A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1752: Crisis of Gulong Chamber of Commerce

Leave Tianji Building.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at all, and swiftly headed towards the south of Nanli Shencheng.

Nanli Shencheng is extremely large, and volley flying is prohibited.

It also took Jiang Chen a while before he came to the south of Nanli Shencheng.

Nanli God City was established by the Nanli Clan, the prestigious Realm Family of Nanlizhou, and is the core of the entire Nanlizhou, which brings together many forces, large and small.

Nanlizhou, as the southernmost state of the 13 Great Wilderness States, has a very special geographical location.

In addition to the local forces in Nanlizhou, more than a dozen areas south of the Great Wilderness Realm have also established strongholds in Nanlizhou.

Because of this.

The situation in Nanli Shencheng is extremely complicated.

The strength of the ancient dragon realm is very low among the many realms of the Great Desolate Heaven. In the stronghold established in Nanli Shencheng, there is only one second-tier deity sitting in town.

Such strength is already extremely not weak in the ancient dragon world.

But in the Great Desolate Realm, where there are as many as a cow, it is obviously not enough to see.

Because of its weak strength, Gulong Chamber of Commerce can only be established in the extremely remote edge of Nanli Shencheng.

According to the information provided by Tianjilou, Jiang Chen wandered south of the city for a while, and finally found the Gulong Chamber of Commerce in a remote street.

"Finally found it."

Jiang Chen looked up at the attic at the end of the street and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

This is a simple and old attic. Above the main entrance of the attic, there is a plaque depicting the four characters of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.


Jiang Chen soon discovered that the door of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce was very messy, and even the two stone lions at the door were broken to the ground.


Jiang Chen even felt a trace of tension in the attic.

"Sure enough, something happened."

Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he strode towards the Gulong Chamber of Commerce...

Gulong Chamber of Commerce Hall.

At this moment, a large number of figures are crowded here, and the atmosphere is particularly tense.

The spacious hall has been divided into two distinct camps. On one side, the first middle-aged man in golden clothes is Gu Minghe, the president of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

On the other side, there were more than a dozen figures in red robes.

These people stand upright, with a very domineering aura, especially the first young man in red with an arrogant face.

The aura of the young man in red is extremely not weak, he is already a warrior of the second rank of the gods.

And beside the young man in red, there are two old men in red, whose breath has also reached the second order of the gods.

"Prince Hongyang, my Gulong Chamber of Commerce and your Hongye Chamber of Commerce have always kept the well water from the river. You came to my Gulong Chamber of Commerce with such a big fanfare. What do you mean?"

Gu Minghe looked at the group of uninvited guests with an unpleasant expression, and said solemnly.

"President Gu, don't pretend to be in front of my son."

The red-clothed youth stared at Gu Minghe with a sneer: "If you are more familiar with each other, hand in the broken picture you got a few days ago."

Gu Minghe's expression changed slightly: "Master Hong Yang, I don't know what you are talking about?"

A few days ago.

Gu Minghe did meet a mysterious man and sold a mysterious picture in the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.


This matter is very secretive, even if few people in the Gulong Chamber of Commerce know about it, how could the people of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce know?

"Gu Minghe, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Hearing Gu Minghe's words, the red-clothed youth also showed an impatient look on his face.

He stared at Gu Minghe with cold eyes, and said in a murderous manner: "Finally, I will give you a chance to hand over the broken picture, otherwise you will not blame me for stepping on your ancient dragon chamber of commerce today!"

Hearing the unceremonious words of the young man in red, Gu Minghe's face also became extremely difficult to look.

After getting the mysterious reference picture that day, Gu Minghe researched it and found that the mark on the broken picture had a very close relationship with a former world **** who was famous in Nan Lizhou.

With this alone, Gu Minghe knew the value of this broken image was extremely extraordinary.

It's just that Gu Minghe didn't think of anything.

The news that he got the broken picture leaked out so quickly, and the Hongye Chamber of Commerce who got the news went straight to the door.

The Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce is a stronghold established by a boundary called the Red Leaf World in the Great Wilderness.

The strength of the Red Leaf Realm is not weak, and several people in the Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce have left the Heavenly God Realm. Among them, the strongest president of the Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce, has reached the third rank of the gods.

Such strength is not a big deal in Nanli Shencheng where the strong are like clouds.

But for Gu Minghe, the ancient dragon chamber of commerce, where only the second-order god, Gu Minghe, is still a very powerful existence.

"Prince Hong Yang, I really don't know what you are talking about."

"It's a bit too much for you to lead people into my Gulong Chamber of Commerce with such a big fanfare."

"Although your Hongye Chamber of Commerce is powerful, my Gulong Chamber of Commerce is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead."

Gu Minghe stared at Hongyang Road with an iron face.

The strength of the Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce is indeed much stronger than that of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, but he has been operating in Nanli Shencheng for many years, and he has also made a good deal of power that is no weaker than the Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce.

As long as the Gulong Chamber of Commerce gets the help of that force, it is not afraid of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

"Gu Minghe, I know that your Gulong Chamber of Commerce has something to do with Chengnan Yu's family, but you can just contact Yu's Patriarch to see if he has the courage to help you."

Hearing Gu Minghe's words, Hong Yang couldn't help but lifted up a slight look of contempt.

Gu Minghe's heart sank slightly. It seems that the Hongye Chamber of Commerce is already fully prepared for this move.

If Yu Jia really didn't help, Gu Long Chamber of Commerce would be really dangerous this time.

"Gu Minghe, my son has no intention of wasting time with you. I have given you the opportunity, but you didn't cherish it. In that case, please blame me for not being affectionate."

Hong Yang looked at Gu Minghe who still didn't plan to hand over the remnants of the picture, and his whole body was filled with a violent killing intent: "Hands, step on the Gulong Chamber of Commerce!"

With Hong Yang's words, the spirit of the gods on the two elders behind him also burst out.


Just as the battle between the two sides was about to start, a faint chuckle suddenly resounded in the hall.

"Hehe... Your Excellency is so loud, I want to see, who can touch a piece of hair from the Gulong Chamber of Commerce today."

The sudden sound made everyone in the hall stunned.

Everyone followed the prestige and found a thin, black-clothed youth slowly walking in from outside the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

"Huh! The hairy boy from there dare to take care of my Hongye Chamber of Commerce."

Hong Yang looked at the black-clothed youth who walked into the hall, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but set off a sneer of contempt: "Boy, I think you are living impatiently?"

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