A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1889: Bad deity's big event, kill it!

After a while.

The colorful rays of light slowly dissipated, but there was no more Yousiming figure in the void.

His body and spirit seemed to be transformed into nothingness under the giant colorful palm.

Just a palm.

You Si Ming, the No. 1 Heavenly Pride of the Ghost Sect and the 26th in the Great Desolate Heavenly Pride, was completely obliterated!

"Do not!"

Seeing this terrifying scene before him, Hun Hai looked desperate and horrified, and his whole person seemed to be mad, and fled towards the outside of the valley with all his strength.

Even You Siming, who urged the decree of the world god, was slapped into scum

The super-grade gods are really terrifying!

Soul Sea now only wanted to escape as far as possible, and never appeared in front of Jiang Chen in the future.

"In front of me, can you escape?"

Jiang Chen faintly glanced at the frantically fleeing Soul Sea, only to point out lightly.

He first killed the elder of the ghost sect, Youshangui, and then killed the first arrogant of the ghost sect, You Siming, and he was destined to be unable to do good with the ghost sect. How could he let the ghost sea escape?


Following Jiang Chen's instruction, a horrible colorful energy instantly condensed all the void of thousands of miles into iron plates.

this moment.

Everything in the entire radius of a thousand miles is frozen in space.

I saw the fleeing figure of the soul sea, still directly in the void, like a mosquito in the amber, unable to move a finger.

Hun Hai was in horror.

He struggled with all his strength, trying to break free from the condensed space around him.

But at this moment.

A sword finger was placed abruptly on the forehead of the soul sea, piercing through the center of his eyebrows.


The soul sea was taken aback for a moment. Before the whole person could react, he exploded directly in the void, turning into a mist of blood and dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

"Junior Brother Jiang is worthy of being a super-grade **** who masters the power of the seven realms.

Seeing that Jiang Chen killed the two Ghost Sect geniuses indifferently, a look of surprise appeared in Yue Wushuang's beautiful eyes.

"Senior Sister Yue hides quite deeply, too."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smiled faintly: "There is no one in a million Yingyue Divine Body, it seems that the name of the first genius of the Hanyue Palace in the palace is just a vain name."

"Presumably Junior Brother Jiang has seen it too. Although Yingyue's divine body is strong, it also has obvious drawbacks."

"Before the divine body is consummated, it can only be used where there is moonlight. If it is during the day, I really may not be the opponent of the palace."

Yue Wushuang shook his head and chuckled lightly: "What's more... With Junior Brother Jiang, who else can take away the title of the first genius in Cold Moon Palace?"

Jiang Chen didn't get too entangled in this issue either.

While collecting the spoils, he asked curiously: "Senior Sister Yue, what is this place, why are you conflicting with You Si Ming and the others here?"

"I do not know either."

Yue Wushuang shook his head and said, "I came here not long ago. I felt that this place was not easy. I was about to explore it. As a result, I met the two of You Siming."

Jiang Chen couldn't help looking into the depths of the valley.

With his super-grade deity's perception, he naturally sensed the extraordinaryness of this place.

He even vaguely sensed that there seemed to be some traces of broken formations and gods in Shanggu!

"How does this place feel like the ruins of some ancient power?"

Jiang Chen was shocked and couldn't help but lose his voice: "This secret realm, isn't this secret realm space created by the Great Desolate King? How can there be ancient relics?"

The **** king is the supreme existence above the realm gods.

The secret realm created by the Great Desolate God King was able to give birth to heaven and earth spiritual things such as the Bailing Xuanfeng Secret, which he could barely accept.

But even in the Divine King Realm, it is impossible to create a secret realm space with ancient ruins.

"Junior Brother Jiang must have misunderstood. Each generation of God King of the Great Wilderness Sect is actually called the Great Wilderness God King."

"The creator of this secret realm is not the current **** king of the Great God Sect, but the first generation of the Great Wild God Sect."

"Moreover...According to the information I learned in an ancient book, this secret realm was not created by the first generation of the Great Wilderness God King, but he moved an ancient secret realm here with supreme magic power."

No bilingualism is surprisingly authentic.

Jiang Chen was shocked.

If so, it makes sense that there will be ancient relics here.


With the supreme magic power, to move such a secret world forcibly, such a method is indeed a bit shocking to the world.

God King, it is worthy of being at the pinnacle of God's Domain.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, cast aside his happy thoughts, and then looked at Yue Wushuang and said, "Senior Sister Yue, since this place is an ancient relic, let's go in and take a look?"

Since it is an ancient relic, there must be a chance, there is no reason not to go in and take a look.

"it is good!"

Yue Wushuang naturally had no objection to this.

The two did not hesitate, and swept toward the depths of the valley...

At the same time as Jiang Chen and the two were exploring the valley.

In the center of the eternal void, on a vast and mysterious continent, there is an ancient mountain that exudes the breath of ancient and wildness.

Here the gloomy air is cold, the ghost is lingering, and the extremely cold aura is constantly beating.

If a person with a too low cultivation base rushes closer to this place, I am afraid that even the soul will instantly collapse.


Suddenly, the originally peaceful ancient mountain peaks began to tremble violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Immediately afterwards.

A powerful psychic power that penetrates the sky and the earth bursts out above the mountain peak like a round of emptiness and darkness.

that moment.

Within tens of thousands of miles, everything was silent, and the day was plunged into darkness instantly.

A stalwart and tall black figure wearing a dark gold crown directly emerged in this dark void without warning.


An icy roar that seemed to come from Jiuyou also slowly resounded in this piece of heaven and earth.

"Damn it, who killed the deity's reincarnated souls. If you dare to destroy the deity's major event, you should kill it!"

With this roar resounding throughout the world, the tall black shadow wearing the crown quickly pinched a magic trick with both hands.

next moment.

A black glow instantly turned into a magnificent black phantom, and it suddenly descended on a huge palace thousands of miles away.

at the same time.

More than a dozen realm gods in the palace also flew out quickly, bowing to the phantom in the sky.

"Meet the ancestors!"

The magnificent phantom looked down at the more than a dozen figures below, and threw a pitch-black token directly. The voice that contained endless coercion was also rippling in the sky.

"Soul Xu, immediately send someone to the South of Eternal Void to find this person and bring him back. This token can sense the approximate location of this person and help you find him. The deity wants to see people when it lives, and the corpse in death. !"

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