A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1756: Ancient Dragon Realm, Jiang Chen!


When Jiang Chen's voice fell, he flipped his hand to a black square seal of mighty power, suppressing the gray-clothed middle-aged.

Looking at the black square seal from the suppression, the middle-aged man in grey clothes burst into flames, and only felt that his whole person seemed to be enveloped by a shadow of death.

Facing Jiang Chen, the middle-aged Hui Yi faced their Song family Patriarch.

this moment.

The souls of the middle-aged in the gray clothes are all gone.

He didn't hesitate at all, the power of the third-order Heavenly God urged to the extreme, evolving into a gray world of Heavenly God, colliding with the black square seal from suppression.


Now that Jiang Chen's cultivation base has broken through the fourth-order of the gods, with his background, even if it is a casual blow, it is not the ordinary third-order of the gods that can resist.

not to mention……

What Jiang Chen displayed was the imperial seal.


After a stalemate with the gray-clothed middle-aged, the black square printed directly shattered the gray-clothed middle-aged **** world.

The middle-aged in gray screamed, and the whole person was like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down from mid-air in embarrassment.

And while the middle-aged Hui Yi was suppressed by Jiang Chen with a palm of his hand, Hong Qinghuo and other three Heavenly God Realms, under the impact of the terrifying energy that broke out from the confrontation between the two, embarrassedly stepped back into the void for hundreds of meters.

The rest of the Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce below the Heavenly God Realm, even before they even screamed, they turned to ashes under the impact of that terrifying energy.

"How... how is it possible?"

Hong Qinghuo raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes also showed unconcealed horror!

Song Zhong, this is a well-known strong man in the Song family, and his strength has reached the third-order peak of the gods, which is only stronger than him.

But such a powerhouse of Tier 3 Heavenly God was killed in seconds by an understatement by the guy opposite!

At this moment, Hong Qinghuo couldn't imagine how terrifying the actual strength of this kid had reached!

"You...who are you?"

On the other side, Song Zhong, who was hit hard by Jiang Chen's move, was also embarrassed to stabilize his figure, his expression frightened.

I saw that his face was pale, and the gray robe on his body was no longer intact. The red blood seeped out of his skin, looking like a blood man.

one move!

With just one move, he was severely injured by the boy in front of him.

If he hadn't cultivated the Song family's incomparably powerful defensive secret technique, I am afraid it would have been difficult to survive this palm.

The cultivation base of this kid in front of him, I am afraid that at least he has reached the fourth rank of the gods!

Song Zhongshi couldn't understand when there was such a talented and enchanting young genius in Nanli Shencheng.

As far as he knows.

Even in the entire Nanli God City, only the Nanli Clan has a peerless monster of Tier 4 deity.

"Gulong world, Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen looked at Song Zhong faintly, and there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

With his current strength, if he were a third-order powerhouse of the other small realm gods, he would not have any resistance at all under his imprint of Soul Destruction.

The warriors of the Great Desolate Realm are indeed much better than the warriors of other small realms.

"Ancient Dragon Realm, are you from the realm behind the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Hong Qinghuo couldn't help but scream out in surprise.

Hongye Chamber of Commerce and Gulong Chamber of Commerce are not far away, and naturally they know each other very well.

Naturally, Hong Qinghuo knew that the Gulong Chamber of Commerce was a stronghold established in Nanli Shencheng by a small area called Gulongjie.


The Ancient Dragon Realm is a realm weaker than their Red Leaf Realm, how could such a terrifying genius be born?

To know.

As a member of the Song family, Song Zhong was a native of the Great Wilderness world, and his combat power was far superior to other powerful players of the same rank in other small realms.

Even the third-order geniuses of the other small realm gods, they may not be able to get any advantage in Song Zhong's hands.

But this kid actually defeated Song Zhong with one move!

This... how is this Tamar possible.

"Boy, it turns out you are from the small realm behind the Gulong Chamber of Commerce."

A cold light flashed in Song Zhong's eyes, and immediately stared at Gu Minghe coldly: "Gu President, this is the great wilderness, not the ancient dragon world. Don't think that you have come to the ancient dragon world for a while, and my Song family will do nothing. No way for you!"

"Song Zhong, you are already dead, so don't scare my people here."

Jiang Chen smiled proudly, then stretched out his hand and gently waved at Song Zhong, directly solidifying Song Zhong and the space around him instantly.

Song Zhong's expression suddenly changed drastically.

He struggled with all his strength, trying to get rid of the constraints of the surrounding space.


He was previously hit hard by Jiang Chen's move, and he tried his best to save his life. Now that he has no strength, how can he break free from Jiang Chen's shackles?

"Jian...Jiang Chen, you...you can't kill me, I'm the Song elder, if you kill me, the Song family will definitely not let you go."

Song Zhong looked up at Jiang Chen opposite, and finally screamed in horror.

"Haha...what about the Song family?"

"A Patriarch who has only the fifth rank of the gods, I have not paid attention to Jiang."

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "Tell me, how did you Song family know that Gu Minghe has the broken picture left by Venerable Huo Yun, or tell me the news of other broken pictures, I will spare you not to die!"

Song Zhong's expression changed slightly: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Since you don't know anything, what good is it for me to keep you?"

Jiang Chen's faint laughter fell, and his palm suddenly shook, which directly caused Song Zhong's entire body to collapse.

An endless space storm surged from the collapsed space, strangling Song Zhong to shatters in the blink of an eye.

"Elder Jiang is worthy of being the elder Jin Ling of the clan, what a terrifying strength!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen slaughtered Song Zhong like a chicken but a dog, Gu Minghe couldn't help but breathe in his heart.

Jiang Chen could become the elder of the Jinling of the Gulong tribe, and Gu Minghe naturally knew that Jiang Chen would be extraordinary.

But he still didn't expect it.

Song Zhong, the Song elder of the third-tier peak of the god, was solved by Jiang Chen!

Song Zhong was killed in an understatement, Jiang Chen's gaze shifted and directly fell on the three Hong Qinghuo.

Hong Qinghuo's complexion turned pale in an instant, and he quickly begged for mercy with a frightened expression: "Jiang...Young Master Jiang, please be forgive. Our Hongye Chamber of Commerce was forced by the Song family to act against the Gulong Chamber of Commerce."

"I have given you the opportunity, but unfortunately you did not cherish it!"

Jiang Chen shook his head, and immediately raised his palm, a divine seal of punishment directly locked the three of Hong Qinghuo, and suppressed them with the heavenly power.

The three of them didn't have any resistance at all, and in the blink of an eye, they were wiped out by the mark of Jiang Chen.

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