A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1838: Tianjiao Challenge opens

"Master does not allow Senior Brother Xiang to participate in any sect contest in the Cold Moon Palace, just to protect him."

Xu Qingming sighed lightly: "Senior Brother Xiang and the first genius palace of the Hanyue Palace have an antagonism. Once he participates in the sect contest, I am afraid he will find the palace and the palace will not let him go easily. what."

"It turned out to be so."

Jiang Chen was shocked: "What the **** is going on?"

Xu Qingming didn't conceal it either, telling the grievances between Xiang Hong and Gong Ling.

Xiang Hong was born in a small family in Hanyue Prefecture, and the ancestor with the strongest family cultivation was only in the fourth order of the gods.

About a hundred years ago.

The ancestor of the Xiang family got a world artifact by chance.

This matter happened to be known by the palace tomb who went out to experience, and the palace designed to frame the Xiang family and snatched the artifact from the Xiang family.

Not only that.

In order to cut the grass and roots, the palace even wiped out the Xiang family.

In the entire Xiang family, except for Xiang Hong, almost no one escaped from the evil hands of the palace.

When Xiang Hong was chased and killed by the people sent by the palace, he happened to meet Venerable Xuandao who was out in desperation.

Venerable Xuan Dao felt sorry for him, so he took him back to Hanyue Palace and accepted him as a named disciple.

Xiang Hong worshipped the monk of Xuan Dao and kept practicing with great concentration in order to seek justice from the palace one day.

Venerable Xuan Dao was also worried that Xiang Hong would be dazzled by hatred, so he went directly to the palace to trouble him, and this strictly prohibited Xiang Hong from participating in various sect contests in the Cold Moon Palace.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you must be careful when you participate in the Tianjiao Challenge this time."

"Although that palace is the number one genius in the Cold Moon Palace, he is cruel, ruthless, and unscrupulous to achieve his goals."

"Because of Senior Brother Xiang, this time the Tianjiao Challenge, he will probably also target you."

After Xu Qingming finished talking about Xiang Hong, he could not help but solemnly exhorted Jiang Chen.

"Thank you Brother Xu for reminding me."

When Jiang Chen heard the words, he couldn't help but smile, but he didn't care too much in his heart.

Because of his mother, this time the Tianjiao Challenge is number one, and he is already bound to win.

When Venerable Haoyue set the ownership of the Jie Xin Shen Jing in the Tianjiao Challenge, he obviously wanted Gong Ling to get the first place in the Tian Jiao Challenge, so as to get the Jie Xin Shen Jing in the hands of his mother.

In this case, there must be a battle between him and the palace.

By the time.

He might be able to get back some justice for Xiang Hong, and even take the world artifact of the Xiang family back from the palace for Xiang Hong.

After talking with Xu Qingming for a while, Jiang Chen also returned to his residence, waiting for the start of the Tianjiao Challenge while practicing.

After waiting like this, half a month passed in a flash.

Soon came the day when the Tianjiao Challenge was held.

This day.

Xiang Hong and Xu Qingming arrived at Jiang Chen's residence early, preparing to participate in the upcoming Tianjiao Challenge with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at the two and couldn't help asking directly: "Two seniors, won't you watch the Tianjiao Challenge?"

"Master has never liked such scenes. What's more, as a world god, even if he doesn't go to the scene, he can understand the situation of the Tianjiao Challenge."

Xu Qingming smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Master will follow this challenge secretly."

Jiang Chen nodded, without saying more, and left the residence of Venerable Xuandao directly with Xu Qingming.

Not long.

The three of them came to a huge martial arts field in Hanyue Palace.

At this moment.

The stands around the martial arts field were already full of people, and there was a lot of people.

"so many people!"

Jiang Chen looked at the stands around the martial arts field, looking a little surprised.

There are stands ten meters high around the martial arts field, which can hold no less than 10,000 people.


There were no empty seats in the stands, and nearly 10,000 disciples of the Hanyue Palace gathered together. The scene was spectacular.

"The Tianjiao Challenge is a rare event in the Hanyue Palace. It is not only rich in rewards, but also related to the quota of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club. It is naturally attracting attention."

Xu Qingming whispered: "And... I also heard that this time the Tianjiao Challenge is the number one, and there are extraordinary special rewards."

When Jiang Chen heard Xu Qingming's words, an imperceptible cold light flashed in his eyes.

He doesn't need to think about it all.

Xu Qingming's special reward should be the Jie Xin Jing in the hands of his mother!

Just as the two were talking, a loud noise suddenly came from the stands.

"Look at it, Lu Chuan, ranked eighth among the top ten arrogances of the sect, is here."

"There is also Han Feng, ranked sixth, and Shi Yunjian ranked fourth..."

"The breath of these people is so powerful, they are worthy of being the top ten arrogance of the sect!"

The many disciples of the Cold Moon Palace in the stands, watching the three people walking into the martial arts field, burst out in exclamation.

There are a total of ten great sect Tianjiao in the Hanyue Palace. Almost each of these ten people is a genius among the geniuses and is admired by countless disciples of the Hanyue Palace.

Jiang Chen glanced at these three people, then ignored them.

The strength of these three is not weak, and their cultivation has reached the fourth rank of the gods, but the strongest is almost the same as Xiang Hong. How can Jiang Chen put them in his eyes?

In Jiang Chen's heart.

This time the Tianjiao Challenge, his only opponent was the Palace Mausoleum, the first genius of the Hanyue Palace, who had already ranked 32nd in the Great Wild Tianjiao.

Xu Qingming naturally didn't know what Jiang Chen was thinking.

After the appearance of the three sect Tianjiao, he began to introduce Jiang Chen in detail.

Including the cultivation bases of these three people and what martial arts they are good at, Xu Qingming told Jiang Chen about them.

"Junior Brother Xu, you should mainly introduce the palace mausoleum to Junior Brother Jiang. These three are far from Junior Brother Jiang's opponent."

Upon seeing this, Xiang Hong couldn't help but interject.

Although the three of them were all the ten great sect tianjiaos of Hanyue Palace, even the fourth ranked Shi Yunjian was between him.

How can such strength pose the slightest threat to Jiang Chen?

When the three of them were talking, there was a louder cheering from the entire martial arts field.

"Look! It's the White Star Sword ranked third in the top ten sect Tianjiao, and Yue Wushuang ranked second."

There was a sensation in the martial arts field, and everyone's eyes were on the two young figures slowly entering the martial arts field.

The young man on the left was in white clothes and white robe, with a handsome face with a faint smile, and the pupils under his eyelids, flashing cold light like sword light, fell on the body like a sword, making people shudder.

The young man was surprisingly the White Star Sword that Jiang Chen was very familiar with.

On the right side of Bai Xingjian, is a beautiful woman with unparalleled temperament.

The woman's facial features are exquisite and perfect, and she is dressed in a simple and simple dress, just like a transcendent fairy, and she is Yue Wushuang, the daughter of Tianjiao of Hanyue Palace.

The two of them walked into the front of the martial arts field, a faint aura spreading overwhelmingly...

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