A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1697: Kill the Snow God Palace!

"Xue Tianhan, Patriarch of the Xue family, thank you for your help."

Xue Tianhan came back to his senses and couldn't help but hurriedly came to Jiang Chen, respectfully thanking him.

Back then.

When Xue Qiuhe and Xue Qiuhe mentioned this one, Xue Tianhan didn't believe it in his heart.

after all.

It didn't take long for Xue Qianrou to enter the Gulong clan.

Even if she really encountered a peerless evildoer in Earth Dragon City, it is impossible for her to become an existence capable of slaying the Heavenly God Realm in just over ten years, right?

But when he witnessed today's battle with his own eyes, he had to believe it.

The dignified second-tier powerhouse of the gods was almost all killed by the sword.

With such a terrifying power, I am afraid that looking at the entire Ancient Dragon Realm, they are already one of the few peerless powerhouses.

While Xue Tianhan was shocked, she was also grateful in her heart.

Fortunately, he persisted just now, and did not choose to betray the Gulong tribe and surrender to the Snow God Palace.


Once this one arrives, their Xue family's fate will be extremely miserable.

"Xueshen Palace betrayed the Gulong tribe and caused riots in the Northern Territory. Naturally, the Gulong tribe would not sit idly by."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, then looked at Xue Tianhan and said lightly: "Patriarch Xue, you should know where the Xueshen Palace is?"

Xue Tianhan was taken aback for a moment, but still quickly replied: "My lord, Xuemou knows."

The Xue family has a long history in the northern region of the ancient dragon world, and Xue Tianhan, as the head of the Xue family, knows almost everything in the northern region of the ancient dragon world. How can he not know where the Xue Shen Palace is?

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "It's fine if you know, you can take me to the Snow God Palace."

"Go... Your envoy is going to Snow God Palace?"

Xue Tianhan was shocked when he heard Jiang Chen's words.

Jiang Chen glanced at Xue Tianhan faintly: "Why, isn't it possible?"

"Sir, the Snow God Palace is powerful. In addition to the Bingyan River that was killed by you, there are also four strong men in the Heavenly God Realm."

"Among them, the palace lord of the Snow God Palace is even the number one expert in the northern region of the Ancient Dragon Stage, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the third stage of the Heavenly God."

Xue Tianhan hesitated and said: "The Lord is alone in front of the Snow God Palace..."


Before Xue Tianhan finished speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted him directly.

"Okay, go to the Snow God Palace, I am imperative, you don't need to say more."

Jiang Chen said, a golden token flashed out of thin air in his hand.

He held the token and said faintly: "I am the elder of the Golden Order of the Ancient Dragon Clan, and I am fully responsible for handling matters concerning the Northern Territory of the Ancient Dragon Realm. You only need to obey the order and show me the way."


Elder Jinling of the Ancient Dragon!

As the head of a Celestial God-level family, Xue Tianhan naturally has a certain understanding of the Ancient Dragons.

Naturally, he knew very well what the elder Jin Ling of the Gulong tribe meant.

Elder Jinling of the ancient dragon tribe is second only to the existence of the ancient dragon, not only has a very high status, but also is powerful.

It is said that every Jinling elder of the ancient dragon tribe is at least a strong person above the fourth rank of the gods.

Although Xue Tianhan was able to guess that the one in front of him had an extraordinary status in the ancient dragon tribe, he did not expect that he would be the elder Jin Ling of the ancient dragon tribe!

"Xue Tianhan, Patriarch of the Xue family, please follow the orders of the elders."

Xue Tianhan took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said respectfully.

How dare Xue Tianhan violate the order of the elder Jin Ling of the Gulong tribe?

not to mention……

Since this one is the elder Jin Ling of the Gulong clan, and is sent by the Gulong clan to deal with the affairs of the Snow God Palace, he must have some support.

Xue Tianhan no longer hesitated at the moment, and directly led Jiang Chen towards the sky north of Xuecheng City.

"He...he wants to be alone and directly kill the Snow God Palace?"

Xue Qiuhe looked at the two Jiang Chen who disappeared into the sky, and there was an incredible horror in his eyes.

He lived in the northern region of Gulongjie since he was a child.

Naturally, Xue Qiuhe knew very well how powerful the Snow God Palace was.

Can Jiang Chen really fight the Snow God Palace with his own power?

"Okay, this is not something you and I can pretend. Since he is alone in front of the Snow God Palace, he naturally has his intentions."

Gu Ling shook his head and said.

Since the Gulong tribe sent Jiang Chen to deal with the Northern Territory's affairs, they couldn't be without any preparation.

not to mention……

Gu Ling even felt that even if there was only Jiang Chen alone, Snow God Palace might not help him.

This guy's martial arts talent is more terrifying than any genius in the history of the ancient dragon clan. Killing enemies at a higher level is like commonplace.

The war in the realm.

Jiang Chen broke the barrier of realm even more, and killed the Heavenly God Realm with the True God Realm.

Now that Jiang Chen's cultivation base has already entered the second-tier deity, his combat power is probably not inferior to the powerhouse of the third-tier deity.

Even the Palace Master of the Snow God Palace, I am afraid he might not be able to win Jiang Chen.

Snow Palace.

Located in the far north of the northern region of the ancient dragon world.

The temperature here is extremely low and the environment is special, forming a vast glacial land.

The Snow God Palace was built in the center of this glacier land.

At the speed of both Jiang Chen.

After about an hour, I came to the center of this glacier land.

Not long.

Hundreds of miles ahead, a crystal clear palace, like an ice castle in a fairy tale, appeared directly in Jiang Chen's sight.

It stands in the endless glacial world, like a crown on the entire polar ice sheet, dazzling.

Snow Palace!

A god-level force with a longer history than the ancient dragon clan.

Before the ancient dragon clan was established, the Snow God Palace was the overlord of the northern region of the ancient dragon realm, and its strength was extremely powerful.


Venerable Gulong was born and established the world **** power Gulong clan, Snow God Palace also had to choose to surrender to Gulong clan.


Xueshen Palace has always been ambitious and has always been unwilling to subdue to the ancient dragon clan. But because of fear of the powerful strength of the ancient dragon clan, he could only forbear it secretly.

This time.

It was obviously under the support of some kind of power that Snow God Palace chose to betray the ancient dragon clan and openly cause trouble in the northern region of the ancient dragon world.

"Elder Jiang, the Snow God Palace is in front, shall we go directly."

Xue Tianhan looked at the Xueshen Palace in front, and couldn't help but tilt his head to ask Jiang Chen.

"You go back, I will do it alone."

Although Xue Tianhan was also a powerhouse in the Celestial God Realm, he was only a Celestial God.

In the next battle, Xue Tianhan probably couldn't help much, so Jiang Chen didn't plan to keep him.

Jiang Chen's faint voice fell, and almost did not speak to Xue Tianhan, his figure flashed directly, and he burst out toward the ice and snow castle in front.

Seeing this, Xue Tianhan couldn't help but gave a wry smile.

This time he brought Jiang Chen to the headquarters of the Snow God Palace. If something happened to Jiang Chen in the Snow God Palace, once the Gulong tribe blamed him, he might not be able to escape.

Xue Tianhan gritted his teeth, and finally his figure flashed, and he chased Jiang Chen directly.

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