A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1807: Young Master Bai Xingjian!

Jiang Chen glanced at ten lines, and quickly passed the flying treasure on the scroll.

With Jiang Chen's current vision, he couldn't even look down on the flying treasures of medium grade and below.


Jiang Chen is ready to create a top-grade flying treasure.


To create top-grade flying treasures, you need to provide the most important materials yourself.

After observing for a while, Jiang Chen fixed his eyes directly on the flying treasure in the second-to-last row.

The top-grade flying treasure keel-shaped boat, the speed is comparable to the peak power of the sixth-order deity, can ignore any attack under the elder of the horizon god, and carry the dragon power, which can make most of the orcs of the sixth-order deity and below retreat.

The main material of this top-grade flying treasure is the keel!

Dragon bones can only be obtained by hunting creatures with dragon bloodlines.

To build a keel ship, at least a keel of rank 6 or higher is required.

Among the pile of materials that Jiang Chen got in the Holy Dragon Temple, there was a huge dragon bone in it.

Although Jiang Chen could not be sure of the level of existence of the keel, since the keel can appear in the God King's power, the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, it is naturally not a mortal product, and it should be more than enough to refine the keel ship.

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, and directly said to the young crafting master in front of him: "I want to refine a keel boat."

"The high-grade flying treasure keel ship requires a keel of Tier 6 or above. Are you sure you want to refine the keel ship?"

Upon hearing this, the young crafting master was also taken aback.

The Dragon Bone God Cruise ship, even among the top grade flying treasures, is one of the best, and it is simply not something ordinary people can afford.

after all.

The main material of the Dragon Bone God Ship is the keel of dragon creatures above the sixth rank of the gods.

Dragon creatures have always been a powerful pronoun in God's Domain. Most creatures with dragon bloodlines are almost invincible of the same level.

Even if it is a powerful person of the sixth order of the gods, it is extremely difficult to obtain the dragon bones of the sixth order of the gods.

If this kid can really come up with the keel for refining the keel boat, I am afraid it will not be simple at all.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, a spine with a length of ten meters was directly taken out of the storage ring by him.

With this spine cut appeared.

The dazzling crimson light instantly illuminates the entire room, and a dragon power with a terrifying flame aura is also instantly diffused in the room.

"This is... the spine of a world god-level dragon creature!"

The young refiner looked at the keel that Jiang Chen had taken out, his pupils suddenly shrank, and an expression of shock that could not be concealed appeared on his face.

He obviously didn't expect it.

The black-clothed youth in front of him not only took out the keel, but he was also a realm god-level existence!

A section of a realm god-level fire attribute dragon bone, even if it is a general realm **** force, I am afraid it may not be easy to get it.

"Your material is beyond the scope of what I can refine. Please wait a moment, I will invite the chief refiner of the Seven-Star Refining Pavilion to come."

The young crafting master recovered, and his tone became more respectful.

Who can find the existence of realm god-level dragon bones, how can it be the looking generation?

The one in front of me is probably at least a top genius from a certain realm **** power.

The young refiner asked a maid to take Jiang Chen to a secluded room to rest, and he hurried to find the refiner.


at the same time.

On the third floor of Qixing Refining Pavilion, in a spacious room.

An old man with red hair and red hair was sitting in the main seat, and opposite him was a young man in white with a grim complexion.

Behind the white-clothed youth, there are three extraordinary figures standing proudly.

Especially one of the gray-robed elders, the aura radiating from his body even reached the sixth rank of the gods!

If Jiang Chen were here at this moment, he would naturally recognize that the young man in white clothes was the White Star Sword from the White Family of the Venerable Clan.

"Prince Bai, I don't know why you came to the Seven-Star Refining Pavilion this time to find me?"

The red-haired old man took a sip from the teacup in front of him and smiled authentically.

"It has long been heard that Master Wan is the first master craftsman in the Cold Moon God City. This time, Bai came to ask Master Wan to upgrade my weapons for me."

Bai Xingjian's voice fell, and a star-shrouded long sword also instantly emerged from the palm of his hand.

The red-haired old man glanced at the long sword in Bai Xingjian's hand and frowned slightly, "Young Master Bai's weapon is already a top-level heavenly artifact."

"I want to upgrade it to the Level Realm artifact."

Bai Xingjian smiled and said, "Master Yiwan's ability, I think it shouldn't be difficult."

The red-haired old man nodded and said, "It's natural for Young Master Bai to upgrade his weapon, but if you want to upgrade to a quasi-world artifact, you have to provide some world-god-level refining materials."

"This is natural."

As Bai Xingjian said, he directly took out two fist-sized teeth and placed them in front of the red-haired old man: "These are the two teeth of the Beast Sovereign of the Realm Divine Realm, the Black Lin Swallowing Tiger. I wonder if I can upgrade my weapon by melting?"

"It's okay, but it's okay, but the teeth of the two Black Lin Devouring Tigers are a bit less, and I can't guarantee that I can help you upgrade to a Quasi-World Artifact."

The red-haired old man hesitated.

If you want to upgrade a heavenly artifact to a quasi-world artifact, naturally the more world-god-level materials, the greater the probability of a successful upgrade.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to upgrade successfully with just two black Lin Devouring Tiger teeth.

When Bai Xingjian heard this, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

The refining materials of the world **** level are indeed very difficult to handle.

Even if their Bai family is a clan of venerables, it is not an easy task to get world god-level materials.

He had already spent a lot of effort to obtain these two black lin swallowing tiger teeth.

For a while, Bai Xingjian really couldn't produce other world god-level refining materials.

"Master Wan!"

At this moment, a figure hurriedly walked in from outside the room.

This figure is the young crafting master who had previously received Jiang Chen.

The red-haired old man's face suddenly sank, and he snapped, "What's the matter? Didn't you see that I was receiving guests?"

The young craftsman hurriedly said: "Master Wan, just now a guest from the Seven Stars Crafting Pavilion came to refine the high-grade flying treasure, the Dragon Bone God Cruise."

"Although the Dragon Bone God Cruise is a top grade flying treasure, it doesn't require me to make it by myself."

On Master Wan's face, an unpleasant expression suddenly appeared.

"If you just refining ordinary keel boats, you won't bother Master Wan underneath."

The young refiner smiled bitterly: "The guest took out a piece of realm god-level keel, and only you can handle realm god-level refining materials in the entire Seven-Star Refining Pavilion."

World God-class keel!

Bai Xingjian's heart moved, and his eyes started to flicker slightly.

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