A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1836: Brother Jiang, can you discuss one or two

Under Jiang Chen's alchemy practice, several months passed in a flash.


It has been less than half a month since the Hanyue Palace Tianjiao Challenge.

This day.

Jiang Chen finally ended his retreat and walked out of the room where he had stayed for several months.

"Apprentice, come here as a teacher."

Just as Jiang Chen walked out of the room, the voice of Master Xuan Dao directly rang in his mind.

Jiang Chen was also about to meet Master and learn about the specific situation of the Tianjiao Challenge from his mouth, so he went directly to the place where the Xuan Dao Venerable lived.

Not long.

When Jiang Chen came to the courtyard where Venerable Xuandao lived, he could see Venerable Xuandao sitting alone in the middle of the courtyard.


Jiang Chen stepped forward and bowed to Venerable Xuandao.

Venerable Xuan Dao opened his eyes and couldn't help sweeping his gaze over Jiang Chen. He asked, "Is there any gain in retreat for months?"

Even though he is a realm god, he can't see through it at a glance, to what extent Jiang Chen's spatial martial arts originated.

"With the six Profound Kong Fruits given by the Master, the origin of the spatial martial arts of the disciple has successfully reached the state of Consummation."

Jiang Chen didn't hide it either, and replied directly.

"Not bad."

Venerable Profound Dao nodded in satisfaction: "Next, you will make time to break through the sixth rank of the gods, and protect the law for you by your teacher."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Master, the disciple doesn't plan to break through the sixth rank of the gods at this time?"

Every time he broke through the Celestial Tribulation, he had already become his biggest hole card.

Now his Heavenly God Tribulation of Tier 6 Heavenly God, the power must be extremely terrifying.

If the realm **** is involved by surprise, maybe it will cause some trouble to the realm god.

Although the mausoleum of Hanyue Palace's first genius was strong, Jiang Chen believed that with his current strength, it should be enough to cope.

Without being forced, Jiang Chen didn't want to easily break through the sixth order of the gods.


Venerable Profound Dao was taken aback for a moment: "If you have a teacher, you don't need to worry about other things. The teacher will make full preparations for you to ensure that you can survive the heavenly tribulation perfectly.

"Master, it is true that the disciple has a special physique. Every breakthrough can ignore the laws of heaven and earth and make the gods retreat. I think a breakthrough at a critical time may have a better effect."

In order to make Venerable Xuan Dao feel at ease, Jiang Chen directly told the matter.

Venerable Xuandao couldn't help but suddenly shrink when he heard this.

Although he had already guessed in his mind that Jiang Chen's physique was extraordinary, he did not expect that Jiang Chen's physique had reached such a state of defense.

Ignore the laws of heaven and make gods retreat!

Such a physique, even in the ancient gods circulated in God's Domain, it is an extremely rare existence.

Since Jiang Chen had such a special physique, Venerable Xuandao would naturally not let Jiang Chen break through.

Now Jiang Chen doesn't break through, but can paralyze his opponent. When a breakthrough occurs at a critical moment, it will surely be able to surprise the opponent with a fatal blow.

Venerable Xuandao didn't get too entangled in this issue either, and he smiled and said: "Trainer, you have been apprentice for nearly a year. I have called your two brothers over, and you will get to know each other in a while."

Jiang Chen naturally knew that the two senior brothers in the mouth of Venerable Xuan Dao were his registered disciples.

Venerable Xuan Dao received three disciples in the Hanyue Palace.

One of them fell unexpectedly when he went out to practice, and now only two are left.

Among the remaining two people, one of them was Xu Qingming, the first alchemy genius of the Dantang, Jiang Chen had already met.

Another person named Xiang Hong, practiced martial arts, is also the top ten tianjiao figure in Hanyue Palace.

Jiang Chen didn't care too much about this, but asked about the Tianjiao Challenge.

"Master, Hanyue Palace Tianjiao Challenge, what is the specific situation?"

Venerable Xuan Dao smiled and said: "The Tianjiao Challenge is a competition specially held for Hanyue Palace Tianjiao. Only the disciples of the Celestial God of Tier 3 and above can participate. Tianjiao has a great relationship."

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: "The Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen knew nothing about the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society, Venerable Xuan Dao couldn't help introducing Jiang Chen.

The Great Wilderness Tianjiao Meeting is a grand event held once every thousand years in the Great Wilderness Realm, held by the Great Wilderness Shenzong.

At that time.

All Tianjiao in the Great Wilderness Realm will gather in the Great Wilderness God Sect to participate in this grand event. Every time the Great Desolate Tianjiao list is mainly arranged through the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

The Great Wilderness Tianjiao Society is not only a good opportunity for the Great Wilderness genius to become famous, but there is also a chance to get huge benefits.


The Great Desolate Tianjiao Club is not something anyone can participate in.

Even the realm **** forces such as Hanyue Palace only have three places to participate in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

Because of this.

Before each session of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao, Hanyue Palace will hold the Tianjiao Challenge, the main purpose of which is to determine the ownership of the three places.

"This great huangtianjiao club, I have a chance to see it."

After understanding the situation of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club, Jiang Chen couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

In the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Club, many top Tianjiao in the Great Wilderness world gather to compete. Such a scene, thinking about it makes people feel excited.


Just as Jiang Chen's thoughts continued, two sudden voices came from behind him.

Jiang Chen looked back and saw two human figures strode in from outside the courtyard.

One of them was Xu Qingming who Jiang Chen had seen.

The other person was dressed in a golden robe, burly in figure, and magnificent, giving people a great sense of oppression under the gauntlet.

Jiang Chen doesn't need to think about it.

This one is another named disciple of Master, Xiang Hong.

"You are here."

Venerable Xuandao glanced at the two of them, then smiled and introduced to Jiang Chen: "These are your two senior brothers, Xu Qingming and Xiang Hong."

"I have seen two seniors."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but greeted Xu Qingming with a smile.

"You don’t have to be polite, Junior Brother Jiang. I admired your alchemy skills when you taught in the alchemy hall. I didn’t expect that we would still have the chance to become a senior brother. I hope we can learn more alchemy in the future."

Xu Qingming also said with a smile.

On the other side, Xiang Hong simply nodded, as a response to Jiang Chen's greeting.


Xiang Hong looked directly at Venerable Xuan Dao, and said respectfully: "Master, I heard that you let Junior Brother Jiang participate in the Tianjiao Challenge, and the disciples also want to participate in the Tianjiao Challenge in half a month."

"What are you doing in the Tianjiao Challenge?"

Venerable Xuandao frowned slightly: "The main purpose of the Tianjiao Challenge is to determine three places for the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club. With your strength, you can't get the top three at all, and there is no point in participating!"

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