A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1724: Wanted from the Zixiao Kingdom!

"It's weird."

Seeing the situation in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but said with a puzzled expression: "No one recognized me along the way, how could this Zixiao Kingdom know?"

It stands to reason.

He was not Lu Xingyu who had been killed in the Zilin Realm. Even if the Ziyun Gate knew that he killed him, it would not be possible to announce him wanted in the Zilin Realm.

Even if the Ziyun Gate was announced, all the forces in the Ziyun Gate area should have known it.

But he traversed most of the forces of Ziyun Gate, and almost no one was aware of it. How could only people from the Kingdom of Purple Clouds attack him?

"Brother Jiang Chen, I don't think they are here for you."

The old man in the golden robe gave a wry smile, and his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

After encountering Void Thieves' interception and killing, the old man in Jinpao had already guessed that in order to prevent the young lady from going to the Great Wilderness, those people would arrange for them to intercept and kill them in the Zilin World.

Now it seems.

I'm afraid this second hand is in this Zixiao Divine Kingdom.

The old man in the golden robe took a deep breath and immediately clasped his fist to the leader of the purple armor: "This general, I'm just passing by the kingdom of the purple sky, I don't know why I want to stop me waiting."

"Huh! Death is near, and I dare to pretend to be here."

The leader of Zijia snorted coldly, and immediately moved his palm, and a palm portrait appeared directly in his palm.

I saw the portrait depicting a woman in Tsing Yi and an old man in a golden robe. They were both Zhu Xinyu!

Jiang Chen looked at the portrait in the hands of the Zijia commander, his eyes condensed slightly.

It seems that Zixiao Kingdom of God is not directed at him, but at the two Zhu Xinyu.

Seeing a scene before him, the expressions of the old man in the golden robe, Zhu Xinyu and others all changed drastically.

Sure enough, after the people of that power arranged for the Void Thieves to intercept them, just in case, they still prepared a back hand in this Purple Heaven Divine Kingdom.

"Huh! You are the felons wanted by my Zixiao Kingdom, so I dared to come to the Zixiao Kingdom and take them down for me!"

The purple armor commander waved his hand, and dozens of guards behind the commander killed him.

In his eyes looking at Zhu Xinyu and the other two, there was also an extremely hot expression.

These two people are the targets of the most wanted order issued by the Zixiao Kingdom, and the rewards are very generous.

Once he was able to capture the few people in front of him, it was almost a breeze for him to break through the Heaven God Realm from a half step.


The leader of the purple armor, who was dazzled by desire, completely forgot how terrifying the strength of the wanted person is.

"Kill them!"

The old man in the golden robe looked cold, and directly commanded the four golden armor guards to kill.

The four golden armor guards are all strong in the Heavenly God Realm, and the guards of the Purple Heaven God Realm in front of them are just the cultivation base of the True God Realm.

Just blink of an eye.

Four golden armor guards killed more than a dozen of the guards of the kingdom of the purple sky. Even the purple armor commander who had just achieved half of the dream was instantly destroyed under a golden armor guard.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I'm afraid I will hurt you again this time."

The old man in the golden robe commanded four golden armored guards to kill a dozen people in front of him, and he couldn't help but said to Jiang Chen apologetically.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "It's okay, shall we enter the city?"

"In... into the city?"

The old man in Jinpao was taken aback when he heard Jiang Chen's words.

They have now killed a dozen people. I'm afraid the people in the city will react soon. Isn't entering the city now self-contained?

"Isn't it possible to detour to Ziyun Gate without entering the city?"

"Whether the people who want to intercept you are only looking for the Zixiao Divine Kingdom or the Ziyun Gate directly, you can't be sure."

"If Ziyunmen is also involved, our detour will only be more troublesome."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, and he said faintly: "Now our best way is to break out of the Zixiao Kingdom and enter the sphere of influence of the Qilin Sect at the fastest speed!"

The face of the old man in Jinpao changed slightly.

If, as Jiang Chen said, Ziyunmen was also involved in this matter, then they would indeed be even more dangerous if they took a detour.

Instead of facing the Ziyun Gate, it would be better to kill directly from the Zixiao Kingdom.

Although the Zixiao Divine Kingdom is a well-known Celestial God-level power within the Ziyunmen area, the strongest Zixiao Divine Emperor is only a fourth-tier Celestial God.

With the strength of him and Jiang Chen, forcibly killing out of the Zixiao Kingdom, there shouldn't be much problem.

"Okay, let's go all out and fight directly out of the Zixiao Kingdom!"

The old man in the golden robe weighed it for a moment in his heart, and he also felt that Jiang Chen's decision was the best way, and the whole person was filled with a sense of killing intent.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

At this moment, some guards on the city wall were also alarmed by the situation at the city gate.

Immediately afterwards.

A rush of bells also echoed over the city.


Hundreds of figures also flew out of the city like lightning.

The first tall and tall general in purple armor looked down at Jiang Chen and the others, and his cold voice instantly resounded through the world.

"Who would dare to stray wildly in my kingdom of the purple heavens!"

Jiang Chen glanced at General Zi Jia faintly.

Although this guy is a strong man in the Celestial God Realm, he is only a Celestial God's first-order cultivation base, which is not much better than the four golden armor guards beside Zhu Xinyu. Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and took the lead, leading everyone to volley towards the purple armored general and his party to kill.

With the strength of Jiang Chen and the old man in the golden robe, plus the four guards of the Heavenly God Realm, these guys from the Purple Heaven Divine Realm in front of them are no different from the ants.

Jiang Chen just pointed out a sword understatement, and instantly annihilated the purple armored general into nothingness.

The remaining hundreds of guards of the Purple Heaven Kingdom were also completely wiped out by the old man in the golden robe and others.

It was seen that the Purple Armored General and hundreds of elites were instantly slaughtered by Jiang Chen and others. The remaining Zixiao God Kingdom guards were pale, and there was unprecedented panic in their eyes.


This group of people in front of me is simply the devil.

Wherever they dared to step forward, they all fled in panic with horror.

In an instant...

The entire city became extremely chaotic like the end of the world.

"Kill them all, don't let anyone go!"

The old man in the golden robe was full of killing intent, obviously intending to kill him.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help hurriedly stopping him and said: "Old Zhu, don't waste time here, let's go."

The old man in the golden robe hesitated slightly: "But... if you don't destroy all of these guys, the senior leaders of the Zixiao Kingdom will get news soon, and I'm afraid it will be in trouble."

"It's useless."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said faintly: "Now that we have killed a Heavenly God Realm, do you think you can hide the eyes of the Zixiao Divine Kingdom?"

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