A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1679: Ding! You become a god-ranked alchemist!

Jiang Chen used the Purple Extreme Pill technique to divide a furnace of three alchemy, and the refining speed was naturally extremely fast.

Almost every half an hour, Jiang Chen had three pills out.


Jiang Chen also possesses the sacred tree of life, so he can replenish consumption without interruption, and he will not feel tired at all in a short time.


For more than a day, Jiang Chen hardly took a break and kept refining the pill.

"Ding! You have successfully refined an eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill of Mortal rank, and you have gained 100,000*100 experience in alchemy!"

"Ding! You have successfully refined an eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill of Mortal rank, and you have gained 100,000*100 experience in alchemy!"

"Ding! You have successfully refined an eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill of Mortal rank, and you have gained 100,000*100 experience in alchemy!"


"Ding! You are successfully promoted to a ninth rank alchemist."

After refining 90 materials in a row, Jiang Chen was finally promoted smoothly to the nine-rank alchemist.

Jiang Chen refined the 90 materials 30 times in total.

Except for one accident when using the Purple Extreme Pill Pill, the other 29 times were successful without exception.

Although it has not reached 100%, this rate of alchemy is definitely an unattainable figure for ordinary alchemists.


Jiang Chen spent another two hours to refine the remaining ten materials, and then went straight to the mission hall to make a mission.

"You...you finished it so soon?"

When Jiang Chen put the refined fifty Xuanyang Pills in front of the middle-aged **** pill master, the middle-aged **** pill master in charge of the task also appeared astonished.

The middle-aged **** pill master naturally had some impression of Jiang Chen for the 100-point Xuanyang Pill that Jiang Chen received only yesterday.

It's just that he never thought of it.

It took less than two days.

This guy actually refined fifty Xuanyang Pills!

This... how is this possible?

To know.

When receiving the task yesterday, this guy showed the alchemist badge.

He clearly remembered that this guy in front of him was just an eighth rank alchemist.

Generally, an eighth-rank alchemist refines a pill of the same grade, and it takes at least half an hour for a pill.

Even if you don't rest in the middle.

It takes at least two days to complete the fifty pills.


This is still under the premise of 100% success rate.

But the average person can have 60% of the pill formation rate, which is already very good, how can it be possible to refine 50 Xuanyang Pills in such a short time?

this moment.

The middle-aged **** pill master even doubted whether Jiang Chen had taken out some of his inventory.


When his eyes swept over the fifty Xuanyang Pills in front of him one by one, the whole person was completely sluggish.

With his vision as a divine alchemist, it is naturally not difficult to see that the fifty pills in front of him are all those that have just been released.

And he has been sitting in this mission hall recently, and he has never seen this kid leave, and it is impossible for anyone to help him refine alchemy.

In other words.

Fifty Xuanyang Pills were really made by Jiang Chen in less than two days!

"This... this is incredible."

The middle-aged pill master couldn't believe his eyes.

He has stayed in the Pill Hall for hundreds of years, and he has never heard of when the Pill Hall has such a genius!

"Senior, what's the matter, isn't there a problem with the fifty Xuanyang Pills I refined?"

Just when the middle-aged **** pill master was shocked, a faint voice rang directly in his ears.

"No... no problem, you did well."

The middle-aged God Alchemist recovered, and shook his head quickly.

In front of him, not only the speed of alchemy is evil, but the quality of the alchemy is also extremely perfect, and he can't help himself.

He has been in charge of the task for so long, and he has never seen a better job than Jiang Chen.

"No problem."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Senior, can you please bring me a thousand copies of Diyuan Pill."

The middle-aged **** pill master was taken aback for a moment: "Emperor Yuan Pill is a ninth grade pill of every rank. You want to receive the task of refining the Emperor Yuan Pill?"

As an eighth-rank alchemy, accept the task of obtaining a mortal rank nine-rank pill, and you will get a thousand copies at one time!

This kid...Would you like to be so crazy?

"Not bad."

Jiang Chen nodded, and then looked at the middle-aged **** pill master: "In the pill hall, it seems that there is no stipulation that the eighth rank alchemist cannot accept the task of taking the nine rank pill."

"There are indeed no regulations."

"But... you have to hand over 500 emperor pill materials after you receive one thousand emperor pill materials. This will not change."

"If you fail to refine five hundred Diyuan Pills in the end, you will have to make up five hundred by yourself."

The middle-aged alchemy master said with a solemn expression: "You have to think about it."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Thank you senior for reminding me, I have considered it very clearly."

Seeing that Jiang Chen insisted on doing this, the middle-aged alchemist shook his head, no longer persuading him, and directly gave Jiang Chen 1,000 copies of the emperor yuan pill.

Jiang Chen took a thousand copies of the Emperor Yuan Pill material, and then returned to the alchemy room No. 16 again, and continued his crazy journey of alchemy.

Because he just broke through the rank nine alchemy master.

Even with the one-hundred-fold bonus of the system, Jiang Chen was worried that the Purple Extreme Split Pill technique would affect his rate of pill success.


Jiang Chen planned to refine the pill step by step for a period of time, and when his alchemy skills improved a little and became familiar with the refining of the emperor yuan pill, he would continue to use the purple pole division pill.

"Ding! You successfully refined a mortal rank nine-rank emperor's yuan pill, and gained 300,000*100 experience in alchemy!"

"Ding! You successfully refined a mortal rank nine-rank emperor's yuan pill, and gained 300,000*100 experience in alchemy!"

"Ding! You successfully refined a mortal rank nine-rank emperor's yuan pill, and gained 300,000*100 experience in alchemy!"


As Jiang Chen succeeded in refining the Emperor Yuan Pills one after another, the system prompts in his mind continued to sound in Jiang Chen's mind.

Refining the Emperor Yuan Pill will undoubtedly take much longer than the Xuanyang Pill.

Jiang Chen refining using conventional methods, he could only refine about fifteen in one day.

After this lasted for five days, Jiang Chen tried to use the Purple Extreme Pill Pill again and began to practice more than once.

The next twenty days.

Except for two or three breaks, Jiang Chen has been constantly refining the Emperor Yuan Pill.

at last……

After Jiang Chen refined more than 800 materials, a pleasant system prompt finally rang in his mind

"Ding! You are successfully promoted to a first-rank alchemist of God rank!"

From entering the alchemy hall, Jiang Chen spent nearly a month, refining nearly a thousand pills, and finally successfully promoted to a god-rank alchemist!

I like the hundredfold training system to upgrade to 999 in an instant, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) The hundredfold training system is upgraded to 999 in an instant, and the literature update is the fastest.

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