A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1694: The Snow Palace is coming!

Xue Tianhan's eyes flickered slightly.

If the Gulong clan didn't provide support in time, the Xue family would never be able to stop the Snow God Palace.

Once resisted, the only result was annihilation by the Snow God Palace.

Could it be that... he really wants to lead the Xue family, surrender to the Snow God Palace, and then become an enemy of the Gulong clan?

Although the Snow God Palace was powerful, it was still not a star or a half away from the strength of the ancient dragon clan, the realm **** in charge of the ancient dragon world.

Not a last resort.

Xue Tianhan didn't want to betray the Gulong tribe and chose to surrender to Xueshen Palace.

"Patriarch Xue don't have to worry too much. The Gulong clan will certainly not sit idly by about the Northern Territory of the Ancient Dragon Realm. Even if the one who can't make a move in time, the Gulong clan will surely send other strong men to suppress the Snow God Palace. "

At this moment, Gu Ling suddenly spoke.

Xue Tianhan smiled bitterly: "I hope so."

While he was speaking, Xue Tianhan suddenly sensed something, and his expression changed drastically.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "The people from the Snow God Palace, here comes!"

As Xue Tianhan said this.

Luxuecheng, which was originally low in temperature, became even colder at this moment. Even in the sky, the tiny snowflakes actually fell slowly while countless people were stunned.

next moment.

A voice that contained icy coldness also echoed in the sky above Luoxue City.

"The snow is cold, the ten-day period has come. Today, it is time for your Xue family to give me a reply from the Snow God Palace!"

Xue Tianhan's figure flashed, and he appeared directly above Luoxue City, and then stared at a place in the void outside the city.


There are more than a dozen extraordinary figures standing proudly.

These more than a dozen silhouettes were all wearing white robes. The majestic chill is constantly pouring out of these people.

Especially for the first old man in white, the chill on his body is even more terrifying.

Even the entire environment of Falling Snow City was affected by this old man and the temperature dropped sharply, from the original clear sky of thousands of miles to snow in an instant.

This old man in white is naturally no stranger to Xuetianhan.

This person is Bingyanhe, one of the four elders of the Snow God Palace, and his cultivation has reached the second stage of the Heaven God.

Even in the northern region of the ancient dragon world, it is also a prestigious powerhouse.

"Bingyanhe, your Snow God Palace is openly causing chaos in the ancient dragon world, isn't it afraid that the ancient dragon clan will ask you to settle accounts?"

Xue Tianhan looked at the Bingyan River standing proudly in the sky, and couldn't help but shout coldly.

"This is a matter of my Snow God Palace, and you don't need to interfere."

Bingyan River looked down on Xue Tianhan from a high position, with a cold expression on his face: "Xuetianhan, this elder will give you one last chance. If you dare to be confused, I will step down to the snow city today!"

"Huh! Bingyanhe, you have a big tone!"

Xuetian said with a cold smile: "The Xue family has been standing in the snow city for so many years, how can you beat it if you want it?"

If the entire army of the Snow God Palace was dispatched, the Xue Family really did not have any resistance.

But this time, Snow God Palace only sent Bingyanhe, a strong man from the Heavenly God Realm, to the Xue family.

Although Bingyanhe is a strongman of the second-tier Celestial God Realm, his cultivation has also reached the peak of the first-tier Celestial God, and he must be able to deal with Bingyanhe for a while.

As long as the Bingyan River can be held for a period of time, it may be possible to persist until the arrival of Gulong reinforcements.

"Ha ha……"

"Xue Tianhan, it seems that you are confident that you can block this elder."

"Since you have to toast and not eat fine wine, then the elder first killed you today and then destroyed the Xue family!"

Bing Yanhe smiled coldly, and immediately stretched out his hand to face Xue Tianhan with a sharp claw, a giant ice claw that pierced through the thousands of meters in the sky, directly tearing the space, grabbed it against Xue Tianhan.

Bingyanhe did not retreat, an ice long sword appeared out of thin air in his hand, and then he brought a line of ice kendo power into it instantly.


The fight between the two instantly shattered the entire sky above Snow City into nothingness.

The vitality of the heaven and the earth in a radius of tens of miles was shaken by it, the whirlwind surging wildly, the torrential rain was like anger, the heaven and the earth changed.

"Ling, did you say that Patriarch is the opponent of the Snow God Palace elder?"

Below, Xue Qiuhe looked at the battle in the void and couldn't help asking Gu Ling beside him with a worried expression.

"Do you still have to ask!"

Gu Ling smiled bitterly: "The Xue family's cultivation is not at the first level of the deity, but the elder of the Snow God Palace has already reached the second level of the deity. If you continue to fight like this, the Xue family may not be able to hold on for long."

Between the two talking.

In the void, the two great Heavenly God Realm powerhouses had already fought for ten moves in the blink of an eye.


Xue Tianhan also became more strenuous to deal with it, and soon under the powerful offensive of Bingyan River, he was at a disadvantage.

"How can this old guy's strength be so strong."

Xue Tianhan became more and more frightened.

He originally thought.

Bingyanhe was only in the early stage of the second stage of the god, and he was at the peak of the first stage of the god, not far from the second stage of the god, the gap between the two should not be large.

But when he really fought with Bingyanhe, he realized that he underestimated the second-order Celestial God.

A strong man in the heavenly realm, one rank and one heaven.

Even if he is only half a step away from the second order of the gods, this half step is not something he can cross if he wants to.

Xue Tianhan was frightened.

If he fights hard with Bingyanhe now, I am afraid he will soon be defeated by Bingyanhe.

It's just that the matter is over, he also had to explode with all his strength, desperately fighting Bingyanhe.

The two blasted another ten moves in the void, and Xue Tianhan was finally unable to withstand the power of Bingyan River, and under the attack of Bingyan River, he began to retreat steadily.

"Xue Tianhan, my Snow God Palace has given you a chance, since you insist on seeking death, this elder will fulfill you today!"

Bingyanhe stared at Xue Tianhan indifferently, a ruined world containing a deep chill, which also instantly enveloped Baili Void.

Bingyan River evolved into the world of the gods with the power of ice and destruction, and the **** raised his hand and waved at will.


Black ice cubes condensed from the world of the gods, like ten thousand black ice swords, sweeping the entire world.

Looking at the monstrous blow of Bingyan River, Xue Tianhan's expression changed drastically.

He let out a low growl in his throat, and immediately urged his whole body strength to condense the world of the gods.


How could the world of the gods that he evolved together with the power of the Bingyan River's two gods.

It's just a moment of time.

Xue Tianhan's heavenly **** world collapsed under the attack of Bingyan River.

next moment.

I saw that his whole person was directly under the blow of Bingyan River and fell from the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Only a loud bang was heard, Xue Tianhan's divine body directly hit the wall of Luoxue City, causing the wall of Luoxue City to collapse over a distance of thousands of feet in an instant.

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