A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1834: Accidentally practiced

Pill Hall of Hanyue Palace, the residence of Venerable Xuandao.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the room, tirelessly comprehending the Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art in front of him.

"Ding! Watching the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the Divine King Skill will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!"

"Ding! You comprehend the seven-star heavenly sword art of one thousandth."

"Ding! Watching the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the Divine King Skill will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!"

"Ding! You comprehend the seven-star heavenly sword art of one thousandth."


"Ding! You successfully comprehended the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the God King!"

With such constant insights, three months passed in a flash, and Jiang Chen also successfully mastered the martial art of the **** king given him by Venerable Xuan Dao.

Hearing the system prompt, Jiang Chen couldn't help but opened his eyes suddenly, his figure appeared in the courtyard outside in a flash, and then used the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art he had in his mind.

In an instant...

Seven different powers soared into the sky from Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards.

Above the endless void above Jiang Chen's head, seven stars with dazzling light emerged, transforming into a Big Dipper pattern.

Under the influence of Jiang Chen, the power of seven stars burst out seven sword lights of stars with different attributes.

The star sword light seemed to contain endless divine might, enough to smash everything in the world.

"Yes, I finally mastered it."

Jiang Chen dissipated the power of the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art, and the corner of his mouth could not help but lifted up a slight arc.

In the past, every time he faced some more powerful opponents, Jiang Chen could only use divine body visions and cultivation techniques visions to fight.

Although these magical powers are powerful, their consumption is also extremely terrifying.

It can be said.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Chen to have such a heaven-defying treasure, he would have died without waiting for him to defeat his opponent in many battles.

And the Divine King Skill Seven Star Heaven Sword Art not only consumes a lot less, but is also extremely powerful.

If it is used in conjunction with the world's divine weapon, the Heavenly Fire God Sword, I am afraid that compared to the vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Chart Cultivation Technique, it is even worse!

With this **** king skill, he will undoubtedly become more calm about the enemy.


At the moment Jiang Chen had just dispersed the Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art, the figure of Venerable Profound Dao appeared in front of him spooky.

"Disciple, you... have you cultivated into the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art?"

Venerable Profound Dao felt the sword light of the stars gradually dissipating in the void, and there was an incredible horror in his eyes.

With the current strength and status of Venerable Profound Dao, there is almost nothing in this Hanyue Palace, which can make his emotions fluctuate too much.

Even when he took Jiang Chen as a disciple not long ago, Venerable Xuan Dao was only slightly excited.

But this time.

Venerable Xuan Dao was really stunned by Jiang Chen's terrifying talent.

In just three months, Jiang Chen actually succeeded in cultivating the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the Divine King Skill by relying on the cultivation base of the fifth-order Heavenly God.

This... This is too incredible, right?

Seven-star Heavenly Sword Art, this is a god-king skill that can only be cultivated by a super-grade **** or above.

Although Jiang Chen possessed the power and was very close to the Super-Rank Celestial God, there was still some distance from the real Super-Rank Celestial God.

But even a true super-grade god, it is impossible to successfully practice the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art in three months!

To know.

It took several years to comprehend the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art with the cultivation base of the Venerable Realm God before truly mastering the skill of this god.

Jiang Chen looked at Venerable Xuan Dao and couldn't help but smiled and said, "Master, my disciple thinks that this Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art is easy to practice, so he succeeded in his practice accidentally.

It's easy to practice!

Rao Yi Xuan Dao's disposition, his heart could not help but twitch.

Venerable Xuan Dao is very clear about how difficult it is to master the skills of God Kings.

Even the disciples of Tianjiao in the power of the gods in the realm of the gods, after obtaining a **** king skill, it is difficult to cultivate without a pavilion for ten or eight years.

Successfully practiced a master skill in three months!

Even the Venerable Profound Dao, who has always been knowledgeable, has never seen anyone in this world so enchanting!

"It seems I really picked up the treasure this time!"

Venerable Xuandao's eyes flickered slightly, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Although Jiang Chen's comprehension was terrifying to the extreme, it was not impossible.

Legend has it that in the ancient times of God's Domain, various terrifying ancient gods were born between heaven and earth, and each ancient **** has incredible abilities.


This disciple of him possesses the existence of some kind of peerless divine body.

"Disciple, with your comprehension ability, as a teacher, I feel that I really have nothing to teach you."

Venerable Xuandao shook his head with a wry smile, and several crystal fruits exuding strange spatial fluctuations also appeared in his palm.

"This is... Xuan Kong Guo?"

Jiang Chen looked at the crystal fruit in the palm of Venerable Profound Dao, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, these six Profound Kong Fruits were bought by an old friend."

Venerable Profound Dao nodded and smiled: "With these six Profound Kong Fruits, you can practice in retreat next. Strive to complete the origin of the space within a few months and break through the sixth order of the gods."

Jiang Chen thanked him gratefully, "Thank you, Master!"

Xuan Kong fruit, this is a kind of divine fruit that can enhance the origin of space. Although it is not comparable to the ultimate god, it is also a very rare god.

He had already mastered 80 to 90% of the origin of space. Now that he has swallowed these six Profound Sky Fruits, he might be able to complete the origin of the space in an instant. Why would it take months?


Jiang Chen heard that Venerable Profound Dao let himself fight for a breakthrough within a few months, but he keenly caught something in his heart.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, he couldn't help but raised his head to look at Venerable Profound Dao, and said in a deep voice, "Master, will things happen to my mother in a few months?"

"It seems you have already guessed some clues."

Venerable Profound Dao was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded and said: "Yes, there are still a few months left, it's the Tianjiao Challenge of the Cold Moon Palace. This Tianjiao Challenge is related to your mother."

When Jiang Chen heard this, his brows couldn't help but twisted together tightly.

This Tianjiao Challenge should be a competition for Hanyue Palace's young Tianjiao. How could it be related to his mother?

"Don't think too much, your top priority now is to practice hard."

Venerable Xuandao smiled slightly and said, "Master has already signed up for you to participate in the Tianjiao Challenge. If you can win the Tianjiao Challenge in a few months, your mother will not have any problems."

"Is the Tianjiao Challenge No. 1..."

A sharp burst of light burst into Jiang Chen's eyes.

That being the case, he Jiang Chen is going to be the number one in this cold moon palace Tianjiao Challenge!

If anyone dares to prevent him from becoming No. 1 in the Tianjiao Challenge, he should blame his ruthless men!

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