
Yan Wuji's eyes flashed with brilliance, directly greeted Sanqian Nanli Shenwei, and chased Jiang Chen.


He had just chased a distance of less than three hundred miles, and he saw Jiang Chen who was thousands of feet away in front of him, and he jumped into a dense forest, and then there was no more aura.

Yan Wuji was shocked and leaned forward cautiously towards the dense forest.

When he entered the dense forest and saw the situation in the dense forest, his face instantly became extremely difficult to look.

I saw Jiang Chen no longer visible in the dense forest, only a few meters in the middle of the dense forest, there is still a slight spatial fluctuation.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a space shift array!"

Yan Wuji cursed secretly in his heart, and his expression instantly turned gloomy.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that a space shift array should have been set up here!

Obviously, the kid just used space to move the formation and left.

If he guessed correctly, the reason why the kid intercepted them single-handedly hundreds of miles away was to delay time and allow people to smoothly arrange this space movement array.

"Damn, you dare to play tricks on me. When this seat finds you out, you will definitely pay a heavy price for it!"

Yan Wuji yelled out of anger and anger, and a sharp killing intent spread from him instantly: "Yantai, pass the order on, give me all my best to want the kid just now!"

"Patriarch, with the strength of that kid, even if our Nanli clan launches a wanted order, I am afraid it will be useless."

Hearing this, Yantai couldn't help but said bitterly.

That kid's combat power was too enchanting, even if Yan Wuji made an all-out effort, he couldn't take any advantage at all.

It can be said.

Except for Yan Wuji or he took the three thousand Nanli guards, no one in the entire Nanli clan could pose a threat to him.

If Nanlizu wanted him, not only would it be difficult to take him down, I am afraid that he would pay a heavy price for it.

Yan Wuji coldly snorted, "Huh! My Nanli Clan has been in charge of Nanlizhou for tens of millions of years. Wouldn't it be possible to be afraid that a little Maotou boy of the fifth order of the gods will fail?"

"Patriarch, although our Nanli clan is not afraid, it is not easy to deal with that kid."

Yan Tai said solemnly: "Knowing ourselves and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end. Our top priority is to figure out the identity of the kid first, and then make plans."

Yan Wuji was silent for a moment, and said, "What are your thoughts?"

"The remains of Venerable Huoyun were discovered by Huangfu's family, but the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword was acquired by the kid just now. This is obviously extraordinary."

"If the Huangfu family hasn't fallen, in all likelihood, they will join hands with the previous kid to obtain the remains of Venerable Huoyun."

"We may be able to learn the identity of that kid through Huangfu's house."

Yantai took a deep breath slowly.

"Okay! In that case, let's go to Huangfu's house."

Yan Wuji nodded indifferently, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

Huangfu's family is a famous pseudo-world **** power in Nanli God City, only slightly inferior to Nanli Clan at its peak.

Now the Nanli Clan's vitality is greatly injured, and its strength is greatly reduced.

If the Huangfu family really got the Huoyun Venerable's legacy, it would surely usher in a rapid development, and even threaten the status of their Nanli clan!

As the patriarch of the Nanli clan, even at all costs, he will kill these threats in the bud!


When Yan Wuji and the two were discussing countermeasures, they were thousands of miles away on the east side of the Huoyun Mountain Range.

A violent spatial ripple suddenly rippled through the void.


Suddenly, a crack measuring several meters in radius was torn in the void, and six human figures also appeared ghostly from the crack.

These six silhouettes naturally used the small movement array method to send Jiang Chen and his group out of the Huoyun Mountain Range.

"Patriarch, even though we have come out, several elders of the Huangfu family are still in the Huoyun Mountain with dozens of elite disciples. I am worried that Nanli Clan will not find us and will vent their anger on them."

Huangfusong raised his head and looked at the direction of the Huoyun Mountain Range, with a worried look in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I have let them hide in a safe place. It should be difficult for the Nanli people to find them."

"Our top priority is to return to Huangfu's house first. Venerable Huoyun's legacy was opened by our Huangfu's house. I am afraid Yan Wuji will visit the door soon."

When Huangfu Lin finished speaking, he couldn't help but raised his head and said to Jiang Chen: "Brother Jiang Chen, what are your plans next?"

"I won't go back to Nanli Shencheng."

Jiang Chen pondered slightly: "I have something to go to Hanyue Prefecture. I also hope that Huangfu's family can honor Chengruo and take care of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce for me."

After the loss of Yanjin and the sixth rank of the three heavenly gods, Nanli's strength was greatly reduced.

As Huangfu family was a pseudo-world **** family, the foundation was not weak at all. Now that Huangfu Lin has received the World Heart Crystal of Venerable Huoyun, his strength will surely rise.

As long as the ancestor of the Nanli Clan Realm God is not there, Huangfu's family is fully qualified to confront the Nanli Clan directly!


Jiang Chen could safely hand over the safety of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce to Huangfu's house, and head to Hanyue Prefecture to find his mother's whereabouts.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't worry, my Huangfu Lin is naturally not an unbelieving person."

Huangfu nodded and said, "As long as Huangfu's house does not fall, Gulong Chamber of Commerce will be safe and sound."

"Thanks a lot."

Jiang Chen hugged Huangfu Lin and the others, and then he was about to set off for Hanyue Prefecture.

"Master Jiang, let me go to Hanyue Prefecture with you."

At this moment, Xu Yuankui, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said: "I have spent a lot of time in Hanyue State, and I know Hanyue State quite well, so I should be able to help you."

"No need."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, then glanced at Xu Yuankui, and said lightly: "I know what you want with me. If you are willing to protect the Gulong Merchant Association for me in Nanli Shencheng, when I come back, I will definitely help you."

When Xu Yuankui heard this, he was overjoyed: "Master Jiang can rest assured that Xu will do his best to guard the Gulong Chamber of Commerce."

The Gulong Chamber of Commerce is unremarkable in the Nanli God City. Without Jiang Chen, the Nanli Clan might not take the Gulong Chamber of Commerce in mind.

not to mention……

With him in the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, even the Nanli Clan had to give him a bit of face.

Moreover, the Gulong Chamber of Commerce also has such a powerful ally as the Huangfu family, even if the Nanli Clan does not want to do with the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

As long as the Gulong Chamber of Commerce is well guarded, there is hope to obtain a breakthrough tenth-grade divine formation master. How could Xu Yuankui refuse such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

"That's it, you guys take care."

Jiang Chen's voice fell, and his figure directly turned into a stream of light, disappearing into the northern sky...

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