A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1769: Extreme Taoist fetish, Xuanbing Tao fruit!

After a fierce bidding, Chi Yan Shen Dan was sold at the price of 7,400 high-grade Shen Jing.

Seven thousand four hundred high-grade **** crystals are equivalent to seventy-four thousand low-grade **** crystals.

Such a huge amount of wealth, even if it is the power of most of the gods in Nanli Shencheng, it may not be easy to take out.


This kind of wealth is nothing to the top powers of the gods in Nanli God City.

It's just that the purpose of their trip is not this Chiyan Divine Pill, so naturally they don't want to waste too many Divine Crystals on Chiyan Divine Pill.

Next, several valuable treasures were auctioned off one after another at the auction.

Among them there even appeared a good world **** level technique, which was auctioned away at a sky-high price of 10,000 top-grade **** crystals.

"Everyone, the next auction item will be the last item of this auction."

"I know that many people here are all here for this auction item, and the old will not sell it anymore."

Just after the auction of the Realm God Technique was completed, the solemn voice of the auction master rang directly in the auction hall.

With the words of the auction master, everyone was shocked.

Including many VIPs in the room on the second floor of the auction, they were all attentive and focused on the auction table below.

"Extreme Dao divine object, Xuanbing Dao fruit. This is the heaven and earth divine object that grows on the polar ice sheet and absorbs the power of 100,000 years of extreme cold. It is the supreme treasure of Ice Dao cultivation."

"It is said that a profound ice Dao fruit can enable a warrior who does not understand the power of ice Dao to reach the perfect state of ice Dao origin in a short time."

"In other words, a Profound Ice Dao Fruit can make the cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse rise to the first level!"

When the auction master spoke, he opened the jade plate in front of him, and a crystal-clear, pearl-like fruit suddenly appeared.

As soon as this fruit appeared, a faintly chilly fragrance spread directly in the auction hall.

Especially some Heavenly God Realm martial artists who have cultivated the power of the Ice Dao, they just took a breath, as if they felt that their control over the power of the Ice Dao had increased a bit.

"It's worthy of being an extremely sacred item Xuanbing Dao Guo, this effect is too terrifying."

Countless people stared closely at the Xuanbing Dao Guo on the auction stage, with an extremely fiery expression in their eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the last item auctioned by the Tianji Building would be the ultimate **** Xuanbing Dao Guo."

Jiang Chen looked at Xuanbing Daoguo and was shocked.

At the beginning of the Ancient Dragon Clan Pill Hall, Jiang Chen upgraded his alchemy to the fourth rank of the gods, and his understanding of the gods, heaven and earth, gods, medicines and fetishes had long surpassed those of the general gods.

Jiang Chen is naturally no stranger to Xuanbing Daoguo.

Xuanbing Dao Guo is one of the ultimate gods in the legend of God's Domain.

Jidao fetish, represents the ultimate power.

It is said that every kind of Jidao **** has incredible power.

Once you take a certain attribute of the ultimate god, you can directly reach the realm of perfection in a short time!

And Xuanbing Dao Guo is the ultimate **** of the Dao that can make the origin of the ice road complete quickly!

Even a person who has never cultivated the power of Ice Dao, as long as he takes the fruit of the Xuanbing Dao, can quickly reach the perfect state of the Ice Dao origin.

In other words.

A Profound Ice Dao Fruit enables the true **** who has not yet broken through the Celestial God Realm to quickly grasp the origin of the Consummation Ice Dao, thereby condensing the power of the Ice Dao World, and being promoted to the Heaven God Realm!

And the Celestial God Realm who has not cultivated the power of the Ice Dao can also condense the power of the Ice Dao world in a short time and increase the strength of the first order!

"This Xuanbing Dao fruit can be won."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

If he could obtain this profound ice dao fruit, he could instantly grasp the origin of the perfect ice dao.

By the time.

Even if he faced the Huangfu family and other pseudo-world **** families, he would no longer have the slightest fear.

"Xuanbing Daoguo, the base price is 10,000 top-grade **** crystals, and each increase must not be less than 1,000 top-grade **** crystals, and the auction will begin."

Just when everyone was staring at Xuanbing Dao Guo, the auctioneer dropped a hammer and opened the last highlight of the auction.

As the auctioneer's voice fell.

After a moment of silence, the auction hall quickly became boiling.

The major families and chambers of commerce in Nanli Shencheng followed suit, raising placards frantically, bidding for Xuanbing Dao Guo.

"Twenty thousand top grade **** crystals!"

"Twenty-five thousand top grade **** crystals!"

"Thirty thousand top grade **** crystals!"


Almost in the blink of an eye, the bidding price exceeded 50,000 top-grade crystals.

This rapidly exploding price also caused countless onlookers in the auction hall to stun, and the representatives of some small forces were even more earthy.

"It seems that our Zhao family has no hope of taking this Xuanbing Taoist fruit."

In the VIP seat at the forefront of the auction, Zhao Tiancheng, the parents of Zhao, saw that the price of Xuanbing Dao Guo was still increasing rapidly, so he shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

Xuanbing Dao Guo, their Zhao family undoubtedly wanted very much.

after all.

Their Zhao family is a family with a fifth-tier Celestial God. If they can obtain the Xuanbing Dao Fruit, they will be able to give birth to a powerful sixth-tier Celestial God and become a real first-class power in Nanli God City.


The price of this Xuanbing Dao Fruit is really outrageous.

Fifty thousand high-grade **** crystals, which is equivalent to a full 500 million lower-grade **** crystals, and the price their Zhao family can give to the maximum.

But according to the rising trend of bidding prices, it was almost impossible for them to bid for Xuanbing Dao Guo for the Zhao family.

With Xuanbing Dao fruit bidding continues to rise.

Most people in the auction hall had to withdraw from the competition unwillingly because of insufficient financial resources.

And the fight for Xuanbing Dao Guo has also entered a fever pitch.

Almost all the people who competed came from the VIP room on the second floor.

"70,000 high-grade divine crystals, I have 70,000 high-grade divine crystals. Please also give Fang a certain thin noodles and give me this profound ice Tao fruit."

An old voice came from a room on the second floor.


I saw an old man with a white head and white beard walking out of the room. Clouds surged around him, uniting with the sky.

"It's Fang Yubo, the ancestor of the Fang family!"

Seeing the old man walking out of the VIP room on the second floor, someone suddenly exclaimed in the auction hall.

Nanli Shencheng City Dongfangjia, one of the three top gods in Nanli Shencheng.

Fang Yubo, the ancestor of the Fang family, was a quasi-world **** powerhouse of the sixth-order deity. This is a big man who stomped his feet and could shake Nanli Shencheng.

Fang Yubo, the ancestor of the Fang family, took the initiative to reveal his identity, obviously he wanted to use his power to suppress others and forcefully bid for Xuanbing Dao Guo.

"I have seventy-five thousand top grade **** crystals!"


Just as the Fang family ancestor's bid fell, a cold voice suddenly came from another room on the second floor.


Fang Yubo was frightened in his heart, he could not help but suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where the sound was coming from, his face instantly becoming extremely gloomy.

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