A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1729: Give you a great gift!

Jiang Chen took the lead and rushed into the fortress in front of him, as if there was no man.

Even if someone stepped forward to stop him occasionally, he was easily killed by Jiang Chen.

In just a few breaths, Jiang Chen led everyone out of the fortress and rushed into the safe passage over the Zixiao Thunder River.

And it was not long before Jiang Chen passed the news over the Zixiao Thunder River.

A middle-aged man dressed in a purple cloud robe, with an awe-inspiring aura, emerged spookyly from above the fortress.

The person here is not someone else, but Venerable Ziyun from Ziyun Gate.

"Is it still a step late."

Seeing the extremely miserable situation below, Venerable Ziyun's face also instantly became extremely gloomy.

He raised his hand and gently waved at the void in front of him, a mysterious power spread out from the void, and then formed a huge light curtain like a mirror in front of him.

On that light curtain, the situation around the fortress was surprisingly presented.


I saw the time in the light curtain quickly regressed, revealing everything that happened around him.

"Damn boy!"

Seeing the mirror images in the light curtain, Venerable Ziyun's eyes also filled with a violent killing intent.

He didn't expect it.

The guy who killed his disciple in the ancient dragon world appeared in the Zilin world so blatantly, and stayed with the people of the bamboo family in the Qingye world.

This time he helped the Ye Family of Qingye Jie intercept and kill the people of the Zhu Family, and he was at a loss for Ziyunmen.


Not only did they fail to intercept and kill the people of the Zhu Family, but instead fell a few strong from the Heavenly God Realm.

Even the fourth-order elders of the Ziyunmen Heavenly God have fallen here!

If it were not out of fear of the Qilin Sect, Venerable Ziyun would now wish to cross the Zixiao Thunder River and destroy Jiang Chen and his party!


Venerable Ziyun finally suppressed the anger in his heart and resisted the urge to cross the Thunder River of Zixiao.

The confrontation between Ziyunmen and Qilin Sect is now at an absolute disadvantage.

If he crossed the Zixiao Thrilling River at this moment and entered the territory of the Qilin Sect, the battle between the two sides might be ignited.

The Blood Moon Venerable of the Blood Moon Realm had already come to Ziyun Gate.

It's just that not long ago, under the siege of the two great gods of the ancient dragon world, he suffered a serious injury, and he is now in retreat.

He now only needs to wait for Venerable Blood Moon to exit, and then he will reverse the situation.

"Boy, wait for the deity."

"I dare to kill my people at Ziyun Gate many times, and do good deeds. Sooner or later, I will let the entire ancient dragon world be buried for you!"

Venerable Ziyun raised his head and stared in the direction of the Purple Cloud Thunder River, and his icy voice resounded in this area.

This time.

Zixiao Divine Kingdom has fallen to several strong Heavenly God Realm, it can be said to be severely injured, it is difficult to compete with the Heavenly Lin Divine Kingdom on the other side.

Once Tianlin Kingdom is aware of it, Qilinzong might attack it aggressively.

He must return to Ziyun Gate as soon as possible and make arrangements in advance.

Thought of this.

Venerable Ziyun's figure flashed, and he disappeared into place out of thin air.


Jiang Chen and the others flew over the Zixiao Thunder River with all their strength.

Not long.

The group of people crossed the Zixiao Jinglei River, which spans thousands of miles, and appeared on the north bank of the Zixiao Jinglei River.

"Finally entered the territory of Qilin Sect."

Jiang Chen led everyone on the bank of the Zixiao Jinglei River, and he was slightly relieved.

Like the small realm of Zilin Realm where there are not many Realm Gods, Realm Gods will have a certain sense of each other.

Once Venerable Ziyun stepped into the scope of the unicorn, he would be noticed by the Venerable Realm God of the Qilin School.

Now that Ziyun Gate is at an absolute disadvantage in the collision with the Qilin Sect, I must not dare to easily enter the territory of the Qilin Sect to hunt them down.

"Who are you?"

Just when Jiang Chen and the others appeared on the shore, in a fortress a hundred miles away in front of them, several imposing figures flew out quickly.

These people are all powerhouses with cultivation bases reaching the realm of heaven and god.

For the first middle-aged man to wear a unicorn armor, his cultivation has reached the level of the third-order god.

Jiang Chen doesn't need to think about it.

These people in front of them should be the powerhouses of the Heavenly Lin Kingdom guarding the north bank of the Zixiao Thrilling Thunder River.

"This general, the old lady Qingyejie Zhujia Zhuqing, this matter takes my lady in front of the wilderness world. It is convenient to pass through the precious land."

Zhu Qing held his fist to the middle-aged general headed by him.

"Leave quickly."

The middle-aged general waved his hand and directly signaled to let Jiang Chen and others leave.

The Zilin Realm was originally a passage between the north and the south of the various realms nearby, and there were a lot of people coming and going.

As long as they are not related to Ziyun Gate, the middle-aged general will not stop him at will.

not to mention……

The old man in front of him had a much stronger aura than him, and he was probably at least a fourth-tier strong man.

Heavenly God Tier 4, even in the entire Zilin Realm, is already considered a well-known powerhouse.

Such a strong person is already an existence comparable to their Tianlin Divine Kingdom God Emperor.

If he really tried to stop him, he would only be humiliating himself.

As the commander in charge of guarding the southern part of the Heavenly Kingdom of Heaven, the middle-aged general knows very well about the powerhouses above Tier 4 of the Ziyunmen Heavenly God.

In his memory.

In the Ziyunmen's sphere of influence, there is no such a powerful fourth-order deity.

Since these people in front of him had nothing to do with Ziyun Gate, he naturally wouldn't ask himself to be bored, and took the initiative to find trouble.

"Thank you."

Zhu Qing thanked him, and then prepared to leave with Jiang Chen and others.

"This general, I have a great gift for you. I wonder if you dare to ask for it?"

Jiang Chen passed by the middle-aged general, paused slightly, and smiled at the middle-aged general.

The middle-aged general was taken aback for a moment: "I wonder what the little brother meant by this?"

"The Heavenly God Realm powerhouses of the Zixiao Kingdom have been killed a lot by us."

"If your Heavenly Lin Kingdom enters the Zixiao Kingdom at this moment, it will be difficult for the Zixiao Kingdom to resist your attack."

"This is your opportunity, I hope you don't miss it."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately passed by the middle-aged general.

The Ziyun Gate and the Blood Moon Realm are linked to each other. After the Venerable Blood Moon is severely injured by the two ancient dragons, it is very likely that he will come to the Ziyun Gate to recover.

Once Venerable Blood Moon recovers, Ziyun Gate is equivalent to having two Venerables sitting in town.

By the time.

The Qilin Sect might be unable to resist the attack of Ziyun Gate at all.

Once Venerable Blood Moon helps Ziyun Gate dominate the Zilin Realm, there may be a chance to counterattack the Ancient Dragon Realm with the power of Ziyun Gate.

Because of this,

Jiang Chen will remind the powerhouse of the Heavenly Lin Kingdom in front of him, hoping that they can seize the opportunity to enter the Purple Heaven Kingdom.

As long as Tianlin Divine Kingdom opens the gap, Qilin Sect will definitely wait for an opportunity to invade Ziyun Gate.

Even if the Qilin Sect failed in the end, it was enough to make Ziyunmen vitality, and there was no power to attack the ancient dragon world in a short time.

And they can sit back and relax in the ancient dragon world!

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