A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1692: The Northern Territory has changed!

"It turned out to be so."

Jiang Chen pondered slightly: "I just plan to leave the Gulong clan and walk around. If this is the case, I will accompany you to the Northern Territory first."

Anyway, he has nothing to do, so you might as well take a trip to the northern part of the ancient dragon world.

If Xue Qianrou's Xue family is in trouble, he doesn't mind helping the Xue family.

"The son... the son is going to the Northern Territory with me?"

Xue Qianrou heard Jiang Chen's words, but she didn't return to her senses for a while.

He even wondered if there was a problem with his ears.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Why, can't it be?"

"When... Of course you can."

A grateful expression suddenly appeared in Xue Qian's soft eyes.

When Xue Qiuhe first passed the news to her, she hoped that she could tell Jiang Chen about it and let Jiang Chen help the Xue family.


After she entered the ancient dragon clan, she first followed Jiang Chen to get the opportunity to be promoted to the dragon city, and now she came to this dragon city.

It is precisely because of Jiang Chen's existence that she has obtained cultivation conditions far beyond ordinary people.

Over the past ten years.

She has already broken through from the Returning Market Realm all the way to become an intermediate true god.

Ten years of promotion to the middle true god!

This was something Xue Qianrou couldn't imagine before coming to the Gulong clan.

With her current cultivation base, even if she returns to the Xue family, she can escape the fate of being at the mercy of others and have a certain status in the Xue family.

She was very grateful to Jiang Chen for being able to get to this point, so how could she trouble Jiang Chen easily?

Because of this.

Xue Qianrou just bid farewell to Jiang Chen, and had thought of asking Jiang Chen for help.


Xue Qianrou didn't expect that Jiang Chen would take the initiative to accompany her to the Xue's house.

"Then it's settled, you prepare. I'll say hello to Venerable Ancient Dragon, and we will set off directly."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he did not give Xue Qianrou a chance to speak, and disappeared in front of Xue Qianrou out of thin air.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen's figure had already emerged from the courtyard of Venerable Gulong.

He was about to speak, but he found a familiar figure that had walked out of the courtyard.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but bowed his hands and said, "Jiang Chen has seen the Venerable."

"Elder Jiang, why are you looking for the deity?"

Venerable Gulong looked at Jiang Chen at the door, and couldn't help but said with a serious face: "Pang Qingyuan has reached the critical period of breaking through the realm of the gods, and the deity wants to protect the law. If you have nothing too important, we will discuss it later."

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: "Old Pang is going to break through?"

Venerable Gulong nodded: "It's almost there. Now only the last step is needed to trigger the Tribulation of the World God."

"If this is the case, then Jiang Chen won't bother Venerable."

Jiang Chen hurriedly said, "I plan to leave the Gulong clan and walk around. I just came here to tell the venerable."

"With your current strength, you can indeed go for a walk."

"Now that some changes have taken place in the northern part of the ancient dragon world, I'm worried about who I will send to preside over the overall situation."

"Since you want to go for a walk, you might as well go to the Northern Region first."

Venerable Gulong pondered slightly, and said directly.

When Jiang Chen heard the words of Venerable Gulong, he couldn't help but stunned.

He suddenly thought of what Xue Qianrou said just now.

It seems that the crisis in the Xue Family should be related to the Northern Territory changes in the mouth of Venerable Ancient Dragon.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen returned to his senses and nodded and said.

As the Jinling elder of the Gulong tribe, Jiang Chen didn't mind helping the Gulong tribe.

He had already decided to go to Xue's house with Xue Qianrou, so that happened to be resolved by the way.

"You can ask Long Jianxin about the situation in the Northern Territory, he knows better."

Venerable Gulong said, and immediately with a move of his palm, a simple golden scroll containing terrifying power appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen out of thin air.

Jiang Chen stared at the golden scroll in front of him, his eyes condensed slightly.

This golden scroll is almost the same as the scroll used by Gu Ming to suppress Shen Yuanhai. It is obviously a decree of the world god.

"The changes in the Northern Territory are very likely to involve other territories in the northern part of the Ancient Dragon World. This world **** decree you to accept it, in case of any accident."

At this moment, Venerable Gulong's voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear again.

Jiang Chen took the decree of the Realm God, and he couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

It seems that this time the changes in the northern part of the ancient dragon world are more troublesome than he thought.

After parting with Venerable Gulong.

Jiang Chen went straight to the courtyard where Long Jianxin was.

In the courtyard.

Long Jianxin frowned and stood in the north of the ancient dragon world, and couldn't help but let out a low sigh.

"Hey! I didn't expect that the Blood Moon Realm attack had just passed, and the Northern Territory had another change. Today's Ancient Dragon Realm is really eventful."

The changes in the Northern Territory are extraordinary, and I am afraid that at least one Jin Ling elder will be there to sit down.

Nowadays, several Jinling elders in the Ancient Dragon Realm, one of them is in the Eastern Region, and Pang Qingyuan is in retreat to break through the realm of God, and he wants to preside over the overall situation of the Ancient Dragon.

As for the other ancient dragons of the Celestial God Realm, the strongest is only the third-tier Celestial God, and may not be able to stabilize the situation.

For a time.

Unexpectedly, the Gulong clan could not find a suitable person, and went to the Northern Territory to deal with this incident.

"It really doesn't work, it seems that I can only go to the Northern Territory for a trip myself."

Long Jianxin muttered to himself.

But at this moment, Venerable Gulong's voice suddenly resounded in his mind.

"Jianxin, the matter of the Northern Territory, the deity has been handed over to Jiang Chen. With his strength, it should be enough to deal with the situation of being Northern Territory."

When Long Jianxin heard the words of Venerable Ancient Dragon, he couldn't help but slap his head suddenly.

Why did he forget Jiang Chen.

Although Jiang Chen only had a second-tier cultivation base, his combat power was not inferior to that of a fourth-tier powerhouse.

The territorial war two years ago.

Jiang Chen hit Xueyin, the chief disciple of Venerable Blood Moon, a genius with combat power comparable to a fourth-order powerhouse of the gods.

Two years have passed now.

With Jiang Chen's terrifying growth rate, his strength will definitely be more terrifying than before.

Moreover, Jiang Chen is now the Jinling Elder of the Ancient Dragon Clan, and is undoubtedly the best candidate to preside over the overall situation of the Northern Region.

After Long Jianxin came back to his senses, he was about to go to find Jiang Chen and introduce him to the Northern Region.

But just when he was about to leave, he found that Jiang Chen's figure had walked in from outside the courtyard.

"Jiang Chen, are you here?"

Looking at Jiang Chen who walked into the courtyard, Long Jianxin's eyes couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"Senior Jianxin, Venerable asked me to deal with the changes in the Northern Territory, so I came to you to understand the situation in the Northern Territory."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, and then asked directly: "I don't know what happened in the Northern Territory?"

Long Jianxin took a deep breath and said, "A great change has indeed occurred, and the Snow God Palace in the Northern Region is in chaos."

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