A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1721: Eternal void situation

The old man in the golden robe looked at Jiang Chen with a smile, looking very polite.

God's Domain has always respected the strong.

The boy in front of him could kill the burly middle-aged man with two swords, and his strength was naturally far above him.

Now that their ship is damaged, this place is not a long-term place, leaving with Jiang Chen is undoubtedly the best choice.


With a strong like Jiang Chen walking along, they will be much safer in the future.

"Walking together?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: "We seem to be on different paths."

His target was the Great Wilderness in the north, and the old man in the golden robe and their boats came from the side, obviously different from his destination.

"Little brother just needs to take us to the nearby realm."

The old man in the golden robe smiled slightly and immediately asked: "The old man's trip is to send our lady to the Great Wilderness. I don't know where the little brother is going?"

"You are also going to the Great Wilderness World? Shouldn't the Great Wilderness World be in the north? Why are you traveling westward?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Did he make a mistake in this eternal void?

If I remember correctly, he has been walking north since he came out of the blood moon world.

"It turns out that the little brother also went to the Great Wilderness."

Hearing this, the old man in the golden robe couldn't help but light up.

He quickly explained to Jiang Chen: "The Great Wilderness is indeed in the north, but walking north from here is actually not feasible."

"What's the answer to this?"

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and clasped his fist to the old man in Jinpao: "This is the first time this junior crosses the boundary. He knows very little about the eternal void. I hope the old man can give me some advice."

"of course can."

"But it is not suitable to stay here for long, how about we talk while walking?"

The old man in the golden robe smiled and nodded.

"it is good!"

Jiang Chen naturally did not refuse.

He knows too little about the Eternal Void now. If he hadn't met the old man in the golden robe, I'm afraid he would have to take a lot of detours in this Eternal Void.

The old man in the golden robe did not hesitate.

He quickly received the boat, and then greeted the five Zhu Xinyu and several crew members of the True God Realm and boarded Jiang Chen's void boat together.

Not long.

Under the control of several crew members brought by the old man in golden robe, the black boat began to fly in the eternal void.

The black boat Jiang Chen snatched from the Void Thief was not an ordinary boat.

Although not as huge as the old man in the golden robe and their boat, it is more than ten feet long.

The boat is divided into two layers, and the top deck.

The upper floor is the lounge, divided into ten or twenty rooms, and the lower floor is the control room and storage room.

Void boats need to consume energy stones such as **** crystals to drive, and only enough energy stones can the void boat sail for a long time in the eternal void.

Because of this.

Generally, those in the Heavenly God Realm, even if they have the ability to purchase the Void Boat, dare not easily use the Void Boat to shuttle in the eternal void.

after all.

That terrifying consumption is not something that ordinary Heavenly God Realm experts can afford.

After the Void Boat steadily advanced.

Jiang Chen and Zhu Xinyu, the old man in a golden robe, came to Zhou Chong's central chamber.

Turn over the conversation.

Jiang Chen also learned more about the eternal void.


In the eternal void, there are also many dangerous areas that you can't step into, and you can't walk around at will.

Jiang Chen came out of the Blood Moon Realm, and if he walked northwards, he would reach a realm called the Southern Heaven Realm.


The eternal void in the north of the southern world is a very famous forbidden place in the surrounding eternal void.

The place is extremely dangerous, unless there is a world **** or above, anyone entering it will almost die in nine deaths.

Because of this.

Even if the people in the Southern Heaven Realm want to go to the Great Wilderness Realm, they must first make a detour to the Zilin Realm, and then move on from the Zilin Realm.

If he hadn't met the old man in Jinpao and others today, Jiang Chen would have reached the southern realm all the way.

By the time.

Either someone reminded that he was going around from the southern world to the world of Zilin. Or he might have just rushed into the area of ​​nine deaths.


Jiang Chen talked a lot with the old man in Jinpao again, and he also knew about their origins.

The old man in the golden robe was named Zhuqing, and Zhu Xinyu came from a nearby area called Qingyejie.

In the Aoba Realm, the Bamboo Family was originally a God-level power with a long history.


Not long ago, the ancestor of the Zhujiajie God Realm was approaching, and his breakthrough failed.

At this time, the bamboo family was also attacked by an opponent, and the situation is very bad now.


The Zhu family sent Zhu Qing to **** Zhu Xinyu to the Great Wilderness in front of him, asking for help from a realm **** in the Great Wilderness.

It is said that the power of the world **** has some origins with the ancestors of the bamboo family.

After talking with the two old men in Jinpao for a while, Jiang Chen chose a room in the boat to retreat and practice.

He spent some time first, swallowing all the spatial crystals obtained by hunting spatial creatures, and mastering the origin of the space to the point of about 60%.

"This boat does save a lot of time and effort. The only regret is that it can't hunt space creatures to obtain space crystals."

After absorbing the spatial crystallization, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel it in his heart.

Eternal Void, the spatial crystallization of the condensed space creatures, is indeed the ultimate treasure that enhances the origin of space.

If he has been hunting space creatures in this eternal void, maybe his origin of space will soon reach the realm of perfection.


Although Jiang Chen was extremely greedy for the space creatures in the eternal void, he didn't plan to go out hunting at this time.

after all.

In the area where they are now, space creatures are rare, and they can almost only encounter one occasionally.

According to the introduction of the old man in Jinpao.

In the eternal void surrounding the Great Wasteland, there are places where space creatures gather very densely.

When it comes to the Great Wilderness Realm, if you really want to elevate the origin of the space to the Consummation Realm, then find an opportunity to hunt a wave in such a place.

After absorbing the space crystallization.

Jiang Chen did not continue to practice next, but began to prepare for alchemy.

The last time the Snow God Palace was destroyed, Jiang Chen took all the resources accumulated by the Snow God Palace into his own pocket.


Jiang Chen intends to use these materials to refine some pills that can enhance the origin of martial arts.

In this way.

Not only can he improve his alchemy, but he can also swallow the refined pill to improve his martial arts origin, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate anymore, and directly counted the materials in his storage ring.

It didn't take long.

Jiang Chen counted out five hundred three-yuan Fengji Pill materials from the storage ring.

The three-element wind pole pill, the fourth-rank god-level Tianshen Pill, is an elixir that enhances the power of the wind path of the strong of the gods.

If it is to refine the Sanyuan Fengji Pill to improve the origin of the air duct, he must be able to reach the perfect state soon!

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