A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1898: Kill me from Qingming Sword Sect, die

"Senior Brother Lu, you said that the second person to condense the divine light of Tianjiao is not Mo Jinglei and Zu Sijun. How is this... how is this possible?"

When several disciples of the Qingming Sword Sect heard this, their eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions.

They were very clear about the situation of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting this time.

Mo Jinglei of the Great Desolate God Sect is currently ranked ninth in the Great Desolate Tianjiao List, and is also the only one in the top ten of the Great Desolate Tianjiao to participate in this Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting.

Asked the ancestor Sijun, a hundred years ago, he challenged several Tianjiao in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list in one fell swoop, and reached the twelfth place in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

Lu Changqing, the first arrogant of the Qingming Sword Sect, was ranked 11th on the list of the great arrogance.

These three are the peerless talents who are super first-class in the Great Desolate Tianjiao, whose strength far surpasses other geniuses.

As long as nothing happens.

These three have almost locked the top three of the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

If it were not Mo Jinglei and Zu Sijun who condensed Tianjiao's divine light, it would be incredible.

They can't believe it.

There are people who can condense the Tianjiao Shenguang ahead of these three.

Lu Changqing said indifferently, "As Mo Jinglei and Zu Sijun, they know every disciple of our Qingming Sword Sect, how can they kill Junior Brother Ye?"

The disciples of the Qingming Sword Sect were all startled slightly.

Mo Jinglei and Zu Sijun should indeed know the disciples of Qingming Sword Sect very well, and most of them even knew that Ye Yun was the great-great-grandson of their Supreme Elder.

That being the case, how could they easily kill Ye Yun?

after all.

Their Qingming Sword Sect is the first realm **** power in the great wilderness, and the Supreme Elder is also a realm **** powerhouse who can rank in the top three of the great wilderness.

Even the Great Desolate Divine Sect would not easily anger such a existence.

Although the Great Desolate Divine Sect is the only Divine King power in the Great Desolate Realm, if it really pushes the Qingming Sword Sect into a hurry, I am afraid it will also pay a high price for it.

"I didn't expect that this time the Great Desolate Tianjiao would still hide such a dark horse. I don't know who it is?"

Several Qingming Sword Sect disciples looked up at the second Tianjiao divine light, and there was also an incredible shock in their eyes.

"No matter who it is, anyone who dares to move my Qingming Sword Sect will definitely die!"

Lu Changqing's cold voice fell, directly turned into a sword light, and burst out in the direction of the second Tianjiao divine light.

If the masters of this second Tianjiao Divine Light were Mo Jinglei and Zu Sijun, Lu Changqing might still be jealous.

As long as it is not these two, what fear does Lu Changqing have?


"Is this Tianjiao Shenguang!"

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked up at the divine light that directly led to the sky, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Under the envelope of Tianjiao's divine light, Jiang Chen obviously felt an invisible huge energy, blessed in his body.

And his own body seemed to be automatically absorbing the energy in Tianjiao's divine light and transforming it into the power of the world.

Immediately afterwards.

The system's prompt sound also kept ringing in Jiang Chen's mind.

"Ding! You absorb the mark of the **** king, and the power of the sword world gains 1000000*100 experience!"

"Ding! You absorb the mark of the **** king, and the power of the fire world gains 1000000*100 experience!"

"Ding! You absorb the Mark of the God King, and the power of Thunder World gains 1000000*100 experience!"


Hearing the system prompt, Jiang Chen couldn't help but a look of shock in his eyes.

This so-called Tianjiao Mark turned out to be a mark of the God King that was condensed by the power of the Divine King Realm.

Once the thirty-six marks are collected to condense the divine vision, the energy in the marks can be absorbed and the power of the world can be quickly increased!

Unexpectedly, condensing Tianjiao's divine light would still have such benefits!

If this Tianjiao Shenguang blessed for long enough, it would be easy for him to cultivate the power of the Seven Paths he currently mastered to the state of Consummation.

"Now that I have gathered Tianjiao's divine light, I don't know if I continue to plunder Tianjiao's mark, if there will be any effect."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and immediately began to search for the next target.


Because of the concentration of Tianjiao's divine light, Jiang Chen's movement track appeared almost clearly in the sight of everyone in the secret world.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts.

People who can condense the divine light of Tianjiao are all Tianjiao among Tianjiao. When they learn about Jiang Chen's things, they naturally avoid it.

Because of this.

For half a day, Jiang Chen almost never met any disciple again.

"It seems that with such a divine light of Tianjiao, I am afraid it will not be easy to continue plundering the mark of Tianjiao."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but show a helpless look on his face.

In his current situation, unless someone took the initiative to send it to the door, it was almost impossible for him to rob the mark of Tianjiao.

Shook his head, Jiang Chen obviously didn't plan to continue searching for the target to plunder the mark of Tianjiao.

This secret realm space, but the Cangyou realm that once disappeared in the wild heaven. The secret space formed by such a big world must have a lot of opportunities.

That being the case, why should he persist in wasting time?

Jiang Chen looked at the links around him, and finally his eyes fell on a huge mountain range that undulated quickly on the edge of the eastern sky.

"This mountain range should be very extraordinary, maybe you can explore it."

Jiang Chen stared closely at the phantom of the huge mountain range, and saw that there was a divine light of Tianjiao, slowly moving.


The other person who condensed the divine light of Tianjiao should be in that huge mountain range.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated at the moment, and flew directly towards the eastern sky.

But at this moment.

A cyan streamer suddenly pierced the sky on Jiang Chen's right, and blasted towards where Jiang Chen was.

"Huh? Did someone take the initiative to send it to the door?"

Jiang Chen stared at the cyan streamer on the right, and he was taken aback for a while.

And at the moment when Jiang Chen was stunned, the cyan streamer instantly traversed thousands of miles of space and appeared hundreds of meters away from Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards.

Countless cyan cold light sword auras woven into a dense sword net in the void, bursting out at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's face was indifferent, and he turned his hand with a palm print, and smashed the cyan sword net into pieces.

As the cyan sword net shattered, a cyan figure also appeared directly away from Jiang Chen a hundred meters away.

He was tall and slender, his face was cold, his eyes were cold, and the blue sword light was lingering around him. He looked like a peerless sword god.

The person here is not someone else, but Lu Changqing, the first arrogant of the Qingming Sword Sect.

He stared at Jiang Chen with cold eyes, and a sharp killing intent was also instantly diffused from him.

"Are you the one who killed my Qingming Sword Sect disciple?"

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