in a purple-gold robe was discussing with a white-browed old man with a serious face.

"The Emperor Tianpeng, with the power of you and me, it is impossible to defend the kingdom of Tianpeng. I wonder what you plan to do?"

The old man with white eyebrows looked at the Emperor Tianpeng in front of him with a solemn expression.

There are now four great powerhouses in the Blood Moon Realm, even if they rely on the defense of the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Capital City, they probably won't be able to defend them for long.

"What are your plans?"

The Emperor Tianpeng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Now I can only rely on the gods left by our ancestors to guard the capital and wait for the reinforcements of the ancient dragon clan."

The old man with white eyebrows solemnly said: "The strength of the ancient dragon clan is much inferior to that of the blood moon palace in the blood moon world. Now, will the ancient dragon clan really send people to support the kingdom of Tianpeng?"

"Yes! Tianpeng Kingdom is a gate to the Eastern Region of the Ancient Dragon Realm. Once it is opened, the entire Eastern Region will fall."

The Emperor Tianpeng took a deep breath and said, "Unless the Ancient Dragons are willing to give up the entire Eastern Region, they will definitely send someone to support."

"Enlighten to the **** emperor, the blood moon realm powerhouse suddenly exhausted his army and launched a fierce attack."

At this moment, a guard hurriedly walked in from outside the hall.

The expressions of the Emperor Tianpeng and the old man with white eyebrows changed, and the two of them flickered and appeared directly above the capital.

"You Tiankui actually mobilized all the troops to attack Tianpeng Divine Kingdom with all his strength."

The old man with white eyebrows solemnly said: "If this goes on, the patron saint of your imperial capital will ban it.

"The Blood Moon Realm suddenly launched an offensive frantically, and there must be some tricks in it."

Tianpeng Divine Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly: "Have you noticed that there seems to be a lack of a strong Celestial God Realm in the Blood Moon Realm?"

"It really is……"

The old man with white eyebrows was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of doubt flashed in his old eyes.

There are a total of four great heavenly gods in the blood moon world. Now You Tiankui is attacking the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom with all his strength, but one of the heavenly gods is not here. This is really weird.

Divine Emperor Tianpeng flashed in his eyes, and smiled faintly: "Let's do our best to defend. Maybe it won't take long for a turnaround."

The eyes of the old man with white eyebrows lit up slightly: "You mean... the reinforcements of the ancient dragons are likely to arrive?"

"Nine out of ten, it should be like this."

"You Tiankui probably also knew this news, so he wanted to take the Heavenly Peng Kingdom so eagerly."

Tianpeng Shenhuang smiled authentically.

For these days, You Tiankui has been trying to break the God's forbidden city of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and did not intend to attack by force.

Now he suddenly changed his previous method and attacked at all costs.

But at this critical time, but there is another Heavenly God Realm powerhouse who is not here, this must be an accident.


The strong man in the Heavenly God Realm was going to block the reinforcements of the ancient dragon tribe, and wanted to delay time and give You Tiankui a chance to break through the capital of the Heavenly Peng Kingdom!

The Emperor Tianpeng even had a hunch.

As long as they guard this wave of You Tiankui's offense, perhaps a great turnaround will come!

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