A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1801: Kill him with just one palm!

A faint voice came from inside the Feng Family, causing everyone in the field to be taken aback.

Everyone followed the prestige, and they saw two figures swiftly flashing out of Feng's house.

"Qingman, what are you doing here, didn't I let you leave?"

Looking at Feng Qingman who suddenly appeared, Feng Yanghua's expression suddenly changed.

Today, the Lu Family and Luo Shashan jointly raided the Feng Family. The Feng Family was caught off guard, and the situation was not optimistic.

In order to prevent accidents, Feng Yanghua asked Feng Qingman's disciples to evacuate first.

By the time.

Even if the Feng Family was really met by accident, Feng Qingman and others could leave a fire for the Feng Family.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

Feng Qingman not only did not leave, but brought Jiang Chen out instead.

Although Jiang Chen's strength is extraordinary, not inferior to the 5th-tier powerhouses of the Celestial God, but their strength gap with the Lu Family is too large, even with Jiang Chen, they may not be able to resist the Lu Family.

Half a day ago.

Although the Feng Family expected that the Lu Family might join forces with Luo Shashan, they did not expect their movements to be so fast.

Rosha Mountain raided Coldwind City, and as the Feng Family in charge of Coldwind City, naturally he couldn't sit idly by.

Feng Family Patriarch Feng Tianchi immediately brought a fifth-order **** to suppress the person who planned to use thunder to solve Mount Rosha.


When Feng Tianchi and the others left the Feng's house, Lu Xing brought the people from the Lu's family to the door.

Now the Feng Family is the only one who sits with him and another fifth-order deity.

On the Lu Family side, there are not only two fifth-tier deities, but also Lu Xing, the master of the Lu Family, a strong sixth-tier deity!

Even though Jiang Chen's combat power is extraordinary, how can he contend with the powerhouse of the sixth rank of the gods?

Now unless Fengtianchi can solve Rosha Mountain's return in a short time, they have no chance of winning at all!

"I asked her to bring me here."

Jiang Chen glanced at Lu Xing and the others on the opposite side, and said lightly: "Don't worry, as long as your Feng family finds someone for me, I will protect your Feng family from worry."

"Boy, who are you? This is our Lu family and Feng family's business, you'd better not be nosy!"

Lu Xing, the head of the Lu family, looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, his eyes condensed slightly.

"I am someone you can't afford."

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand and looked down at Lu Xing with indifferent expression: "I said the last time that the Feng Family is covered by me. If anyone dares to move the Feng Family in front of me, die!"

"Boy, don't be too arrogant!"

"A tiny little boy who dares to speak up in front of my Lu family, who will give you the courage!"

"Patriarch, let me slaughter this brat boy!"


Behind Lu Xing, many powerful Lu family members heard Jiang Chen's words that did not put them in their eyes, and they shouted murderously.

"You should be the one to kill the mysterious youth of the fourth-order **** of Mount Rosha, right?"

Lu Xing stared at Jiang Chen coldly: "Although your Excellency is very strong, I am afraid that you are not qualified to interfere in my Lu Family's affairs!"

Although the young man in black had hidden his breath, Lu Xing could still feel the extraordinary of the young man in black.

Based on his understanding of the Feng Family, the Feng Family did not have such a young genius.


It is not difficult for Lu Xing to guess that this young man in black is the mysterious young man who helped Feng Yanghua and others get out of trouble half a day ago.

"haha, really?"

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: "If you don't want the Lu Family to ruin yourself, you can try it as soon as possible!"

"Patriarch, since this kid doesn't know what's good or bad, why waste time with him and just kill him!"

Behind Lu Xing, a Tier 5 elder of the gods flashed out, staring at Jiang Chen with stern eyes: "Boy, since you have to be buried with the Feng Family, then I will fulfill you!"


As his voice fell, the power of the five worlds all over his body exploded with full force, and then a giant swallowing python in the condensed city in midair, roaring towards Jiang Chen with its teeth and claws.

"Brother Jiang Chen, be careful, this person is Lu Chou, the elder of the Lu Family, a strong person at the top of the fifth-order Celestial God."

Feng Yanghua's complexion changed, and he could not help but promptly reminded Jiang Chen.

"The fifth rank of the gods is no more than an ant in front of me. You only need a palm to kill him!"

Jiang Chen said calmly without sorrow or joy.

His voice fell, and he raised his palm to shoot directly away.


In the void, a multicolored giant palm condensed by the power of the five worlds is like the palm of an ancient giant.


Jiang Chen's complexion was indifferent, and his palm pressed slightly against Lu.


The colorful giant palm with unmatched power smashed from the void instantly.

In front of it, the sky-swallowing giant python, which is the most hundred-foot-long, seemed to be made of paper, torn by the colorful palms.

The colorful giant palm destroyed the sky-swallowing giant python, unabated, and directly slapped Lu Chou into the ground with a palm.

There was only a loud noise, the earth shook, and the sky full of rubble instantly sputtered in all directions.

Wait until everything is gone.

I saw a huge palm print on the ground.

As for Lu Chou, no one can be seen at this moment, only a pool of bright red blood in his palm prints, which is particularly dazzling in everyone's eyes!

this moment.

There was a dead silence above and below.

Whether it is Feng Yanghua and other Feng Clan people, or Lu Xing and other powerful Lu Clan, they are all like ghosts and can't believe their eyes.

Lu Chou, this is the great elder of the Lu Family, a powerhouse at the top of the fifth rank of the gods.

Even in the entire Coldwind City, the strength is ranked in the top five.

No one can think of it.

Such a famous Tier 5 Heavenly God in Cold Wind City could not even stop Jiang Chen with a palm, and was slapped to death like a fly!

"This this……"

Feng Yanghua was dumbfounded, and it took a long time to recover from the shock.

Having seen Jiang Chen kill the fourth-order Tianshen with a single move, and witnessed the duel between Jiang Chen and Feng Family's first genius Feng Xuan, Feng Yanghua naturally knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, I am afraid he would not be inferior to him.


Even if Feng Yanghua looked at Jiang Chen very highly, he still didn't expect that Jiang Chen would be able to understate Lu Chou with one move.

One move to kill the fifth-order peak of the gods!

Even Feng Tianchi, the master of their Feng family, may not be able to do it easily.

"Good... good terrifying strength."

"Not only does this son's combat power go against the sky, but his cultivation base has reached the fifth rank of the Heavenly God. Such an enchanting talent, I am afraid that it is no less inferior to the genius of the Great Desolate Tianjiao of Cold Moon Palace."

Beside Feng Yanghua, the white-haired old man with vicissitudes of expression also showed incredible horror in his eyes.

"Is this the real strength of Jiang Chen?"

Feng Qingman stared at this scene blankly, and also made a low mutter in his mouth.

In addition to the shock, a touch of excitement that cannot be concealed appeared in her beautiful eyes.

The Feng Family is saved!

It turns out that Jiang Chen said that Baofeng’s family is worry-free, but he really didn't say rants.

Maybe he really has the strength to resolve this crisis for the Feng Family.

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