A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1857: Gu Minghe being hunted down

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and immediately took the Void Boat, and quickly swept towards the forest in front of him.

The distance of hundreds of miles will come in an instant.

In the forest below, a figure familiar to Jiang Chen quickly appeared in his sight.

This person is no one else, but Gu Minghe, the president of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, Gu Minghe was staggering, with some blood stains on his body, and he had obviously suffered serious injuries.

Behind Gu Minghe, many figures in flame armors shone, even if they were far away, a scent of killing intent had already spread.

"Nanli Shenwei!"

Jiang Chen looked at the group of people who were chasing and killing Gu Minghe, and his eyes instantly became cold.

"Gu Minghe, you can't escape, you won't be obedient and catch it!"

A leading Nanli Shenwei flashed in the void, and then stood in front of Gu Minghe ghostly.

at the same time.

More than a dozen Nanli guards from the rear quickly swept up and surrounded Gu Ming River.

"Can't escape after all?"

Gu Minghe looked at the scene before him, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

The head Nanli Shenwei looked down on Guming River condescendingly, and said indifferently, "Guming River, let me give you one last chance to tell me the whereabouts of Jiang Chen. I might also consider keeping you alive."

"Stop talking nonsense, today I fell into the hands of your Nanli clan.

Gu Minghe wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Sooner or later, Elder Jiang will avenge me."

"Unexpectedly, you are still a hard bone. Since you are seeking your own death, then I will fulfill you!"

The headed Nanli Shen Guard's expression turned cold, and the powerful aura of the third-order Heavenly God also spread from his body instantly.


Just as he was about to take down Gu Minghe, a faint voice rang abruptly in this mountain forest.

"Are you Nanlizu looking for me?"

The sudden voice suddenly changed the expression of the leader of the Nanli Shenwei.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at a place in the void ahead, and saw a young man in black walking towards them with his hand in the air.

"Jiang...Elder Jiang?"

Gu Minghe stared blankly at the black-clothed youth who had stepped into the sky, almost unable to believe his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure that this was not his own illusion, and a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face.

Gu Minghe originally thought.

Today, he was chased by Nanli Shenwei with no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth. He was destined to die.

But he did not expect that at this critical moment, he would meet the returning elder Jiang Chen!

This really won't kill him.

"It's you! You... You are Jiang Chen!"

The leader of the Nanli Shenwei looked at Jiang Chen's somewhat familiar figure, and suddenly thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank.

A year ago, the Nanli ethnic group changed.

The patriarch of the Nanli clan ordered three thousand Nanli Shenwei to go to the Huoyun Mountain, and he was naturally one of them.

They entered the Huoyun Mountain Range and were blocked by a young man in black.

The black-clothed young man, with his own strength, fought against their patriarch Yan Wuji.

Although he was far away at the beginning, he could only blur the outline of the black-clothed youth.

But even so, he can still tell that the person in front of him is the young man in black who fought with their patriarch at the beginning, that is, Jiang Chen, who is now wanted by the Nanli Clan!


This Nanli Shenwei leader suppressed the panic in his heart and turned around and fled in the direction of Nanli Shencheng.

The one in front of him, but the horror existence that can force their patriarch.

With his third-tier cultivation base, he was almost the same as the Ant in front of Jiang Chen.

"Elder Jiang, you can't let them go. The Nanli Clan is now looking for you. Don't let them leak your news."

Seeing this, Gu Minghe couldn't help but remind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, his body instantly turned into a light and shadow rushing out.

The next moment...

There was a dull sound in the air, and a group of human figures fell from the sky, and smashed into the forest below, without any breath.

Only a short time.

Jiang Chen killed more than ten Nanli guards.

To solve these Nanli guards lightly, Jiang Chen looked directly at Gu Minghe and frowned slightly: "Gu President Gu, before I leave, I have asked Huangfu's family to take care of the Gulong Merchant Chamber. Chase?"

"Elder Jiang Chen, no wonder Huangfu's family for this matter..."

Gu Minghe gave a wry smile, and then quickly described the incident to Jiang Chen.

In the first battle in the Huoyun Mountains that day, the Nanli Clan lost the young master of the Nanli Clan and the three powerful sixth-order gods, and suffered heavy losses.

And Huangfu Lin, who has obtained the Jie Xin Jingjing, has been able to lead the Huangfu family to contend with the Nanli clan.

Huangfu Lin did not forget Jiang Chen's request.

For the safety of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, he directly asked the Gulong Chamber of Commerce to temporarily move to Huangfu's house.

Because of the care of Huangfu's family, Gulong Chamber of Commerce has been in peace.


Just over ten days ago, the balance between the Huangfu family and the Nanli clan was broken.

The ancestor of the Realm God of Nanli Clan suddenly returned to Nanli Shencheng.

When he learned of the situation of the Nanli clan, he was naturally furious, and led the Nanli clan to attack the Huangfu's house, and soon put the Huangfu's house in jeopardy.

Huangfu had no choice but to secretly send Gu Minghe and some talented disciples of Huangfu's family out of Nanli Shencheng, allowing them to escape from Nanlizhou as much as possible.

But this move of Huangfu's family still did not escape Nanlizu's sight.

Gu Minghe and the others left Nanli Shencheng, and they soon encountered Nanli Shenwei from the Nanli clan.

Fortunately, Gu Minghe had good luck and met Jiang Chen who had returned suddenly at a critical moment, otherwise he would definitely die today.

After hearing Gu Minghe's words, Jiang Chen's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

No wonder Nanli Shencheng has undergone such a change, it turned out that the ancestor of the Realm God of Nanli Clan returned.

Although Huangfu Lin had obtained Venerable Huoyun's Realm Heart Crystal, it was obviously unrealistic to break through the realm of God in less than a year.

Although Huangfu's family is a clan of Venerables, there is still a certain gap compared with the power of world gods like Nanli Clan.

Even in the battle of the Huoyun Mountain Range, the Nanli Clan's vitality was greatly injured, and the Huangfu family could only compete with the Nanli Clan.

Now that the ancestor of the Nanli Clan Realm God returns, how can Huangfu Family stop it?

If no one comes to help, Huangfu's house will be destroyed by Nanli Clan, I am afraid it will only happen sooner or later.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and then said solemnly: "Gu President Gu, let me take a trip to Huangfu's house."

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