A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1754: Hong Qinghuo's shock!

"Guild President, this map is not complete, please keep it first."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "If we have the opportunity to gather the remaining maps, we will go to Venerable Huoyun's legacy to find out."

"Elder Jiang rest assured, Gu will definitely inquire about the rest of the map next time."

Gu Minghe nodded, and a look of excitement appeared in his eyes.

Before Jiang Chen arrived, with the strength of his second-tier deity, the Gulong Chamber of Commerce did not have the qualifications to get involved in the vestiges of the venerable.

Now that Jiang Chen, the Golden Order elder of the Gulong tribe, is in charge, the Gulong Chamber of Commerce can try one or two.

"It's not necessary."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth raised a slightly playful arc: "Since the news that you have a broken map has spread, the owners of the rest of the map must not sit still. We only need to wait for them to come to the door."

"What Elder Jiang meant... Maybe the Hongye Chamber of Commerce also has a broken picture?"

Gu Minghe's complexion changed slightly.

"Even if the Hongye Chamber of Commerce does not have it, those who have the broken image should have a certain relationship with the Hongye Chamber of Commerce."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed brilliantly, and he immediately looked at Gu Minghe Road: "Gu President Gu, let's not talk about this. Do you know how to find people in front of the lower realm in the great wilderness?"

"It's probably not easy to find someone from the lower realm in the great wilderness..."

Gu Minghe was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

There are countless realms of God's Realm, densely covered in the endless eternal void like stars.

These large and small boundaries are grouped into different regions.

For example, the area where they are now is the Great Wilderness Sphere with the Great Wilderness as the center.

In the Great Desolate Realm, the only Great Desolate Realm is the superior realm with the power of the God King.

This kind of superior realm law of heaven is more complete, and the space is far more stable than the general middle and small realms.

Because of this.

Many realm **** forces in the Great Wilderness have established channels with some lower realm planes, and can absorb geniuses below the true **** realm on the lower realm plane to join their forces.

And some who cross the True God Tribulation and Ascend God Realm on the plane of the lower realm will also only appear in the upper realm like the Great Desolate Realm.


The God's Domain is too huge, and the Lower Realm planes are even more numerous.

Even in the Great Wilderness, the channels established by every realm **** force are not connected to the same lower realm plane. It is undoubtedly very difficult to find out which power a certain lower realm plane has established a channel with.

If one directly crosses the True God Tribulation and ascends to the God Realm, it will appear randomly in the God Realm, making it even more difficult to find.

In short.

Wanting to find someone from the lower realm in God's Domain is even more difficult than reaching the sky!

After hearing Gu Minghe's words, Jiang Chen couldn't help but twist his brows tightly.

It seems that he wants to find his father Jiang Wuya in this great wilderness, and I am afraid it is not an easy task.

"Elder Jiang, if the person you are looking for is really in the Great Wilderness Realm, it is not hopeless to find Tianjilou."

Gu Minghe pondered slightly: "Tianji Tower claims to know everything about the world, and there is no news that they don't know. As long as you pay some price, Tianji Tower should be able to help you find some clues."

"I forgot the Tianji Tower."

Jiang Chen also reacted quickly, his eyes lightened slightly.

After the matter of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce was resolved and the Gulong Chamber of Commerce stabilized, he would go to the Tianji Building again to see if he could find out about his father!


South of Shencheng, Hongye Chamber of Commerce, a hidden room.

Hong Qinghuo, chairman of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, sat on the main seat.

Opposite him, a gray-faced middle-aged man sat opposite him.

"President Hong, you have already sent someone to the Gulong Merchant Association for a while, why hasn't any news come back."

The gray-clothed middle-aged frowned slightly, suddenly breaking the silence in the room.

"Brother Song stay safe, don't be irritable, my son took two second-tier gods from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, and then there is only one second-tier **** in Gu Minghe in the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, and he can't make any waves."

Hong Qinghuo took a sip of the teacup in front of him and smiled confidently.



Just as Hong Qinghuo's voice fell, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

Hong Qinghuo was taken aback for a moment. He couldn't help but look up towards the door, and saw his son Hong Yang rushing in from outside.

"Hong Yang, how are you in such a panic? Didn't I ask you to take people to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, what happened?"

Seeing Hong Yang's appearance, Hong Qinghuo's complexion sank, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Father, the big thing is not good."

Hong Yang hurriedly said: "A mysterious strong man from the Gulong Chamber of Commerce assisted him. That man was just an understatement and killed the second elder in seconds!"


Hong Qing slapped the table fiercely, and the whole person stood up in a sigh, only a fiery pain on his face.

He was still vowing to the gray-clothed middle-aged man before him that there would be no problems. Who knew that Hong Yang brought the bad news back in an instant.

"Gulong Chamber of Commerce, how can there be such a strong person to help?"

Hong Qinghuo stared at Hong Yang incredulously, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

One move to kill the second-order of the gods in a second, I am afraid that only the powerhouse of the third-order of the gods can easily do it.

Gulong Chamber of Commerce only has some friendship with Yu family. Could it be that Yu family didn't make a move?

Thought of this.

Hong Qinghuo couldn't help but looked at the gray-clothed middle-aged man on the opposite side: "Brother Song, is this the Yu family..."

"It's impossible!"

The middle-aged Hui Yi directly interrupted Hong Qinghuo's words and said coldly: "Since the Yu family has promised me that the Song family will not make a move, there is absolutely no guts to turn back, unless they don't want to stay in Nanli Shencheng."

"But... Except for Yujia, the Gulong Chamber of Commerce does not seem to have had any friendship with other forces. How could such a strong person help the Gulong Chamber of Commerce?"

Hong Qinghuo's brows were twisted together tightly.

"Since it is not Yu Jia's action, there is only one explanation."

The gray-clothed middle-aged eyes flashed with brilliance, and he slowly said, "I am afraid that it is not just us who are staring at the broken picture in Gu Minghe's hand!"

Hong Qinghuo was taken aback: "Brother Song meant... that the mysterious powerhouse who suddenly appeared in the Gulong Merchant Guild, is it possible that he also came for the broken map?"

"Presumably Chairman Hong should be very clear about how attractive the Venerable's legacy is. Once the news leaks, it is not surprising that someone will look at the broken picture like us."

The middle-aged in the grey clothes smiled faintly, and there was also a flash of coldness in his eyes.

"Chairman Hong, come with me to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce. I want to see how sacred it is that I dare to **** food in front of my Song family!"

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