A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1748: The terrifying ghost of the mountain!

"Soul Soul Seal!"

Jiang Chen's eyes condensed, and when he flipped his palm, it was a soul-killing mark, and he smashed it against the oncoming black waves.

The seal of the human emperor, the **** of the human race of the Xuanling mainland.

With the improvement of Jiang Chen's strength, Jiang Chen has become more and more extraordinary.

When Jiang Chen hadn't broken through the true **** realm, he thought that this man's seal was just an ordinary true **** martial art.

But when he broke through the true **** realm, he discovered that the power of the human seal was far better than the general true **** level martial arts.

Now that he broke through the Heavenly God Realm, Jiang Chen seemed to feel that the power of this man's seal completely exceeded the general Heavenly God level martial arts.

And the first seal of Human Emperor Seal, Soul Seal, was originally the nemesis of Soul Dao power.

The remaining power of Youshan Ghost's blow was completely transformed into nothingness directly under Jiang Chen's Soul Extinguishing Mark.


Seeing that Jiang Chen had resolved his blow so easily, a look of surprise appeared on You Shangui's face.

As the quasi-world **** at the peak of the sixth-order deity, and also good at the soul road, the combat power of Youshan Ghost is even stronger than that of the ordinary sixth-order deity.

But the boy in front of him was not the third-tier cultivation base of the Heavenly God, but he blocked his blow unscathed.

To know.

Even if their Ghost Soul Sect's geniuses are good at Soul Dao, they can block his blow at the third level of the Heavenly God, I am afraid that only one or two people can do it.

"Boy, you are really capable, no wonder you dare to take the initiative to lead me out of town."

Youshangui's eyes narrowed slightly.

The talent and strength of this kid seemed to be much stronger than he thought.

Originally, Youshan Gui thought that the giant void whale he conquered should be killed by Jiang Chen and the old guy of Tier 4 Heavenly God.

Now it seems that this kid should have done it alone.

Although this guy's cultivation is at the third rank of the gods, and the three realms are far from reaching the peak, his combat power is probably only strong or not weak compared to many of the fifth ranks of the gods.

A genius who can cross the two-tier battle in the Heavenly God Realm, even in the entire Great Desolate Realm, is the top genius.

"Old guy, when your giant void whale attacked my boat, I killed it by myself."

Jiang Chen snorted coldly: "If you leave now, maybe it will be too late."

"Huh! A trivial third-order hairy kid who dares to speak up in front of me!"

Youshan Ghost snorted coldly, and a horrible soul pressure filled the void directly.

His eyes were indifferent, as if looking at Jiang Chen.

"Finally, I will give you a choice, either follow me back to the Ghost Sect, or... die!"

With Youshangui's words, the world trembled and the void was locked.

The power of the sixth rank of Youshan Ghost Heavenly God is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. It was Jiang Chen who felt out of breath under such terrifying pressure.

"This old guy is much stronger than the sixth-order **** of the blood poison boss."

Jiang Chen's heart shuddered slightly.

It seems that to deal with this old guy, he can only condense the power of the wind road world and break through the fourth rank of the god.

"Hehe... Old stuff, you too value yourself."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then glanced at You Shangui contemptuously: "With your cultivation base of the sixth-order Tianshen, you are not yet qualified to say this in front of me."

"Boy, since you must die, then I will fulfill you!"

Youshan Ghost burst into anger with annoyance, and the power of the six realms burst out with full force, and then turned into a black giant python with terrifying power on top of its head. It pierced through the sky with its teeth and claws, and slaughtered Jiang Chen.

"Qianlong Zhentian!"

"Long Xiao for nine days!"

Jiang Chen's complexion did not change, and he quickly displayed the two exercise visions.

boom! boom!

The two exercise visions collided in the void with the shocking blow of Youshan Ghost.

In an instant...

The void collapsed and chaos flew.

Almost everything in a radius of a hundred miles turned into nothingness in the confrontation between the two.

"The vision of the twofold cultivation technique, this kid is actually practicing the fake **** king technique."

Seeing that Jiang Chen blocked his full blow with the double-strength technique vision, a look of surprise appeared in Youshangui's eyes.

"This old guy, really is not the blood poison boss that waits for the sixth-order Celestial God to be comparable."

On the other side, Jiang Chen stepped back more than ten steps in the void.

He forced down the surging aura in his body, and his gaze at Youshan Ghost became a lot more serious.

The two **** king-level techniques had just withstood the blow of Youshan Ghost!

The sixth-order peak powerhouse of the Heavenly God in the Great Wilderness Realm is indeed not an ordinary strong. With the strength of the third-order Heavenly God, it is indeed a bit difficult for him to deal with it.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and directly urged the origin of Consummation Wind, ready to gather the power of the fourth world.

"I don't know what will happen to this old guy when I gather the power of the fourth world and trigger the tribulation of the gods?"

Jiang Chen was about to break through the fourth stage of the Heavenly God, but a strange idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

He has a system in his body, and every breakthrough can trigger a catastrophe, but he is directly blocked by the system.

If it triggers the Heavenly Tribulation for a while, he unexpectedly leads the Youshan Ghost to the scope of the Heavenly Tribulation. I wonder if the old guy will be attacked by the Heavenly Tribulation?

If Youshan Ghost would be attacked by Heavenly Tribulation, could he use his Heavenly God's fourth-order Heavenly Tribulation to pit Youshan Ghost?

"Try it, even if it is unsuccessful, it will do no harm to me anyway."

Jiang Chen's gaze flickered slightly, and immediately he didn't retreat but moved forward, blasting out toward Youshan Ghost.

Looking at Jiang Chen's body shape that burst out, Youshan Ghost was also astonished.

Although this kid is talented close to monsters, and his combat power is against the sky, he still has some gaps compared to him, the quasi-world **** of the sixth-order peak of the god.

Youshan Gui obviously didn't expect it either.

Jiang Chen actually dared to take the initiative to kill him at this time.

"I can't help myself!"

You Shangui smiled coldly, and another monstrous black giant python culled towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate at all, and directly evolved into the world of the gods, blocking the oncoming black python.

at the same time.

He urged the origin of Consummation, and began to gather the power of the fourth world.


With the concentration of Jiang Chen's fourth world power, the emptiness of thousands of miles has become thunderous this time.

"This...this is the God Tribulation!"

Youshan Gui looked up at the void that thundercloud had made up, his expression also became horrified at this moment.

Now his attack is in a stalemate with Jiang Chen's Heavenly God World, and it will not dissipate for a while. Jiang Chen will trigger the Heavenly Tribulation at this time, and he will definitely be involved.

Thinking of this, Youshan Ghost almost didn't spray out a mouthful of old blood.


Simply lunatic!

At this time, this kid incited the Celestial Tribulation, undoubtedly he wanted to use the power of the Celestial Tribulation to die with him.

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