A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1823: Teach Dantang disciple

After the meeting with the guest in Dantang.

The news that Jiang Chen, the newly promoted high-ranking guest, will teach the Dantang disciples in three days' time, and it will soon spread in the Dantang.

Even Gongsun Yang got the news quickly and found Jiang Chen directly.

"Jiang Chen, Zuo Qiuming really arranged for you to teach Dantang disciples in three days?"

Gongsunyang looked at Jiang Chen, his complexion a little unsightly.

"Yes, at the high-level guest meeting not long ago, Zuo Qiuming asked me to teach Dantang disciples in three days."

Jiang Chen nodded, and then asked curiously: "Is there any problem in this?"

"Generally speaking, the newly promoted high-ranking guest will be familiar with the environment for a while when entering the Cold Moon Palace, and the first class will be at least three months later."

Gongsun Yang said in a deep voice: "The Bai Xingjian guy's movements are faster than I thought. It seems that Zuo Qiuming was instigated by the Bai Xingjian to target you like this."

"That's it."

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

No wonder that when Zuo Qiuming arranged for him to teach, the other Dantang high-ranking Ke Qing looked a little weird. It turned out that there was such a tricky expression among them.

"Jiang Chen, Zuo Qiuming arranged for you to teach in three days. Now that everyone in Dantang knows it, I can't stop it."

"If I guess right, your teaching this time must not be easy, so be careful."

"When the time comes, I will be there in person to hold the line for you."

Gongsunyang's face was solemn and authentic.

As the elder of Dantang, he has the power to forcibly stop Zuo Qiuming's decision.

But Zuoqiu had obviously anticipated this and directly announced the news in Dantang.

If you really do this, Jiang Chen will probably become the laughing stock of Dantang in the future, and it will even affect Venerable Xuan Dao's view of Jiang Chen, which is extremely detrimental to Jiang Chen's subsequent development.

Jiang Chen smiled confidently: "Thank you, Elder Gongsun, I will be careful."

Zuo Qiuming arranged for him to teach the Dantang disciples, and then it was nothing more than embarrassing him with the help of the Dantang disciples, and even made him unable to stay in the cold moon palace.


Although he doesn't major in alchemy, the alchemist's grade is not high, but he has a system.

These Dantang disciples want to embarrass him on the Dan Dao, I am afraid they are still tender.

Seeing that Jiang Chen looked as confident as the original Keqing assessment, Gongsunyang also quickly thought of Jiang Chen's guidance to Qian Sheng, and he was relieved a lot.

With Jiang Chen's terrifying judgment that is not inferior to him, maybe he can really tidy up that group of Dantang disciples.


Three days passed in a flash, and soon came the day Jiang Chen taught.

On this day, Dantang lecture hall.

Nearly a hundred Dantang disciples came to the lecture hall early.

Among them, even Xu Qingming and Wu Hang and other famous geniuses of Zhendantang, all sat in the first row early.


Like Xu Qingming's top geniuses in the Dantang, they at least worshipped the elders of the Dantang.

With the guidance of Dantang elders, they don't need to listen to the lectures of the superior guest.


Dantang’s upper class Keqing’s lectures were aimed at some ordinary Dantang disciples, and each time less than half of Dantang’s disciples came to attend the class.

This time.

Because of Zuo Qiuming's deliberate propaganda, all Dantang disciples knew that Dantang came to a powerful figure, who had become a high-ranking guest of Dantang at a young age, and his Dantang talent was far superior to that of Dantang disciples.

To know.

Almost undoubtedly someone who can become a disciple of the Pill Hall of the Cold Moon Palace is not an arrogant pill genius.

Now a young man who was similar to them had become a high-ranking guest in Dantang, and came to teach them alchemy.

They naturally want to see if the newly promoted high-class guest clerk has the qualifications to give them advice.


This time Jiang Chen taught in Dantang, most of the whole Dantang came here, except for a few disciples who couldn't get away.

Even when Gongsunyang came to the lecture hall and saw the Dantang disciples gathered together, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

He obviously didn't think about it.

The disciples of many elders from Dantang would come to join in the fun, even Xu Qingming, the named disciple of the Xuan Dao Venerable, also appeared in the lecture hall.

These people gather together, even if he, the Dantang elder, may not be able to control it.

Although Jiang Chen's attainments were extremely extraordinary, Gongsun Yang was still worried about Jiang Chen.

With the appearance of the shared sheep, nearly a hundred Dantang disciples immediately whispered to each other.

"Isn't this Elder Gongsun of Dantang? I didn't expect that he would personally come to the lecture hall to fight this time."

"I heard that the Dandao Keqing assessment was presided over by Elder Gongsun, and Jiang Chen was also the superior Keqing he brought into the Cold Moon Palace."

"It seems that Elder Gongsun made a special trip to support Jiang Chen."


Listening to the discussion of many Dantang disciples, in the first row of the lecture hall, a white-faced young man in blue couldn't help looking at Wu Hang beside him.

"Wu Hang, you just came back from Cold Moon God City, you should know something about this newly promoted high-ranking guest."

The speaker's name was Ye Mingchen, and he was also a well-known pill refining genius.

Beside the two of them, there was an arrogant young man wearing a cyan alchemist robe, Xu Qingming, the first alchemy genius in the alchemy hall.

The three people occupying the first row of the lecture hall were the three most dazzling alchemy geniuses in the alchemy hall, all of whom had reached the fourth rank of the gods.

"It's just an arrogant madman."

Wu Hang smiled coldly: "I hope he can convince me on the alchemy today, otherwise I can't spare him!"

Although after the banquet that day, his father had repeatedly told him to try his best to establish a relationship with Jiang Chen.


What happened that day, he wouldn't just leave it alone.

If Jiang Chen's attainments in the alchemy can convince him, he will naturally follow his father's will.


Today he will recover the insult of that day ten times from Jiang Chen!

Hearing Wu Hang's words, Ye Mingchen couldn't help passing a curious look in his eyes.

It seems that the young master of the Cold Moon God City has suffered a great loss in the hands of the newly promoted high-ranking guest.

When many Dantang disciples were talking in the lecture hall, Jiang Chen finally walked into the lecture hall slowly.

this moment.

Many Dantang disciples' eyes all fell on Jiang Chen's body.

Although they didn't know Jiang Chen, they were not unfamiliar with Jiang Chen's dress of Dantang high-class guest.


They almost know it without thinking about it.

The young man in front of him was Jiang Chen, the newly promoted guest of Dantang, and he was also the one who came to teach them this time!

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