Looking at the divine light of Tianjiao that illuminates the entire secret world like the light of stars, Jiang Chen was also taken aback.

He has plundered the marks of Tianjiao with all his strength these days, and now he has only thirty marks of Tianjiao.

"Unexpectedly, someone collected the Thirty-Six Tianjiao Imprints on such a piece. I don't know who is the first to condense the Divine Light of Tianjiao? Could it be Mo Jinglei of the Great Desolate Sect?

Dahuang Shenzong Mo Jinglei, the top ten existence of Dahuang Tianjiao.

To know.

In the previous Great Desolate Tianjiao List, most of the top ten Tianjiao were over a thousand years old and had not participated in this Great Desolate Tianjiao.

And Mo Jinglei is a peerless arrogant talent that has grown up in the Great Desolate Sect for hundreds of years.

He was also the only one who participated in the top ten of the previous Great Desolate Tianjiao.

It can be said.

Mo Jinglei is the most popular candidate for this year's Great Desolation Tianjiao list, and there is no one!

If anyone can condense the light of Tianjiao in this first session, I am afraid that more than 90% of the contestants are the same as Jiang Chen, the first thing that comes to mind is Mo Jinglei!

"Huh... After the condensed light of the Tianjiao, will it always exist?"

Jiang Chen looked at the divine light of Tianjiao that hadn't dissipated for a long time, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

This Tianjiao divine light not only did not dissipate, it seemed to move with the condensed people.

Even if Jiang Chen and the person who condensed Tianjiao's divine light followed one hundred thousand eight miles, they seemed to be able to lock that person's position through that Tianjiao divine light.


Upon discovering this situation, Jiang Chen couldn't help but raised a playful look.

This Tianjiao Divine Light, like a locator, will completely expose the person who condenses Tianjiao Divine Light to everyone's eyes.

The gods of the gods, this is a symbol of glory and status.

Only the top Tianjiao of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club could have that energy activated.

The weak can only avoid Tianjiao Shenguang.

And some Tianjiao who have confidence in their own strength can easily find a person who condenses Tianjiao's divine light, and once they are defeated, they can replace them.

Looking at Tianjiao's divine light for a while, Jiang Chen didn't intend to look for this person.

As long as there are no accidents, the first person to condense the divine light of Tianjiao should be Thunder Thunder in all likelihood.

The first genius of the Great Desolate Divine Sect is very likely to be a super grade god.


This guy came from the only **** king force in the Great Wilderness, and the background is probably extremely deep.

In the face of such a peerless arrogant, Jiang Chen actually had no absolute certainty to defeat him.

Even if he could defeat Mo Jinglei, he might have to pay some price.

If you fight with Mo Jinglei and lose both ends, and let others take advantage of it, then you will lose out.

"Let’s plunder the six marks first and activate Tianjiao’s divine light."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and immediately ignored the divine light of Tianjiao and continued to search for the next target.

In the boundless mountains and forests.

Jiang Chen didn't hide his breath at all, swaggering over the forest.


Suddenly, Sandao suddenly rose from the dense forest below, and finally stood a hundred meters away in front of Jiang Chen.

All three of them were wearing long robes of Tsing Yi, and there was a sword-shaped pattern embroidered with the word Qingming on their chests, which seemed to give people an extremely deep feeling.

"A member of Qingming Sword Sect?"

Jiang Chen looked at the clothes of these three people, and almost immediately determined the identity of the three.

These three people, in all likelihood, belong to the Qingming Sword Sect.

The Qingming Sword Sect is the top realm **** sect of the Great Desolate Realm, and also a sect majoring in swordsmanship. Its strength is almost second only to the existence of the Great Desolate God Sect

"Boy, hand over the imprint of Tianjiao, I will spare you not to die!"

The first young man with sword eyebrows looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, his cold voice resounding directly in the air.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, he just pointed out when he raised his hand.


A golden sword aura was like a golden rainbow that pierced through the heavens and the earth, breaking through a hundred feet of void in an instant, and slashed towards the Jianmei youth.


The Jianmei youth felt Jiang Chen's horrible blow, and his expression suddenly changed.

Jiang Chen said that he would take a shot, there was no sign at all, and this sword aura made him instinctively feel the crisis of death.

The young man with Jianmei did not dare to hesitate, the power of the six realms burst to its limit instantly, condensing a world of cyan heavenly gods, and enveloping the golden rainbow that penetrates the world.

at the same time.

Thousands of sword auras containing various attributes of wind, fire, thunder and lightning directly appeared out of thin air in the cyan world, and then slashed at the golden sword rainbow like a thousand swords.


These thousands of sword auras, in front of Jiang Chen's golden sword rainbow, were like paper paste, turning into powder in the blink of an eye.

To the end.

Golden Jianhong even pierced through the Heavenly God World of Jianmei Youth, and directly landed on Jianmei Youth.


The Jianmei youth trembled, and instantly hit a distance of thousands of meters.

Wherever his figure passed, there was a dark crack two to three feet wide in the void.

"Ahem... why is this kid so strong?"

The young man with Jianmei coughed up a mouthful of blood from his throat, and his expression was also terrified.

It was just an understatement of a sword finger that defeated his Heavenly God World with a blow to protect the body, leaving a **** movement on his chest.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, I'm afraid this finger would kill him!


Apart from his Qingming Sword Sect, how could this great wilderness possess such a terrifying genius of swordsmanship?

To know.

He is the top three swordsman genius of Qingming Sword Sect now.

Even if the entire Qingming Sword Sect was able to beat him in the kendo, there were only two of them.

But the boy in front of him randomly flicked his sword and defeated him unexpectedly.

This kind of strength, even if compared to Lu Changqing, who was the first genius of their Qingming Sword Sect, it would probably not be too much.


Just when the Jianmei youth was horrified, another ghostly sword finger appeared silently to his right.

This sword finger seems to be plain and not much power, but it contains extremely terrifying energy, as if to confine the surrounding space.

"Do not……"

Jianmei youth looked desperate and horrified.

It's just that as soon as he spit out a word of no, the sword finger had already penetrated through his eyebrows.


The invisible sword energy penetrated through the center of the Jianmei youth's eyebrows, and then instantly dispersed, finally strangling the Jianmei youth into powder.

Looking at this scene, the remaining two Qingming Sword Sect disciples are now ghosts and can hardly believe their eyes.

Their senior, the third-ranked genius of swordsmanship in Qingming Sword Sect, died like this?

this moment.

An unprecedented fear filled the hearts of the two of them instantly.

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