To the east of Feiyun Guan.

The endless plains are already devastated and in ruins at this moment.

Half a month ago.

You Tiankui led three powerhouses of the Heavenly God Realm to come back, and the four great Heavenly God Realms including the Heavenly Peng God Emperor blocked the attack of the Blood Moon Realm.

Originally, the two sides were evenly matched, and no one could do anything about it.

But just two days ago, the Blood Moon Realm had once again sent strong aid, among which there were two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses.

The Emperor Tianpeng had to fight back and retreat to Feiyun Pass.

After Jiang Chen arrived at Feiyun Pass, many people were healing. Many of them were disciples from the Sky Dragon City who also suffered severe injuries.

The entire Feiyun Pass was filled with a solemn and low atmosphere.

"Brother Jiang Chen!"

"Master Jiang Chen is here!"

Jiang Chen's appearance suddenly attracted the attention of many people in Feiyunguan, and their expressions immediately regained their light, regaining a glimmer of hope.

after all.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen killed the Blood Moon Realm Heavenly God Realm in succession to save the Heavenly Peng Divine Kingdom from distress.

Now Jiang Chen's influence in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is no less inferior than that of Tianshen Divine Emperor!

A general of the Tianpeng Kingdom of God came over with a respectful expression: "Master Jiang Chen, your Majesty the Emperor and they are discussing matters in the hall, I will take you over."

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded, and then followed the general towards Feiyun Pass.

Feiyun is the main hall of discussion.

Tianpeng Shenhuang and other four heavenly gods gathered here, and the atmosphere was dull.

The sudden arrival of Jiang Chen suddenly caused the four people in the hall to lift their spirits slightly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are here."

The Emperor Tianpeng looked at Jiang Chen who entered the hall, and stood up with a smile on his face.

Although Jiang Chen hadn't broken through the Heavenly God Realm, he still possessed the terrifying ability to defeat the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, and his combat power was no worse than any of them.

As today, Pengshen Kingdom is in crisis again.

Their only hope of breaking the game is probably still in Jiang Chen's body.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and found that except for the Emperor Tianpeng, Jinqiuyang and the other three were all volatile, and apparently had been injured in the battle.

"Excuse me, I have gained a bit of understanding the ancient thunder tree, so it took a little longer."

Jiang Chen smiled apologetically, and then asked directly: "Are you okay, how many god-level experts have been dispatched by the Blood Moon Realm this time?"


"You Tiankui originally only led three Heavenly Gods to come back, and we can still handle it."

"But just two days ago, they reinforced two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses, one of whom was the Sixth Young Master of the Blood Moon Palace!"

Tianpeng Shenhuang's expression was extremely solemn.

This time, the Blood Moon Realm was coming fiercely, and its strength was much stronger than last time.

If you are not careful, the Heavenly Peng Kingdom will really be destroyed in the hands of Blood Moon Realm.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: "This Sixth Young Master of the Blood Moon Palace is very strong?"

"The nine princes of the Blood Moon Palace are the nine geniuses from the blood moon palace realm gods, and each of them is extremely outstanding."

"Especially this sixth son, Tu Yuan, ranks in the top three among the nine sons of the Blood Moon Realm."

"This guy is indeed very strong. At the peak of the first-tier cultivation base, he is not far from the second-tier god, and his combat power is not inferior to the ordinary second-tier strongman."

Jin Qiuyang obviously knew better about the nine princes of the blood moon world, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

When Jiang Chen heard Jinqiuyang's words, he couldn't help but stunned.

This Blood Moon Palace Nine Young Master's combat power, even if compared with him, would not be inferior in the slightest.

Coupled with a second-tier Tiankui You Tiankui, the Blood Moon Realm is equivalent to having two second-tier powerhouses!

Not to mention that the number of blood moon realm heaven and **** realm powerhouses is two more than them.

How could Tianpeng Divine Emperor and the four of them resist the attack of the Blood Moon Realm?

Jiang Chen was silent for a moment, and said, "Gulong tribe, there should be disciples from the sect of the world gods."

"Our Gulong tribe's World God Venerable has confiscated one disciple for at least 100,000 years. All disciples are very few, and now there are only three in total."

Jin Qiuyang smiled bitterly and said: "These three are the main force on the frontal battlefield and should not be moved lightly."

Jiang Chen shook his head.

There are few disciples of the gods of the ancient dragon world. I am afraid that a large part of the reason is that it is difficult for the ancient dragon world to give birth to geniuses who have the eyes of the gods.

The disciple of the single Venerable is enough to see.

Although the ancient dragon tribe and the blood moon palace are both world **** forces, there is a big gap in strength.


Think about it and understand it.

The ancient dragon clan was established in just over one million years, and is a very young existence in the power of the world gods.

And the Blood Moon Palace in the Blood Moon Realm has a history of at least five million years, and its background is naturally not comparable to that of the Ancient Dragons.

"I have a question. The blood moon palace has a longer history than the ancient dragon clan. Why didn't they capture the ancient dragon world before the ancient dragon clan was born?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

The ancient dragon world is adjacent to the blood moon world.

Before the establishment of the ancient dragon clan, there was no realm **** in the ancient dragon world at all, and it would be easy for the blood moon realm to conquer the ancient dragon realm.

But Blood Moon Realm didn't make a move at that time, instead, it attacked after the appearance of the ancient dragon clan.

Such a choice is too incredible.

"I've heard Venerable Jianxin mention this matter before..."

Jin Qiuyang slowly said: "It is said that this has a lot to do with the power held by the world gods. We don't know exactly what kind of power it is."

Does it have anything to do with the power mastered by the world gods?

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

Jin Qiuyang's words can explain why the Blood Moon Realm had to wait for the Realm God Venerable to appear in the Ancient Dragon Realm before aggressively attacking.


What kind of power does the Realm God possess that is worthy of that Realm God of the Blood Moon Realm to start a realm war?

"Jiang Chen, the Blood Moon Realm is powerful, and we are probably not opponents if we fight hard."

"Now for us, the only chance is the next battle. The four of us are directly restrained. You hide in the dark and wait for an opportunity to kill one or two of the blood moon realm.

"Only in this way can we have a chance to turn defeat into victory."

Just as Jiang Chen thought to himself, Jin Qiuyang's voice rang in his ears again.

Jiang Chen threw his happy thoughts away, then took a deep breath and said, "Okay!"

Although the Blood Moon Realm sent out six Heavenly Divine Realms this time with very strong strength, Jiang Chen was not afraid.

Now he has mastered the two complete sources of martial arts, and it will be easier to kill the first-order powerhouses of ordinary gods than three months ago.

not to mention……

If he is really invincible, he will directly gather the power of the two worlds and break through the second order of the gods in one fell swoop.

By the time.

Isn't it easy to solve these gods in the blood moon world?

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