A sword blasted the black-clothed old man.

Jiang Chen hardly gave the black-clothed old man any chance to breathe.

People Emperor Seal!

Divine body vision golden sword phantom!

Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram Cultivation Phenomenon Qianlong Town Sky Diagram!

Fusion of the power of the seven realms!


All kinds of terrifying powers successively attacked the black-clothed old man.

Rao was a black-clothed old man who was a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm, and he was unable to fight back under Jiang Chen's thunder for a while.

To the end.

I saw that the black-clothed old man was beaten directly by Jiang Chen and his body was broken and his blood overflowed.

"Ah...Little bastard, you forced me. Even if I die, I will drag you to be buried with me!"

The black-clothed old man was covered in blood, and the gaze looking at Jiang Chen instantly became extremely hideous.

The next moment...

I saw that his broken body began to bloom with the light of destruction, a breath of death spread, and the whole body began to swell violently.

"This old guy is going to blew himself up!"

Seeing the actions of the black-clothed old man, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly shrank.

The soles of his feet were a little bit in the void, and his figure quickly retreated in the direction of Feiyun Pass.

at the same time.

The power of the seven realms was instantly dominated by the power of space, turning into a seven-color space prison, blocking the thousands of meters of space around the black-clothed old man.

The space prison has just taken shape, and the body of the black-clothed old man has also expanded to its limit.


A shocking explosion appeared!


A terrible storm of destruction swept away frantically in all directions.

Even the spatial prison condensed by Jiang Chen's Seven Dao Forces, after only a slight resistance, crashed under the impact of the destruction storm.


At the moment when the space prison resisted the devastating storm, Jiang Chen's figure had already retreated to a safe distance.

He looked at the Baili space swept by the destruction storm, and couldn't help but breathe in his heart.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough just now.


If he was really hit by the force of the black-clothed old man's self-destruction, I am afraid that he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"Half a step in the Heavenly Divine Realm to kill the strong in the Heavenly Divine Realm is really not that easy to kill."

Jiang Chen shook his head and gave a wry smile.

In this battle, in order to kill the black-clothed old man, Jiang Chen almost broke out all his strength.


This is still the case with the help of the tree of life.

Before the black-clothed old man evolved the world of the gods, he could not absorb the energy of heaven and earth to supplement the consumption.

If the sacred tree of life could continuously replenish the power he consumed, he might not be able to sustain it to break the world of the gods of the black-clothed old man.

Once trapped in the celestial world of the black-clothed old man, I am afraid that the person who has fallen today is him.

"But... this old guy is obviously not an ordinary first-order deity, presumably in the first-order deity, they are already top-notch existence."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he had a general understanding of his current combat power.

With his current combat power, there is no big problem at all if he wants to kill some ordinary first-order strong men.

And like the black-clothed old man, the best in the first rank of the gods, it is much harder to deal with it.


There is a tree of life gods that continuously provides power, and the world of the gods of the gods has greatly weakened the restrictions on him.

Even in the face of the top-tier Heavenly God powerhouse, Jiang Chen didn't fear at all.

As for the powerhouse of the second-order Tianshen, it is obviously not something he can handle now.

Feiyun closed.

Wang Ying stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and for a long time did not recover from the shock.

Break the barriers of realm, half-step the cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm, and kill the real Heavenly God Realm!

Jiang Chen actually did it!

Rao Wang Ying had already vaguely guessed in his heart, but when he really saw this scene, he still couldn't believe his eyes!

The half-step Tian Divine Realm, its essence still belongs to the True Divine Realm.

Although there is only one word difference between the True God Realm and the Heaven God Realm, it is actually a sky and an underground, separated by an insurmountable sky chasm.

In the domain of God.

Almost ninety-nine percent or more of the warriors are simply unable to cross this sky and kill the sky and gods with their true gods.

And almost no one who can cross this great moat is a rare genius in God's Domain!

Such geniuses have even become legendary existences in their remote small realms.

Wang Ying never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen in front of him is actually a strong genius who can break the barrier of realm!

"Your Excellency Jiang Chen now kills a strong man of the Heavenly God Rank in the Blood Moon Realm, and the danger of the Heavenly Peng Kingdom may be resolved."

In addition to the shock, Wang Ying's eyes also showed unconcealed ecstasy.

There were a total of four great heavenly gods in the Blood Moon Realm attacking Tianpeng Divine Kingdom. Now Jiang Chen killed one person, and only three remained.

And Tianpeng Divine Kingdom also has two Heavenly God Realms sitting here, plus Jiang Chen who can defeat the Heavenly God Realm, their peak combat power will no longer be weak.

Even if the Gulong clan didn't have other reinforcements, and Jiang Chen alone was here, he could stabilize the situation of Tianpeng Kingdom.

"It's ridiculous that I thought it was useless for Your Excellency Jiang Chen to come alone."

Wang Ying smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This one is simply a more terrifying existence than ordinary first-order powerhouses.

It took less than a day.

Jiang Chen successively broke through several cities occupied by the Blood Moon Realm, beheading thousands of True God Realm Warriors in the Blood Moon Realm.

It also includes several half-step gods such as the Nine Young Masters of the Blood Moon Realm, as well as a real **** realm powerhouse!

Now the top combat power of the Blood Moon Realm was greatly weakened by Jiang Chen.

However, their Heavenly Peng Kingdom has a peerless evildoer like Jiang Chen, and the blood moon world can no longer have the absolute upper hand.

It can be said.

Jiang Chen came to Tianpeng Divine Nation in just one day, and instantly rewritten the extremely unfavorable situation for Tianpeng Divine Nation.

Now there is Jiang Chen.

It is almost impossible for the Blood Moon Realm to destroy the Heavenly Peng Kingdom in a short time.

As long as the Gulong clan's two heavenly gods arrive, they can even counter-defense and siege, expelling the people from the blood moon world from the heavenly kingdom.

"Your Excellency Jiang Chen, you killed a blood-moon realm, Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, and now there are still three Heavenly God Realm powerhouses besieging Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Imperial Capital. I hope you can go to the Imperial Capital and help me Heavenly God Realm. One hand."

Wang Ying came back to his senses, and quickly said to Jiang Chen respectfully.

Now that he has seen Jiang Chen's rebellion against the gods, Wang Ying will naturally not have the slightest doubt about Jiang Chen's strength.

If he had known Jiang Chen had such strength, he would have taken Jiang Chen to support the imperial capital.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I'll go to Tianpeng Divine Kingdom's Capital in a while and give a big gift to the people in the blood moon world."

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