A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1788: World artifact, Heavenly Fire Sword!

When Nanli Clan Sanqian Nanli Shenwei was dispatched, many forces in Nanli Shencheng were shocked by it.

Jiang Chen walked slowly in the space created by Venerable Huoyun.

Not long.

The group came to an ancient hall.

This hall is exactly the cave where Venerable Huoyun cultivated in the Huoyun Mountain.

The surrounding sceneries of the main hall are constantly changing. There are thunder, lightning, fire, nine-day cold wind, and phantoms of heavenly devil. Even the space is upside down, which contains fierce murderous intent.

"Yunlei disillusionment array, cold wind six kills array, space inverted array!"

Xu Yuankui swept around the hall in his gaze, and quickly uttered the names of the formations.

His expression also became extremely solemn in an instant.

"This hall has three top-level ninth-tier killing formations of the gods. The three formations are gathered together, and the strong of the sixth-rank of the gods can easily be killed!"

Upon hearing this, Huangfu couldn't help but quickly asked: "Since Mr. Xu knows these formations, there must be a way to get rid of it."

"The formation can be broken, but it takes a certain amount of time."

Xu Yuankui frowned and said: "With my ability, it will take at least ten and a half months."

Huangfu Lin's heart suddenly sank.

Now that the Nanli Clan has learned about the fall of Yan Jin and others, it may take up to a day or two to enter the Huoyun Mountain Range again.

They have no time to wait for ten days and a half now.

"Let me try it."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, his eyes locked tightly on the hall in front of him.

Although the formation around this hall is also very powerful, it is obviously not a level of existence compared with the Seal of Universe Lihuo outside.

He used the system's 100-fold comprehension, and even the Seal of Universe Lihuo could be realized in just a few days.

Now it should not take much time to comprehend the three nine-rank formations of the gods.

Jiang Chen stared at the hall like this, and after about ten minutes, the system prompt sounded directly in Jiang Chen's ear.

"Ding! You can comprehend the Yunlei Disillusionment Array of Ninth-Rank Divine Rank, triggering a hundredfold understanding!"

"Ding! You comprehend one percent of the Yunlei Disillusionment Array!"

"Ding! You can comprehend the six-kill formation of the cold wind of the nine-tier god-rank formation, triggering a hundredfold comprehension!"

"Ding! You understand one percent of the cold wind and six kills!"

"Ding! You can comprehend the ninth rank of the god-level formation space inversion, triggering a hundredfold comprehension!"

"Ding! You understand that one percent of the space is upside down!"


Jiang Chen stared at the hall in front of him motionlessly, constantly comprehending the formations of the nine ranks of the three gods.

This continued for the entire nine hours.

With the sound of the system’s melodious prompt sound, Jiang Chen’s comprehension of the nine-rank formations of the three gods was also 100% successful!

After successfully comprehending the three formations in front of him, Jiang Chen walked directly towards the hall without any hesitation.

Now that the details of the three major formations are all in his mind, Jiang Chen is very familiar with the defects of the formation.

Every step he stepped out, he stepped on the magic circle node.

After nine steps in succession, Jiang Chen quickly found the core of the Yunlei Disillusionment Array, and then blasted out a punch.


The whole hall was shaking.

I saw the power of thunder cloud that had originally enveloped the hall, but also disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen did exactly what he had done, and quickly destroyed the Cold Wind Six Kill Formation and the Space Inversion Formation, and the power around the hall also dissipated.

"Master Jiang's accomplishments in the formation are really shameful."

Xu Yuankui looked at the scene before him, and it took a while before he recovered from the shock.

As a rare Ninth Rank Divine Array Master in the Great Wilderness Realm, Xu Yuankui has always been very confident in his Array Dao attainments.

But after meeting Jiang Chen this time, Xu Yuankui knew what it means to be someone outside of a person.

Compared with Jiang Chen, his little array of Dao attainments is inferior to scum.

And Huangfu Lin and the others on the side were equally shocked.

This person is not only a martial arts talented evildoer, but also enough to crush the existence of the Nanli Clan Young Master Yan Jin's level, and even the attainments on the formation path can make Xu Yuankui and other nine-rank divine formation masters impressed.

Huangfu Lin and others could no longer imagine.

What kind of force is it that can cultivate such a peerless genius!

I am afraid that even the top genius of the Great Desolate God Sect, there is nothing more than this!

"It's just a fluke, let's go in."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then his figure flashed, and quickly swept towards the inside of the hall.

very quickly.

A vast hall appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

In the hall, dozens of red pillars of fire stand.

In the middle of the hall, there was an old man wearing a scarlet plume.

The old man has red hair and red beard, and his skin is crystal clear, like a red jade, exuding a fiery mood of fire.

no doubt.

The old man in front of him was the strong man in the South Lizhou of Megatron thousands of years ago, Venerable Huoyun.

"Is this Venerable Huoyun?"

Looking at the body of Venerable Huo Yun, Huangfu couldn't help muttering: "The flesh is immortal for tens of millions of years. When Venerable Huo Yun fell, he really condensed the mind crystal!"

"Patriarch, look at that sword, it should be the legendary Heavenly Fire God Sword."

At this moment, Huang Fusong suddenly pointed to a place in front of Venerable Huo Yun and exclaimed in horror.

Jiang Chen and Huangfu looked at them and couldn't help but follow Huangfusong's fingers.

I saw a place in front of Venerable Huoyun, there really was a simple red long sword.

The surface of the red long sword looked extremely ordinary, but Jiang Chen could vaguely feel that there seemed to be a heart-palpitating fire power in that long sword!

Huangfu Lin nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, this should be Venerable Huoyun's Realm Sacred Sword, the God Sword."

The remains of Venerable Huoyun are indeed the treasure that everyone in Nanlizhou dreams of.

Just the world heart **** crystal and the world **** weapon sky fire **** sword are enough to make countless people go crazy about it.

Huangfu Lin's gaze stayed on the Heavenly Fire God Sword and Venerable Huoyun for a while before he solemnly said to Jiang Chen: "Brother Jiang Chen, Huangfu Lin has a feeling of mercy, and I hope you can agree."

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said, "Huangfu Patriarch must want the Jiexin Jingjing, right?"

"It looks like Brother Jiang Chen has guessed it."

"This time, we were able to successfully find the remains of Venerable Huoyun, brother Jiang Chen contributed. According to reason, this most precious Jiexin Shenjing should belong to Brother Jiang Chen."

"It's just... I really need this Realm Heart Crystal now, and I hope Jiang Chen can give it to me."

Huangfu Lin took a deep breath and said, "As long as Huangfu's family only needs this realm of heart crystal, everything else belongs to you. I wonder what brother Jiang Chen wants?"


Jiang Chen pondered slightly: "As long as the Huangfu Patriarch promises me one condition, I will give you the Jie Xin Shen Jing."

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