A total of six figures appeared on the golden ship.

Among them, the four guards wearing golden armor are all strong men of the first order of the gods.

Behind the four golden armor guards, there is also an old man in golden robe and a woman in Qingyi with a delicate face.

The old man in the golden robe stood beside the woman in Tsing Yi, his strength was also the strongest existence among the few people on the ship, and he was already a strong man of Tier 4 deity.

Looking at the golden boat in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but frown.

Being in the eternal void, Jiang Chen naturally didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, and was ready to bypass the boat and move on.

"He seems to be the age of no discipline, but he can cross the eternal void alone, it's amazing!"

The woman in Tsing Yi looked at Jiang Chen, who was walking alone in the eternal void, and she couldn't help showing an expression of admiration in her beautiful eyes.

She also broke through the Heavenly God Realm not long ago, and once tried to walk alone in the Eternal Void, only to persist in the Eternal Void for a long time would not work.

Had it not been for the guardian of the old man beside her, she would have torn apart the eternal void space creature.

"This kid is really not simple, he should be a top genius in a certain area nearby."

The old man in the golden robe nodded and said.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Jiang Chen already possesses the cultivation base of the Three Realms of Heavenly God.

This kind of existence, even among many world **** forces, is considered one of the best geniuses.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to bypass them, the tight expressions of the four golden armored guards on the boat upstairs also relaxed slightly.


At this moment, a terrifying murderous intent suddenly broke out from behind Jiang Chen.

call out!

Before Jiang Chen could react, a black boat shot directly towards this side.

"Everyone, be careful, there are Void Thief Ships!"

On the golden boat, the golden-robed old man first spotted the black boat that had been looted, his complexion suddenly changed.

Following the words of the old man in the golden robe.

The four golden armor guards also took out their weapons one after another, as if they were on the verge of an enemy!

at the same time.

More than a dozen knives of powerful and fierce aura blasted directly from the black boat, and then with a fierce aura, they slew towards the golden boat.

As the first burly middle-aged man, four different world powers swirled around him, exuding a vast power.


This burly middle-aged man is also a strong man of Tier 4 deity.


The burly middle-aged man, with more than a dozen figures, surrounded the golden boat and Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.

Among these more than ten figures, in addition to the burly middle-aged of the fourth-order deity, there is also a second-order deity, and the rest are all powers of the deity realm.

See this scene.

On the golden boat, everyone, including the old man in golden robe, looked very solemn.

Compared with this group of void thieves, they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of number and strength.

If they were a little careless, they might be wiped out today.


Without the slightest hesitation, the burly middle-aged screamed and greeted everyone to besieged towards the golden boat.

"My friend, hold on."

The old man in Jinpao's complexion changed, and he quickly said: "The old man is willing to pay some tolls, and I hope you will let us go."

Void thieves, mostly to plunder more resources.

As long as they are willing to pay some training resources, these void thieves will not embarrass them too much.

after all.

Although the group of void thieves in front of him occupies an absolute advantage, he is also a fourth-order powerhouse of the gods.

If you really want to fight for orders, even if these void pirates can defeat them, it will have to pay an extremely heavy price!

"Hehe... old guy, I don't want any tolls this time."

The burly middle-aged smiled and said: "As long as you hand over Zhuxinyu, I can let you make a living!"

"You... how do you know Miss's name?"

The golden-robed old man heard the words of the burly middle-aged, and finally an incredible horror appeared in his old eyes.

It seems that these void thieves in front of them are not robbing in this eternal void, but are specifically targeted at them.

"How did I know, you don't need to know. Finally, I will give you a chance to choose. Will you pay or not?"

The burly middle-aged faintly looked at the old man in the golden robe, with a look of impatientness in his eyes.

"Don't think about it!"

The old man in the golden robe looked decisive, and stared coldly at the burly middle-aged man: "Even if the old man dies today, he will never let you hurt a single hair, Miss!"

"Old stuff, you are toasting and not eating fine wine! Kill everyone and capture Zhu Xinyu!"

The burly middle-aged man's killing intent soared and gave orders indifferently.

Boom boom boom...

The people on both sides suddenly broke out a terrifying battle around the golden building.

Jiang Chen glanced at both sides of the war, and didn't want to be nosy.

Just when he was about to leave quietly, a hideous sneer sounded directly in Jiang Chen's ear.

"Hey...boy, in front of my bluestone thieves, you also want to drive away?"

A fierce man with a scar at the first rank of the gods directly killed Jiang Chen aggressively.


Jiang Chen's face was cold, a layer of purple thunder and lightning appeared between his palms, and the powerful thunder power turned into a giant purple thunder palm, which shattered all the energy of the big man in the blink of an eye, and then slapped his body with a slap.

The Dahan with the knife and scar that Jiang Chen shot suddenly snorted, and his whole body was directly stiff in place.

Before he could react, the terrifying thunder on the giant purple thunder palm directly broke his body and entangled his internal organs.


The big scared man screamed, and his entire body burst open directly.

In this scene, the complexion of the two companions of the scared man changed greatly.

They obviously didn't expect that the little boy in front of them had the terrifying power to kill their companions in a single blow.

"Sure enough, this kid is a bit weird, let's kill him together!"

That day, the eagle-eyed man of the second-order **** suddenly flashed a gloomy look in his eyes, and immediately took the two first-order companions of the gods beside him, and killed them together towards Jiang Chen.

"I didn't want to be nosy, but you have to find your own way. If that's the case, please blame me for being polite."

Jiang Chen's face was cold, and immediately stretched out his hand to shook the three eagle-eyed men who had swooped in.

In an instant...

The figures of the three of them solidified directly in the void, and the majestic spaces around them rushed out turbulently.

The expressions of the three eagle-eyed men instantly became horrified. Before they even screamed, they were completely strangled into nothingness by the turbulence of the surrounding space!

With one move, the three pirates of the Heavenly God Realm were all killed instantly by Jiang Chen!

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